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AlstomCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 阿尔斯通财富500强公司之一,总部所在地法国,主要经营电子电气 A decision on Areva’s future ownership is expected soon, and since Alstom would replicate what Siemens does, the German company was an obstacle. 不久,阿海珐的归属将会明朗。由于阿尔斯通公司将模仿西门子公司的做法,那么西门子就成了一个障碍。 ecocn A merger with Alstom is unlikely in the near term, mainly because Alstom could not afford it. 近期不大可能和阿尔斯通合并,主要由于阿尔斯通负担不起。 ecocn Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France, wants to create a national nuclear- energy champion, and Alstom, a French engineering company, has been lobbying hard for a merger with Areva. 法国总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇希望创建一家顶级的核能企业。法国的一家工程公司阿尔斯通也一直在竭力游说,希望能与阿海珐合并。 ecocn Other railroad powerhouses include Bombardier of Canada, Siemens of Germany and Alstom of France, as well as General Electric and Lockheed Martin of the United States. 一同参与竞争的铁路巨头还包括:加拿大的庞巴迪公司,德国的西门子公司,法国的阿尔斯通公司,以及美国本土的通用电气公司、洛克希德·马丁公司。 yeeyan “A merger with Alstom would not bring adequate financial resources,” says an Areva executive. “同阿尔斯通合并不会为我们带来充足的资金来源,”阿海珐的一名管理人员说。 ecocn A spokesman for French engineering company Alstom said they were working on a range of initiatives to improve the wider efficiency of the plant and reduce its carbon output. 法国工程公司阿尔斯通的一位发言人说,他们正致力于一系列工作,以提高该电站的效率并减少其碳排放。 yeeyan Areva’s chief executive, Anne Lauvergeon, is fiercely opposed to a merger with Alstom, and the German firm’s retreat removes an important line of defence. 阿海珐的首席行政长官 Anne Lauvergeon坚决反对同阿尔斯通合并。而德国公司的离开使得他们失去了一道重要的防线。 ecocn Even SNCF, France’s national rail company, is considering buying them for the Eurostar, its trans- channel service, rather than patronising Alstom, the French national champion. 甚至连法国国家铁路公司也在考虑购买,以用于跨越海峡的交通项目欧洲之星的运营,而并没有购买法国国内的龙头老大阿尔斯通的产品。 ecocn Even so, Alstom clearly sees an opportunity to block the contract and perhaps engineer a re- tender. 即便如此,阿尔斯通公司清楚地看到一个阻止该交易的机会,或许能导致一次重新投标。 ecocn Having had near- death experiences at the beginning of the decade, big industrial firms in Europe, such as Alstom and ABB, were far more cautious this time round. 鉴于在21世纪初期有过近乎破产的经历,欧洲大型工业企业,像阿尔斯通和 ABB集团,此轮举债更加谨慎。 ecocn In Italy, Alstom is also questioning the by Trenitalia, in August, of a contract for high speed trains to Bombardier, a Canadian rival. 在意大利,阿尔斯通公司也质疑意大利铁路公司 Trenitalia在八月将一项高速列车合同授予其加拿大竞争对手庞巴迪公司 Bombardier。 ecocn Optimistically, the technology won’t be ready for prime time until 2015, that according to Alstom, the technology partner behind the Wisconsin capture project. 按照威斯康新捕捉项目的技术支持方阿尔斯通公司的说法,乐观估计的话,这项技术也可能要到2015年才能有效应用。 yeeyan Using a chilled ammonia process developed by French-based Alstom, the company hopes to capture some of the plant's CO2 emissions and store it2 miles underground in deep saline aquifers. 这家公司希望,利用法国阿尔斯通公司研发的氨冷却技术,收集电厂排放的部分二氧化碳,将其封存在地下2英里深处的盐水中。 yeeyan Which is not enough for the engineers at the German branch of Alstom. 这对于阿尔斯通德国分公司的工程师来说还远远不够。 yeeyan Alstom, the manufacturer of the new equipment, paid for the other half of the factory, hoping to develop expertise that will win it a worldwide market. 新设备制造商--阿尔斯通则为工厂支付了另一半的消费,并借此希望发展能够帮它赢得全球市场的专门知识。 yeeyan Alstom, Hitachi and others have also secured business. 阿尔斯通和日立等其他公司也参与到这笔交易中。 yeeyan Alstom says that it raised concerns months ago that inviting bids for trains with distributed power before these rules were clarified was jumping the gun. 阿尔斯通声称它在几个月前,就意识到了这项招标操之过急,还没等条例规则清楚明,针对新型动力分布式列车的竞标就开始了。 ecocn |