

单词 fleets
释义 fleet·s 英fliːt美fliːt COCA²⁴⁷⁷⁴BNC¹⁷⁴²⁰Economist¹²⁰⁹²
C舰队; 船队

a number of ships under one command, such as warships in the navy

C车队; 机群

a group of buses, aircraft, etc. under one control

group of aircraft operating together under the same ownershipgroup of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownershipa group of steamships operating together under the same ownershipa group of warships organized as a tactical unit
moving very fast;

fleet of foot

the fleet scurrying of squirrels

a swift current

swift flight of an arrow

a swift runner

move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart;

The hummingbird flitted among the branches

disappear gradually;

The pain eventually passed off

用作名词 n.
形容词+~combined fleet联合舰队commercial fleets商船队fishing fleet渔船队naval fleets海军舰队名词+~air fleet航空队,机群whaling fleets捕鲸船队~+名词fleet air army海军航空兵部队fleet fighter海军战斗机~+介词a fleet of clouds成堆的云朵a fleet of ships船队a fleet of taxis一队出租汽车a fleet of trucks卡车队
近义词 group群navy海军fast快的band乐队dart飞镖pass通过swift快的ships船舶Armada舰队marine海的company公司quick迅速的flutter摆动convoy护航队nimble敏捷的pass off发生flit轻快地飞fade逐渐消失blow over平息flotilla小型舰队task force特遣部队rapid短时间发生的…evanesce逐渐看不见
用作名词n.There is enough water in the harbor to float a fleet.海港的水域足够容纳一个舰队。
Fleets of buses took them the rest of the way.公共汽车队带他们走完剩下的路程。
He made his money with a fleet of moving vans.他靠一队家具搬运车赚钱。
The fishing fleet sails from the bay every morning.每天清晨,渔船队从海湾中驶出。
The Dutch fleet are sailing up the Thames.荷兰舰队向泰晤士河上游驶去。


用作名词Thefleetis manoeuvring in the Baltic.该舰队正在波罗的海演习。
The general ordered thefleetto remain where they were and wait for the further instructions.将军命令舰队原地待命。
Thefleetbegan to fill away on a northerly course.船队开始顺风向北航行。用作形容词That is afleethorse.那是一匹快马。用作及物动词On board the ship Ifleettime by read detective story.在船上我读侦探小说,借以消磨时间。用作不及物动词A planefleetedover the top of the hill.一架飞机掠过山顶。noun.group of ships
同义词 armada,flotilla,navy,squadronargosy,formation,line,tonnage,vessels,warshipsnaval force,sea power When we won again, some people got very angry, and the tournament directors basically said that it was not really in the spirit of the tournament to have these weird computer- designed fleets winning.
当我们最终夺冠时,一些人发火了,而赛事总监也说让如此一个奇怪的、由电脑设定的舰队获胜,有违比赛的精神。 yeeyan




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