

单词 flat panel
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Mr. Jobs posed with a30-inch flat panel display in 2004. That year, he was diagnosed with a rare type of pancreatic cancer.
图为2004年,乔布斯与一台30英寸的平板显示器合影。同年,他被诊断出患上了一种罕见的胰腺癌。 www.youfind.com.cn

For example, coming out of the2007 holiday season, nearly50% of all flat panel sales were over40 inches. Today, Mr. DuBravac says that numbers stands closer to35%.
比如,2007年假日季节售出的平板电视接近50%在40英寸以上,而今天这个比例是接近35%。 ebigear

HDTV requires high definition, high quality and large flat panel displays.
HDTV要求高清晰度、高画质和大屏幕平板显示。 cnki

One of the most apparent trends from this month's Consumer Electronics Show CES, was the proliferation of flat panel, internet-connected TVs.
平板网络电视的激增是本月开幕的国际消费电子展 CES最显著的潮流之一。 yeeyan

Until now, two-dimensional, high- resolution flat panel color displays and3D static monochrome images have been the most advanced visual planning tools available.
在此之前,二维高分辨率平板彩色显示图和三维静止黑白图像一直是最先进的视觉规划工具。 www.etiri.com.cn

Young and wealthy business men and women laugh over drinks while Vice President Reynolds speaks on the many flat panel televisions hanging on the walls.
年轻富有的生意人一边喝酒一边欢笑,挂在墙上的平板电视机中播放着副总统的演讲。 yeeyan




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