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flare 英fleə美flɛrAHDflâr ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝46八COCA¹²⁰⁰⁰BNC¹⁷⁸³¹iWeb⁷⁶⁷⁵Economist¹³⁵⁸² 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.闪光²⁶;闪光信号¹;天耀斑;衣裙等张开¹¹v.闪光;闪耀¹⁶;爆发⁴⁶;张开过去分词flared现在分词flaring三单flares 光光亮摄影拍照发光,闪光
v.动词 vi. & vt. 燃烧; 闪光burn with a bright; unsteady flame vi. & vt. 向外展开of a skirt, the sides of a ship, etc. to spread gradually outwards; become wider at the bottom n.名词 S闪光; 火焰bright and unsteady or brief light or flame C闪光信号,照明弹flaring light used esp. as a signal S感情的爆发a sudden outburst, especially of a negative emotion C裙子等的展开部分widening shape Noun: a shape that spreads outward;the skirt had a wide flare a sudden burst of flamea burst of light used to communicate or illuminatereddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritationa sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms;a colitis flare infection can cause a lupus flare a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interferenceam unwanted reflection in an optical system or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflectiona sudden outburst of emotion;she felt a flare of delight she could not control her flare of rage a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identificationa short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines;he threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss baseball a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield Verb: burn brightly;Every star seemed to flare with new intensity become flared and widen, usually at one end;The bellbottom pants flare out shine with a sudden light;The night sky flared with the massive bombardment erupt or intensify suddenly;Unrest erupted in the country Tempers flared at the meeting The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism v.动词 flare, glare, glow, light, shine这组词的共同意思是“发光”,均可用作名词或动词。其区别是: 1.指由日月星辰等天体或灯光、火光发出或照射的光用shine; 指太阳、灯等发出的非常强烈、耀眼的光用glare; 指由铁等发出炽热的热光或无焰的燃烧用glow; 指由手电筒、火炬等发出的摇曳的闪光或火焰用flare; 而light可用于任何物体发出的光。例如: The sky was indigo blue, and a great many stars were shining.天空一片深蓝,闪烁着点点繁星。 The bright lights arrested the boy's attention.灿烂的灯光吸引了这个男孩的注意。 I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。 The glare of the head-lights almost blinded her.前车灯几乎把她的眼都照得睁不开了。 The glow from the embers warmed us.余烬的灼热使我们暖和。2.glow还可指因运动或激动而发热、发红或容光焕发; shine还可引申指眼神、情感等显露。例如: His face has a shine with perspiration.他的脸因出汗而显得亮晶晶。 The baby was all in a glow after a hot bath.婴儿在洗完热水澡后浑身通红。blaze,flame,flare,glow,glare,flash,glitter,twinkle,light这些名词均含有“火焰、烈火、光”之意。 blaze指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。 flame指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。 flare指摇曳的火焰。 glow指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。 glare指眩目的光。 flash指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。 glitter指连续发出闪烁不定的光。 twinkle指如星光等的闪烁。 light普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。 可能来自北欧语或荷兰语,本意是“伸展”,17世纪后开始表示“光亮的突然扩张”。 用作动词 v. ~+副词flare brightly闪亮flare destructively破坏性地燃烧flare heatedly〔vividly〕强烈地燃烧flare repeatedly反复地展开flare sightly稍向外展开flare about〔away, up〕燃烧起来flare out发出亮光~+介词flare at发起火来flare behind向后张开flare in在…中闪闪发光flare into激化flare like像…发光用作名词 n.动词+~drop a flare投射照明弹fire a flare发射信号弹give a flare发出闪光send up a flare发出信号弹形容词+~sudden flare突然闪出的光亮warning flare警告信号弹名词+~landing flares着陆照明弹~+介词flare of anger怒气的爆发the flare of a skirt裙子的展开部分 用作动词v. flare of v.+prep.
发出…亮光 signal by lights flare of sthI saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。 flare out v.+adv.
气愤地说 speak angrily flare outThe fire flared out brightly.火光闪亮。 A gust of wind made the torches flare out.一阵风吹得火把闪闪发光。flare outThe long feathered tail flared out behind it.它的长羽尾在后面呈喇叭形展开。引出直接引语“And don't speak to me like that!”she flared out.“别跟我这么说话!”她生气地喊道。 flare up v.+adv.
气愤地说 speak angrily flare upThe fire flared up when we thought it was out.我们以为火已经熄灭,但它突然又燃烧起来。 The fire flared up as the paper caught on.纸一着火,就烧得旺起来。 The campfire flared up in the sudden wind.突然刮起一阵风,营火呼呼地烧旺起来。flare upHis anger flared up when his motives were questioned.当问到他的动机时,他勃然大怒。 She flared up at the least thing.她为了小事突然发怒。flare upTrouble may flare up in the big city.大城市可能爆发骚乱。 Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.经过两个星期的平静之后,地面战又突然爆发了。 Street-fighting has flared up again in the big cities.在大城市又突然爆发了巷战。 The conflict flared up into a civil war.冲突突然演变为内战。 The infection in his wounds flared up.他的伤口感染突然加剧。引出直接引语“And don't speak to me like that!”she flared up.“别跟我这么说话!”她生气地喊道。GRE红宝书源于: flamen 火焰; 激情 fire fly in the air 天上飞的火星星,流星火在闪耀 和flame火焰一起记非常记忆fl俘虏〖拼音〗+are是〖熟词〗⇒一道闪光后,看清了俘虏是谁联想记忆古代用火fire来传递信息,今天发展成照明弹flare和blarev.鸣喇叭一起记,又鸣喇叭又闪火光近义词 lightn. glare 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe candle began to flare.烛光开始摇曳。 The torch flares in the darkness.火炬在黑暗中闪光。 Her new skirt flares slightly.她的新裙子稍向外张开。 The skirt flares at the knees.这条裙子在膝部向外展开。 The side of a ship flares from the keel to the deck.船舷从龙骨向甲板外倾。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The rockets flare a warning.火箭发出闪光警告。 The skirt should be flared at the bottom.裙子下端应展开。用作名词n.The match gave a lastflare.火柴发出最后的亮光。 He stood ready to fire a warningflare.他站着准备发出警告信号。Pflareda.喇叭状的Pbathoflare减萤光质Pflarestack火把烟囱Pflarebackn.后焰未料到的短暂重现Pflare-upn.光等的骤发骤燃突然发作
flare的基本意思是指在黑暗中或从将要熄灭的火中突然发出一股火焰。引申可指人突然发怒。 flare还可用于表示衣裙张开。 flare主要用作不及物动词,偶尔用作及物动词时,跟简单宾语。 名词59%,动词41% 用作名词Theflareof the match lit up his face.火柴的光照亮了他的脸。 He stood ready to fire a warningflare.他站着准备发出警告信号。 One possibility is that the blast was like an ultra-powerful solarflare.一种可能的原因是这种爆炸很像有超级能量的太阳耀斑。 These flows occurred after violently unstable magnetic reconnection events above the Sun produced theflare.这些在太阳表面上空剧烈而又不稳定的磁重联事件会产生耀斑。用作动词A gust of wind made the candlesflare.一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。 The fireflaredout brightly.火光闪亮。 My stomach ulcer hasflaredup again.我的胃溃疡突然又发作了。 The skirtflaresout at the hem.这条裙子的下摆张的很大。 Her nostrilsflaredangrily.她气得鼻孔都鼓了起来。verb.increase activity suddenly 同义词 blaze,boil over,break out,burn,explode,flare up,flash,flicker,glow,seetheburst,dart,dazzle,flutter,fume,glare,rant,shimmerburn up,fire up,go off,lose control,shoot upverb.spread 同义词 widenbroaden,grow,splay anglenoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point V,Y,bend,corner,crook,crotch,cusp,decline,divergence,dogleg,edge,elbow,flection,flexure,fork,incline,intersection,knee,nook,notch,obliquity,point,slant,turn,turning,twist anglesnoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point VS,YS,bends,corners,crooks,crotches,cusps,declines,divergences,doglegs,edges,elbows,flares,flections,flexures,forks,inclines,intersections,knees,nooks,notches,obliquities,points,slants,turnings,turns,twists beaconnoun light used as signal, guide alarm,alert,balefire,beam,bonfire,flare,guidepost,heliograph,lamp,lantern,lighthouse,lodestar,pharos,radar,rocket,sign,signal fire,smoke signal,warning signal,watchtower blazenoun flash of light beam,brilliance,burst,flare,glare,gleam,glitter,glow,radiance blazeverb burn brightly beam,burst out,coruscate,explode,fire,flame,flare,flash,flicker,fulgurate,glare,gleam,glow,illuminate,illumine,incandesce,jet,light,radiate,scintillate,shimmer,shine,sparkle boilverb be angry be indignant,blow up,bristle,burn,flare,foam at the mouth,fulminate,fume,rage,rave,sputter,storm The flare spread from Active Region1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, which had so far lagged behind the northern hemisphere in flash activity. It followed several smaller flares in recent days. 此次耀斑是从太阳南半球的活跃区1158区延伸开来,此前太阳南半球的耀斑活跃性落后于北半球,此后几天又发生了几次小规模的耀斑活动。 yeeyan This energy soon showered Earth's upper atmosphere, tearing apart atoms in a region called the ionosphere to a greater depth than an ordinary solar flare and causing them to glow. 这个能量很快显示到地球的外大气层,将在电离层中的原子击开,使它们发出比普通太阳耀斑使它们发的更亮的光。 bugutang |