释义 |
fix·es 英fɪks美fɪks COCA²²⁸⁹³BNC²⁶⁴⁶⁸Economist¹¹³³⁴ 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 v.使…固定¹;修理,处理,解决;确定³⁶;准备¹⁷;操纵¹⁰n.困境²⁵;船只、飞机等的定方位;贿赂⁶;暂时的解决方法;理解⁵原型fix的三单形容词fixable名词fixer过去分词fixed现在分词fixing三单fixes v.动词 vt. 修理; 校准repair vt. 整理,收拾straighten, sort out vt. 固定,安装make fasten or firm vt. & vi. 安排; 决定,确定arrange; organize; provide for; determine or decide vt. 准备,做饭等cook or prepare especially food or drink for sb vt. 凝视single out sb by looking steadily vt. 吸引attract and hold the attention vt. 贿赂,收买bribe, bring about n.名词 C困境,窘境a difficult position C定位于the position as of a ship determined by bearings, observations or radio S受操纵的事sth that has been dishonestly arranged Noun: informal terms for a difficult situation;he got into a terrible fix he made a muddle of his marriage something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug;she needed a fix of chocolate the act of putting something in working order againan exemption granted after influence e.g., money is brought to bear;collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers a determination of the place where something is;he got a good fix on the target Verb: restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken;She repaired her TV set Repair my shoes please cause to be firmly attached;fasten the lock onto the door she fixed her gaze on the man decide upon or fix definitely;fix the variables specify the parameters prepare for eating by applying heat;Cook me dinner, please can you make me an omelette? fix breakfast for the guests, please take vengeance on or get even;We'll get them! That'll fix him good! This time I got him set or place definitely;Let's fix the date for the party! kill, preserve, and harden tissue in order to prepare for microscopic studymake fixed, stable or stationary;let's fix the picture to the frame make infertile;in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized influence an event or its outcome by illegal means;fix a race put something somewhere firmly;She posited her hand on his shoulder deposit the suitcase on the bench fix your eyes on this spot make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;Get the children ready for school! prepare for war I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill v.动词 安娜叫我给全家安排一张桌子。❌ Anne asked me to fix the table to the family. ✔️ Anne asked me to fix the table for the family. 析 fix可接双宾语,其间接宾语只能转化为for的宾语,不能转化为to的宾语。 我发现他气愤地凝视着我,足有20分钟。❌ I found he fixed his eyes to me with anger for almost twenty minutes. ✔️ I found he fixed his eyes on me with anger for almost twenty minutes. 析 fix one's eyes on …表示“注视”“凝视”,为固定短语。 他们已准备去纽约。❌ They have fixed going to New York. ✔️ They have fixed on going to New York. ✔️ They have fixed to go to New York. 析 fix可接动词不定式作宾语,但不可接动名词作宾语, fix on可以接动名词。 v.动词 fix, establish, fasten, settle这四个词的共同含义是“使稳定”“使固定”。其区别是: 1.fix强调使稳固于、固定于某一位置、地方或情况中,且难以改变或移动。 2.establish强调使稳固而持久地建立起。例如: Every possibility has been exploited to establish a number of schools.利用一切可能性建立了许多学校。 The company has established a new system for dealing with complaints.这家公司建立了处理意见的新制度。3.settle则指“将…置于稳固的、有秩序的或永远的地方或情况中”。例如: We have settled what we'll discuss at the next meeting.我们已决定下次会议讨论什么内容。Their grandparents settled the land in 1856.他们的祖辈于1856年在这块土地上定居下来。 4.fasten只说明“系”“使其固定”这一动作,不强调动作的结果。也可指因出于好奇或向某人征求意见而目不转睛地看。例如: Please fasten the seatbelt when the plane is about to take off.飞机起飞时请系好安全带。 The stranger fastened on my arm.那个陌生人紧紧抓住我的胳膊。 His eyes fastened upon the beautiful lady.他的眼睛盯住那位美丽的妇人。fix, amend, mend, patch, repair这五个词都可表示“修理”“修补”。其区别是: 1.fix是口语用词。 2.repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。例如: We have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电动机。 Xiao Wang is repairing desks and chairs in the classroom.小王正在教室里修理桌椅。 The puncture has been repaired.那个洞被补上了。 The house must be repaired from top to bottom.这所房子必须彻底进行修理。3.mend多指修补磨损、穿破、撕毁的简单日常用品,也可用于比喻,指改进行为、修改法律、治愈感情创伤等。例如: Let me mend the socks for you.让我来给你补袜子。 The child will soon mend if she has enough to eat.这孩子如果有足够的东西吃就会很快恢复健康。 The relations between John and David are mending.约翰与戴维的关系在改善。 It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。 It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。4.amend是正式用语,含有改造人或法规的缺陷与不足之意。例如: You must amend your pronunciation.你必须改正你的发音。 The thief has amended.这小偷改过自新了。 It's time you amended your ways.是你改过自新的时候了。 The regulations are amended.这些规则被修正了。5.patch指用一块材料把有洞的地方、有裂痕的地方、被穿破的地方贴起来。例如: The workman patched the ceiling.工人修补了天花板。 This piece of material is just right to patch the roof.这块材料正好可用来补屋顶。 He patched all the fences near the house.他把靠近房子的围墙全都修了。fix, affix, attach, fasten这组词的共同意思是“把某物固定在某处或某个指定位置上”。其区别是: fasten指把某物牢牢地拴在、钉在或锁在另一物上面,使其不能随便移动; fix指仔细和精确地把某物安在或栽在、插在另一物体上面使其不致落下或松脱; attach强调把数个物体紧紧拴住或固定在一起以防止其分开; affix指贴上、粘上或附上。 fix, decide, determine, make up one's mind, resolve, settle这组词组都有“决定”的意思。其区别在于: 1.decide是普通用词,指经过讨论、思考消除分歧而对是非、优劣、取舍等问题“作出决定”; resolve强调信念的目的性; 而settle则强调最后的“决定”。例如: From that moment she resolved to trace the unknown element.从那时起,她决心找出这种未知的元素。 He resolved that nothing should hold back.他决心不为任何阻碍所挫。 The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.这场大雨也许能使变幻不定的天气稳定下来。2.determine强调“意志坚定”“不可动摇”,也常用于科技方面通过调查或认真思考后作出“决定”或“确定”。例如: His advice determined me against further delay.他的劝告使我决定不再拖延。 He is determined to break away all the bad habits.他决心改掉所有坏习惯。 An X-ray determined that no bones were broken.经X光测定,没有发生骨折。3.fix指经过考虑和商议后作出决定,强调不再改变。例如: Once the aim is fixed, we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一经确定,我们就不要随意改变。4.make up one's mind指下决心做某事,不再改变。例如: Have you made up your mind about it?关于这件事,你拿定主意了没有? They have made up their minds to set off tomorrow afternoon.他们决定明天下午动身。fix, cook, get, make, prepare这组词都可以表示“做”,其区别是: cook只用于食品而不用于饮料; 其他几个词都可以用于饮料。make和get可以互换; 而prepare和fix则强调准备的过程。例如: She is cooking in the kitchen.她在厨房里做饭。 Let me fix you a drink!我来为你倒杯饮料。 He got〔made〕 himself a cup of coffee.他给自己冲了杯咖啡。 You shouldn't have troubled yourself to prepare such a feast!你本不该准备这样丰盛的饭菜,这样太麻烦你了。fix on, gaze at, glare at, stare at这四个短语的共同意思是“注意看”。其区别是: fix on是普通用语,指目光集中在某物上或注意力集中在某事上; glare at指愤怒、凶猛地看,强调敌对或威胁的态度; gaze at指着迷地或惊羡地看,强调目不转睛; 而stare at则指呆呆地看,含有无礼或粗鲁的意味。例如: He glared at me hatefully.他以仇视的眼神盯着我。 He is gazing at the beautiful woman.他凝视着那位漂亮的女人。 It's rude to stare at other people.直勾勾地看人不礼貌。下面两句话的意思相同:I was just fixing to leave home. I was just fixing on leaving home.我正要离家外出。mend,repair,patch,fix这些动词均含“修理、修复”之意。 mend通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具。 repair可与mend换用,但一般指需要较高的职业技能和使用较复杂的工具进行修理。 patch通常指用类似材料修补破洞、裂缝或磨损的地方。 fix多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装,固定性质的修理。 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的fixer;最初源自古典拉丁语的fixus,意为固定的。 用作动词 v. ~+名词fix a bed修理床铺fix a bicycle修自行车fix books修订书籍fix a broken cup修补一只坏杯子fix a broken table修理坏桌子fix a chair修椅子fix a clock修钟fix clothes补衣服fix a flat tyre修补漏气轮胎fix one's fences修补篱笆fix a radio修理收音机fix a road修路fix torn clothes缝补破衣服fix a window修理窗户fix a bayonets上刺刀fix a lamp to the wall将灯装在墙上fix a machine安装机器fix a microphone安装扩音器fix a mirror装镜子fix a lid安装盖子fix a tooth镶牙fix a price确定价格fix place确定地点fix salary确定薪金fix the date of a fossil确定化石的年代fix the rent确定租金fix the rules of contest确定比赛规则fix time确定时间fix a bowl of egg soup做一碗鸡蛋汤fix a boxing match安排一场拳击比赛fix a meal做饭fix coffee准备咖啡fix dinner准备晚餐fix room准备房间fix salad拌色拉fix supper准备晚饭fix a game比赛作弊fix the election选举作弊fix hair梳理头发fix the jury买通陪审团~+副词fix upright直立地安装fix well牢记fix accurately精确地固定fix admirably极好地安排fix amicably友好地安排fix apparently明显地修理fix arbitrarily专断地决定fix artfully灵巧地修理fix artistically艺术性地修理fix beautifully美妙地安排fix becomingly适当地安排fix carefully小心地安排fix cautiously小心地修理fix cheerfully兴致勃勃地准备fix cleverly巧妙地安排fix clumsily拙劣地安排fix completely彻底地修理fix complexly复杂地安排fix comprehensively全面地修理fix conditionally有条件地准备fix confidentially机密地安排fix cordially真心诚意地准备fix correctly正确地安排fix crudely粗俗地安排fix definitely明确地确定fix deftly巧妙地安排fix delicately灵敏地安排fix dramatically不寻常地安排fix dubiously不可靠地确定fix efficiently有效地安排fix elaborately详尽地安排fix entirely完全地修理fix expertly精于修理fix exquisitely精美地安排fix fantastically荒谬地安排fix felicitously恰当地安排fix finally最后确定fix firmly牢记fix frequently经常地修理fix futilely徒劳地修理fix harmoniously和谐地安排fix hideously令人惊骇地安排fix ideally完美地安排fix immediately立即安排fix incessantly持续不断地修理fix indirectly间接安排fix ingeniously巧妙地安排fix instructively有益地安排fix intelligently明智地安排fix irrelevantly不相关地安排fix laudably值得赞许地安排fix mechanically习惯性地安排fix methodically有条理地安排fix momentarily顷刻之间地安排fix mutually相互凝视fix obviously显而易见地安排fix officially正式地确定fix ostensibly表面上地安排fix painfully痛苦地安排fix politely有礼貌地凝视fix possibly令人满意地安排fix previously事先地安排fix provisionally临时地安排fix reassuringly令人安心地凝视fix recently最近地安排fix reluctantly勉强地安排fix rigidly严格地修理fix satisfactorily满意地安排fix sensibly合理地安排fix specifically特殊地安排fix steadfastly坚定地安排fix steadily稳定地决定fix sufficiently充分地固定fix systematically有规律地安排fix tastefully布置得很高雅fix temptingly诱人地安排fix tentatively暂时地安排fix treacherously不可靠地安排fix unconsciously不知不觉地修理fix unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地确定fix unquestionably肯定地安排fix widely大规模地修理fix over修理,重装fix up修好,整理,安排,解决~+介词fix about安排…fix as把…确定为…fix by根据…形成fix for确定…的日期,为…准备…fix sb for the night给某人安顿住处fix in在…安装…fix sth in one's mind牢记…fix on确定,选定fix on a plan商定一项计划fix upon注视…fix sb with a stare瞪某人一眼用作名词 n.动词+~get〔take〕 a fix on sth定出其目标的位置get oneself into a fix陷入困境形容词+~awkward fix困境bad fix困境dreadful fix可怕的困境frightful fix可怕的困境momentary fix暂时遇到的困境pretty fix为难real fix真的困境erroneous fix定错方位running fix移动定位名词+~navigator fix领航坐标~+名词fix oil硬化油fix position定位fix screw固定螺丝fix stopper固定塞子介词+~in a fix处境困难out of fix已损坏的 用作动词v. fix for v.+prep.
解决了…的供给 solution the supply of sth fix sb/sth for sthTry to fix the football game for Tuesday.尽量把足球赛安排在周二。 My sister fixed a date for the celebration.我的姐姐已经确定了庆祝日。 I am not fixed for Saturday; let's meet then.星期六我没事,咱们那天见面吧。 The committee meeting is fixed for 3 o'clock.委员会会议定于3点召开。fix for sth to-vWe have fixed for the wedding to take place on Sunday.我们已经决定在星期天举行婚礼。fix for sthHave you fixed for money?你解决了钱的问题了吗? fix on¹ v.+adv.
把…固定住 make sth stay firmly in place on sth fix sth ⇔ onThe tail won't come off the toy plane, it's fixed on with nails.玩具飞机的机尾掉不下来,它是用钉子钉住的。 fix on²〔upon〕 v.+prep.
确定,选定 decide about fit sth on〔upon〕 sb/sthThe tail is fixed on the model plane with nails, it cannot come off.模型飞机的机尾是用钉子钉在飞机上的,不会掉下来。fix sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth/wh-clauseFix your eyes on the road and we will be much safer.眼睛盯住公路,这样我们就更安全些。 He fixed his eyes upon her.他注视着她。 Please fix your thoughts upon where we're going, or we shall get lost.请你把思想集中在我们去往何方,否则我们会迷路的。 He fixed his attention upon what he was doing.他专心于在从事的工作。fix on〔upon〕 sth/v-ingJim has fixed on the idea.吉姆主意已定。 Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗? After a long discussion we fixed on this site for the new reservoir.经过长时间的讨论,我们选定在这块地方修建新水库。 You can't fix the blame on me,I can prove I was somewhere else.你不能定我的罪,我可以证实我当时在别的地方。 He has fixed on going abroad for his holiday.他已决定去外国度假。fix on〔upon〕 sb to-vThey fixed on him to speak on their behalf.他们已经确定他作为代表发言。 fix over v.+adv.
修理,修补 repair or remake fix sth ⇔ overCan the garage man fix over the engine?那位汽车修理工能把这台发动机修好吗? I think I can fix the dress over so that the hole doesn't show.我想我能补好这件衣服,使这个洞看不出来。 fix up v.+adv.
安顿,照应 find a place to stay fix sth ⇔ upThe garage man fixed up the old car and sold it at a profit.这个汽车修理工把那辆旧汽车修好了,并把它卖掉,赚了一些钱。 We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.出售前,我们得把房子修缮一下。 The old machine was fixed up and put to work again.那台旧机器修好了,又开始转动了。fix sb/sth ⇔ upPlease fix up an appointment with the doctor for me.请替我跟医生预约一下。 Have you fixed up the photographs for the wedding?婚礼上照相的事你们安排妥了吗? Can you fix up a meeting with the director?你能否安排一次与主任的会晤? We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.我们必须再碰一次头以议定合同的细节。 He fixed it up.他确定下来了。fix up to-vThey've fixed up to visit us next month.他们决定下个月访问我们。fix sb ⇔ upAsk your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥给你介绍一位好姑娘。 I can fix you up with a good used car.我可以给你找一辆完好的旧汽车。 I think we can fix you up with what you want.我想,我们能够提供你所要的一切。fix sb ⇔ upHe fixed us up in a good hotel.他给我们安排了一个好旅馆。 I have a friend who can fix me up for the weekend.我的一个朋友可以给我安排周末的住处。 The hotel attendants fixed up the tired travellers for the night.旅馆的服务员为风尘仆仆的旅客们安排了住处。 We were fixed up for the night in a hotel.我们被安顿在旅馆里过夜。 fix it〔things〕 up v.+n.+adv.
安排好,谈妥 make a special arrangement fix with v.+prep.
用某种目光看某人 look at sb with a kind of look fix sth with sthYou can fix the toy plane's tail with this glue.你可以用这种胶水将玩具飞机的机尾粘住。fix sth with sbWe have fixed the deal with the builders, they will start tomorrow.我们已与建筑工人谈妥了这桩交易,他们明天就动工。fix sb with sthFixing the boy with a steady look, the teacher forced him to tell the truth.老师紧盯着这个男孩,迫使他讲出实情。用作名词n.out of fix身体不舒服 unwell run into a fix使某人陷入困境 land oneself in a predicament run sb into a fixThis lawsuit ran him into a fix.这场官司使他陷入了困境。 This case ran the defendant into a fix.这个案件使被告人陷入了困境。近义词 setjamfirmsealtidymessspotstickarriveattachcementdecidedefinefastensettlescrapeappointarrangeconfirmdeterminev. adjustdifficultytien. corner反义词 alter改变modify修改replace取代 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.Something went wrong with his machine so I helped him fix it.他的机器出了毛病,于是我帮他修理。 We are going to fix the broken machine.我们将要修理那台坏机器。 Who fixed your radio?You get excellent reception now.谁给你修的收音机?现在你的收音机收音很清楚。 They know how to fix their cars.他们知道怎样修理自己的车子。 You'd better call someone to fix that leak.你最好叫人修补一下那个漏洞。 Where can we fix the tyre?什么地方能补车胎? He fixed my bad composition.他校改了我写得不好的作文。 He learned how to fix window glasses and latches.他学怎样装窗上的玻璃和插销。 If you haven't got the special fasteners to fix your photographs into the book, you'll have to gum them on.如果没有专用的固定物把相片固定在相册中的话,你就得用胶水粘。 The glue will fix the two sheets.这种胶水会使那两块薄片黏合在一起。 If you want to meet them,I can fix it.如果你想见他们,我可以安排这事。 We will fix the price, if you wish.如果你愿意,我们就把价钱定下来。 Let us fix the rent.让我们定下房租。 The Andys' fixed their residence at Windsor.安迪一家定居在温莎。 I must fix my face.我必须把脸弄得干净些。 She fixed her hair.她梳理好自己的头发。 He cannot fix his own breakfast yet because he is too young.他年纪太小还不会自己做饭。 The exhibits fixed their attention.展品吸引了他们的注意力。 He fixed it firmly in the memory.他牢牢地记着它。 Can they fix the judge?他们能买通法官吗? You fixed it so that I would be blamed.你在暗中使坏,好让我受责备。 That big corporation tried to fix the press to sit on the story.那家大公司企图贿赂新闻界把这方面的报道压下来。 He tried to fix the policeman not to arrest him.他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他。 Thanks a lot,I'll fix you later.麻烦你,一会给你小费。 The new prison system is designed to reform criminals rather than just fix them.新的监禁制度目的在于改造罪犯,而不只是为了惩治他们。 Let's fix fire in the stove.用炉子生个火吧。 This radio should be fixed.这台收音机该修一下了。 The stove is fixed.火炉装好了。 The blood on the floor was becoming fixed.地板上的血在凝固了。 The prices of goods are fixed too high.物价定得太高。 The date was not fixed.日期还没有确定下来。 Tuesday has been fixed as the date for instituting the minister into his new living.授予那位牧师新圣职的日期已定于星期二。 Once the aim is fixed, we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。 A child's personality is fixed in the first five years of life.小孩的性格在出生5年内就固定了。 The jury had been fixed.陪审团被收买了。 I can't be certain how it'll be fixed.我拿不准怎样才能成功。 He is well fixed.他光景好。 He is well fixed by beer.他由于喝了啤酒,情绪很好。 According to the school regulation anyone who raises the devil on the school campus will be fixed.遵照学校的规定,任何人在校园内捣乱都将受到惩罚。 Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been fixed.正义得到伸张,罪犯受到惩罚。 Now, remember!If you do that again, you'll be fixed.记住!如果你再那样做,就要受罚了。S+~+wh-to- vHave you fixed how to deal with the waste?你们决定了怎么处理这些废物了吗? We haven't fixed when to leave yet.我们尚未确定何时动身。 We haven't fixed where to stay yet.我们还没有确定到底住哪里。 用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Mother decided to fix them a meal.妈妈打算给他们准备一顿饭。 Can't you stay a little longer?I'll fix you lunch.请再呆一会吧,我将为你准备午餐。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.I will fix the same room for you.我会给你安排同样的房间。 Have they fixed places for you?他们给你安排地方了吗? Father is fixing breakfast for the whole family.父亲在为全家人做早饭。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +as n./pronMany experts fix this date as 1643.许多专家把这个年代确定为1643年。其他v -ed as Attrib.Steadily rising prices press mostly on the poor and on the old people with fixed incomes.不断上涨的物价使穷人和收入固定的老人担忧。be ~ing to+ vI am fixing to go boating on Sunday.我准备星期天去划船。 It is fixing to rain.天快下雨了。用作名词n.We're in a real fix —there's nobody to look after the baby!我们的处境实在是困难,没人照看婴儿! A fix served to educate us and we learnt many things.困难局面起了教育我们的作用,我们学会了很多东西。 He got himself into a bad fix.他使自己陷入困境。 She got herself into a fix by accepting two dates for the same dance.她因在同一个舞会接受了两个约会而使自己处于进退两难的境地。 I'm in a fix,David; you've got to help me out.戴维,我现在进退两难,你得帮我个忙呀。 I'm in a fine fix, but he will be a nice fix.我的情况不错,可他将要处在困难的境地。 He wrecked his father's car, and now he is in a pretty fix.他搞坏了他爸爸的汽车,现在可作难了。 I'm in awful fix.我深处困境。 It can't be helped, you know, he isn't the only one in the same fix.这是没办法的,你知道,处于这种困难情况的不止他一个。 The mother found her daughter in a fix.母亲发现她的女儿怀孕了。 He lived from fix to fix, and constantly begged his brother, the narcotics detective, for heroin.他生活潦倒,总是向他当毒品侦探的弟弟要海洛因抽。 We got a fix on the missile launching site.我们确定了导弹发射场的位置。 Can you get a fix on the submarine?你能确定潜艇的位置吗? The navigator took a fix on the sun and steered the ship due north.领航员对太阳定位后将船朝正北驶去。 Can you get a fix on the spy's identity?你能确定那个间谍的身份吗? The election was a fix!这次选举是受人操纵的! v.动词
fix的基本意思在美式英语中是“整理”,在英国则是“修理”“安装”,指将某物安装在…之上,使之稳固或难以改变。引申可指“安排”“决定”“确定”“凝视”等。 fix在句中可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为for的宾语。可用于被动结构。 “be fixing to+动词原形”可以表示“准备做某事”,含有“确定下来”“不会变”的意味。 n.名词
fix用作名词时基本意思是“困境”“窘境”; 也可作“定位于”解,均用作可数名词。 fix的另一个意思是“受操纵的事”,只用单数形式。 动词75%,名词25% 用作动词Hefixeda shelf to the wall.他把架子装在墙上。 My watch has stopped it needsfixing.我的表停了,需要修理了。 Have youfixedon a date for the wedding?你们选定结婚日期了吗? Give me a couple of minutes while Ifixmy hair.给我几分钟时间,我在梳理头发。 I'm sure the match isfixed.我确定这场比赛是被操纵的。用作名词We are in a realfix- there is nobody to look after the baby.我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。 They managed to get afixon the yacht's position.他们设法确定了快艇的方位。 Her promotion was afix, I'm sure.我敢肯定她的提升有鬼. Because we deliver a limited number of fixes in a smaller package, customers can deploy with less testing and less risk than they could with a bigger maintenance release. 因为我们使用更小的包交付有限的补丁,这样客户部署时需要的测试更少,与较大的维护发行版相比,承担的风险也更小。 ibm |