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flies by短语⁷⁶⁸⁵⁵ 基本例句 飞逝;一架或几架飞机在低空飞过指定地点;飞越;宇宙飞船飞近天体 The calendar was turned over one by one, the time flies by too hastily, the rapid speed; 日历一张张被翻过去,轻飘飘的;时间匆匆地飞逝而过,急速速的; blog.sina.com.cn As time flies by, only the smart can get what they are trying for when faced with all kinds of difficulties. 时代的变迁,无论面对何种问题,只有智者才能有所作为。 lyfloor It seems like the year flies by. 一年好像飞逝般过去。 iciba Objective: To compare the efficacy of catching flies by fly traps with brown sugar- vinegar and canker fish as baits. 目的:比较以糖醋和腐鱼为诱饵的诱蝇笼捕蝇效果。 cnki Once the laughter starts, it goes on for hours and the evening just flies by. 一旦笑声开始,它会延续几个小时,到傍晚降临。0370520 Packet sniffing is great, but as you've seen, Snort's packet sniffing mode assumes you're hunched over your display, eagerly watching as thousands of lines of network data flies by. 包嗅探非常出色,但如您所见, Snort的包嗅探模式假设您一直关注着显示器,急切地查看数千行网络数据。 ibm She always flies by British Airways. 她总是乘坐英国航空公司。 blog.sina.com.cn So far and way, see the birds as it flies by. 遥远的路途,望见飞鸟的行踪。 blog.sina.com.cn Summer vacation flies by fast, so it's important to do as much as you can. 暑期过得很快,所以,对于你而言,应该尽可能做更多的事。 hjenglish Whenever you say ' free' management pictures a photograph of you and Richard Stallman, holding hands under a rainbow while a unicorn flies by. 即便你可以说,免费给我们描绘了这样一副图景:你和 Richard Stallman在彩虹下握手,一只独角兽正凌空飞过。 linuxfans |