

单词 alquist
释义 alquist ˈælˌkwɪst COCA¹⁹¹⁶⁹³
And yet, despite California State Senate Bill1395's near universal support, the ideas behind the bill had languished for years on the desk of Senator Elaine Alquist.
不过,尽管1395提案得到了广泛的支持,其最初的想法却在伊兰的办公桌上搁置多年。 cnblogs

And now I'd like to introduce Senator Alquist.
下面我来介绍参议员阿尔奎斯特女士。 blog.sina.com.cn

The bill, proposed by state senator Elaine Alquist, is set to sail through the health committee, onto the state senate floor, and, eventually, into California state law.
这项由州参议员伊兰·阿尔奎斯特 Elaine Alquist提交的法案准备经健康委员会传至州参议院并最终写入加州法律。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Governor called State Senator Alquist, who he knew to be a long time advocate for organ donation.
后来州长又打电话给州参议员阿尔奎斯特,他知道阿是器官捐助的长期倡导者。 blog.sina.com.cn




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