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FIVCOCA¹⁶²⁴⁸⁸ 基本例句 =forced inspiratory volume 强力吸气容积¹⁰⁰ All good things must come to an end! Thank you very much for FIV's cultivation in these four years. 天下无不散之宴席!四年的时间转眼就过去了,非常感谢公司一直以来的培养。 bbs.city.tianya.cn Cats who test positive for FIV can show many different symptoms. 感染FIV的猫咪可能有很多不同的症状。 iciba Flow- induced vibration FIV is an important problem for the safety and reliability of structures in nuclear reactors. 流体诱发振动是关系到核反应堆结构设计的安全性和可靠性的重要问题。 cnki Poeschla and colleagues next plan to test whether the cats are resistant to FIV, or, if not, whether they are less likely to develop feline AIDS after infection. Poeschla和同事们接下来计划试验是否这些猫可以抗 FIV病毒,或者,如果不能,那么是否它们在被感染之后,较不易发展成为猫类 AIDS。 yeeyan The viruses, known as lentiviruses, are different enough that cats can't catch HIV and people can't get FIV, but most of their basic biochemistry is the same. 这些慢病毒非常不同,以至于猫类不会感染 HIV而人类不会感染 FIV,但是他们基础的生物化学属性是相同的。 yeeyan There are some other types of immunodeficiency viruses that specifically affect cats and other primates, namely the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus FIV and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus SIV. 一些其他类型的免疫缺陷病毒可以影响猫和其他灵长类动物,即猫科类免疫缺陷病毒 FIP和猿猴免疫缺损病毒 SIV。 yeeyan When the researchers tried to infect blood cells from the genetically modified kittens with FIV, the virus didn't replicate well. 当研究者们试图用 FIV感染转基因小猫的血细胞时,病毒却没有成功复制。 yeeyan FIV is shed in the saliva of infected cats, so the disease is spread through bite wounds. FIV是由已经感染猫咪的唾液传播出去的,所以疾病的传播是经由咬伤的伤口传染到。 iciba |