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词汇 fish
释义 fish 英fɪʃ美fɪʃAHDfĭsh


cold-blooded animal living in water and breathing through gills, with fins and a tail for swimming


flesh of fish eaten as food

vt. & vi. 捕鱼; 钓鱼

try to catch fish in a piece of water

vt. & vi. 摸出,掏出

bring up

any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills;

the shark is a large fish

in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish

the flesh of fish used as food;

in Japan most fish is eaten raw

after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat

they have a chef who specializes in fish

astrology a person who is born while the sun is in Piscesthe twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
seek indirectly;

fish for compliments

catch or try to catch fish or shellfish;

I like to go fishing on weekends


❌ Fish and chips are getting very expensive.

✔️ Fish and chips is getting very expensive.



❌ There is several fish in the lake.

✔️ There are several fishes in the lake.



❌ I often go to fish at weekends.

✔️ I often go fishing at weekends.

表示“去钓鱼”要用go fishing,不能用go to fish。

fish, angle


fish指使用渔网、渔杆等工具捕钓鱼,而不暗示目的; angle则专指作为运动或消遣活动而钓鱼。例如:

Do you often go fishing?你常去钓鱼吗?
He loves to go angling on a fine summerday.他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去钓鱼。go fishing, go in for fishing

这两个短语的意思不同:go fishing的意思是“去钓鱼”,指娱乐活动; go in for fishing的意思是“从事渔业”,指职业。例如:

He used to go fishing on Sundays.他过去每逢星期天都去钓鱼。
He goes in for fishing.他以捕鱼为生。来自PIE*peisk, 鱼,词源同Pisces, piscivorous.进一步来自PIE*pa, 喂食,食物,词源同food.比较fur.
用作名词 n.
动词+~breed fish养鱼buy fish买鱼catch fish扑鱼,抓住鱼cook fish烹鱼cure fish用腌、熏、晒、烤等方法加工储存鱼eat fish吃鱼feed fish喂鱼,葬身鱼腹,晕船fry fish煎鱼,炸鱼hook a fish钓鱼net fish用网捕鱼raise fish养鱼sell fish卖鱼steam the fish蒸鱼have other fish to fry另有他图land a fish如愿到手,如愿以偿形容词+~big fish大鱼boned fish去刺的鱼bony fish多刺的鱼cold fish冷漠的人,不合群的人cooked fish做熟的鱼dead fish死鱼deep-sea fish深海鱼dressed fish除去了内脏的鱼dried fish干鱼fresh fish鲜鱼fresh-caught fish刚刚捕到手的鱼little fish小鱼live fish活鱼loose fish放荡鬼poor fish可怜虫queer fish怪癖的人salt fish咸鱼smoked fish熏鱼名词+~food fish食用鱼fresh water fish淡水鱼game fish供捕钓的鱼lake fish湖鱼river fish河鱼salt water fish咸水鱼sea fish海鱼table fish食用鱼~+名词fish culture渔业,养鱼法fish fry炸鱼介词+~a good catch of fish捕获大量的鱼a school of fish一群鱼drink like a fish牛饮,大口大口地喝酒like a fish out of water如鱼离水,不适应用作动词 v.~+副词fish contentedly高兴地钓鱼fish intently专心地钓鱼fish placidly静静地钓鱼fish around翻来翻去fish out从水中把…捞出fish out from从…里捞出fish up从…里拖出~+介词fish for a living以捕鱼为主fish for information探听消息fish in the air缘木求鱼fish in the sea在海里捕鱼fish on a stream在小溪捕鱼fish out of从…里捞出fish through the ice破冰捕鱼
用作名词 odd fish

古怪的人,难以理解的人 eccentric person, person whom others find hard to understand

fish out of water

因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人 person who feels unfamiliar with surroundings

fish for v.+prep.

尽力想出 try to find out in one's mind

fish in v.+prep.

在…捕鱼 catch fish in some place

fish in sthYou're not allowed to fish in this part of the river without special permission.未经特殊许可,这段河中禁止捕鱼。
fish out v.+adv.

把…中的鱼捕尽 catch all fish

fish up v.+adv.

找到… find out

非常记忆fi飞〖谐音〗+sh上海〖拼音〗⇒飞到上海钓鱼故事记忆心中 Wish愿望钓到 Fish鱼做成 Dish菜小学英语速记发音记忆:“费事”→吃鱼很费事→鱼近义词 chapdripcasthinthuntseektrolln. aquaticfellowv. angle
用作名词n.The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼游水底。
Is a turtle a fish?海龟是一种鱼吗?
At last,we caught three little fish for our soup.最后,我们终于捉到了三条小鱼烧汤。
What kind of fish is this?这是什么鱼?
He found some dead fish beside the sea.他在海边发现一些死鱼。
There weren't any fish in the net.网里什么鱼也没有。
The little boy caught a fish.小男孩捉了一条鱼。
They caught a lot of fishes but I didn't catch one.他们抓了许多鱼,我却一条也没有抓到。
These fishes are found only in the ocean.这些鱼只能在海洋见到。
We'll go and look at the fishes in the aquarium next Sunday.下星期天我们将去水族馆观赏那儿的鱼。
Fish was the last course that day.那天,鱼是最后一道菜。
Will you have a little more fish?再吃点鱼吧?
I like fish better than meat.与肉相比我更喜欢吃鱼。
Help yourself to some fish.请随便吃鱼。用作动词v.
S+~+AI like fishing.我喜欢钓鱼。
I go fishing every weekend.我每个周末都去钓鱼。
During the rest of the time they fished or swam.余下的时间他们钓鱼和游泳。
Every morning he went out early to fish.每天早晨他很早出去捕鱼。
The stream fishes well.这条小溪好钓鱼。
She was fishing around in her handbag trying to find the key.她在她的手提包中摸索着找钥匙。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't fish the pool.不要在池塘里钓鱼。
They were fishing the mouth of the river.他们在河口钓鱼。
This river has been fished too much.这条河里的鱼被捕捉得太多了。Pcodfishn.Pfishings油皮Pangelfish楔形Pcatfishn.鲶鱼Pfisheryn.渔业Pfishpaper鱼纸Pgarfishn.雀鳝Phagfishn.盲鳗Phogfishn.猪鱼Pmudfishn.泥鱼Ppigfishn.石鲈Predfishn.鲑鱼Psawfishn.锯鳐Pblowfishn.河豚Pbluefishn.蓝鱼Pbutterfishn.Pcoalfishn.黑鳕Pfilefishn.豚鱼Pfishbonen.鱼骨Pfishlinen.钓丝Pfishwormn.蚯蚓Pfrogfishn.璧鱼Pgoldfishn.金鱼Plungfishn.肺鱼Pnumbfishn.电鳐Prockfishn.岩鱼Psailfishn.旗鱼Pstarfishn.海星Ptoadfishn.蟾鱼Pwolffishn.狼鱼Pblackfishn.黑鲸Pcandle-fish烛鱼Pcrampfishn.电鳐Pglobefishn.河豚Pkillifish克鲤鱼Plung-fish肺鱼类Pswellfishn.河豚Pswordfishn.箭鱼Pcrayfishn.小龙虾Pdog-fish角鲛星鲛Pfish-soundn.鱼鳔Pflatfishn.比目鱼Plumpfishn.圆鳍鱼Pmilkfishn.遮目鱼Prabbitfishn.银鲛Pballoonfishn.河豚Pfish-pondn.养鱼塘Pfishing-rod钓鱼杆Pfishplaten.鱼尾板Pinkfishn.乌贼墨鱼Pjewfishn.暖海鱼属Psablefishn.裸盖鱼Psheatfishn.六须鲇Psleeve-fishn.鱿鱼Pfingerfishn.海盘车Pfish-farmingn.养鱼Pfishbowln.玻璃鱼缸Pfishhookn.鱼钩钓钩Pribbonfishn.皇带鱼Pcowfishn.海牛灰海豚Pdogfishn.狗鲨巨头鲸Pfishnetn.鱼网伪装网Pfly-fishvi.用蝇钓鱼Ppanfishn.煎食的小鱼Pstar-fish海星海盘车Pstockfishn.淡鳕鱼干Pwhitefishn.白鲑白鲸Pcuttlefishn.墨鱼乌贼Pfish-eyea.鱼眼镜头的Pfishmongern.鱼贩鱼商Ppipefishn.杨枝鱼海龙Pkingfishern.鱼狗翠鸟Pfishmann.捕鱼人捕鱼船Pfishworksn.鱼类制品厂Pfly-fishingn.用蝇钓鱼Pfrostfishn.大西洋小鳕Psunfishn.翻车鱼太阳鱼Pfishburgern.鱼饼三明治Pfishlikea.似鱼的冷淡的Pfishpondn.养鱼塘养鱼池Pclownfishn.小丑鱼海葵鱼Psnailfishn.狮子鱼属的鱼Pfishinessn.多鱼鱼味腥臭Pfishern.渔夫食鱼动物渔船Pkingfishn.大海鱼首领头子Psilverfishn.银色的鱼蠹虫Pfishilyad.无表情地多鱼地Pfishermann.渔夫钓鱼者渔船Pfishingn.钓鱼鱼业a.钓鱼的Pfishya.鱼似的多鱼的腥臭的Poverfishvt.对进行过度捕捞Pshellfishn.贝甲壳类水生物Pdollarfishn.银白色圆形小鱼Pworm-fishingn.蚯蚓作饵垂钓Ppearl-fisheryn.采珠业采珠场Ptamarind-fishn.罗望子果酸鱼酱Pfishwifen.卖鱼妇说话粗野的女人Pjellyfishn.水母海蜇意志薄弱的人Poverfishingn.渔捞过度vt.过度捕捞Pcrawfishn.蛄小龙虾vi.后退退却退缩Pfishtaila.鱼尾状的vi.摆尾飞行摆尾行驶





a piece of fish表示“一块鱼肉”, a fish有时也可表示“一类鱼”。




用作名词We caught three littlefishes.我们捉到三条小鱼。
Thefishplopped back into the river.那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。
There is muchfishon the plate.盘子里有不少鱼肉。
Meat andfishare often kept in cold storage.鱼肉常存放在冷藏库中。
Pug did believe he hadn't played this particularfish.帕格的确相信,他并没玩弄这个大笨蛋。用作动词The beach is a good place tofishfrom.海滩是钓鱼的好地方。
They stood on the river bank tofish.他们站在河岸边钓鱼。
Have you a permit tofishin the lake?你有在湖里捕鱼的许可证吗?
Hefishedin his pocket for the key.他搜囗袋想找出钥匙。verb.throwing bait to catch seafood
同义词 angle,bait,bob,cast,chum,extract,extricate,find,net,produce,seine,trawl,trollbait the hook,cast one's hook,cast one's net,go fishing,haul out,pull out
beginnernoun person unskilled in something
abecedarian,amateur,apprentice,buckwheater,catechumen,colt,fledgling,greenhorn,greenie,initiate,learner,neophyte,new kid on the block,new person,newcomer,novice,novitiate,probationer,recruit,starter,student,tenderfoot,trainee,tyro
beginnersnoun person unskilled in something
abecedarians,amateurs,apprentices,buckwheaters,catechumens,colts,fishes,fledglings,greenhorns,greenies,initiates,learners,neophytes,new kid on the blocks,new persons,newcomers,novices,novitiates,probationers,recruits,starters,students,tenderfoots,trainees,tyros
dupenoun person who is fooled
butt,chump,easy mark,fish,fool,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sitting duck,sucker,victim
filletnoun fastener
gamenoun undomesticated animals chased for food
chase,fish,fowl,kill,meat,prey,quarry,raven,ravin,wild animals
grabbleverb grope
cast about,examine,explore,feel,feel blindly,finger,fish,flounder,fumble,handle,manipulate,poke,pry,root,scrabble,search,touch Between us we landed the fish.

Well, in Peru you had to negotiate like that to get the freshest fish at the market.
在秘鲁你必须这样还价你才能在市场上拿到最新鲜的鱼。 yeeyan

“ I love the fish, ” he says.
“我特别喜欢这鱼,”他说。 yeeyan

By removing whales, sharks and large fish, we’ve reduced the amount of carbon stored in these populations.
由于猎杀鲸鱼,鲨鱼和大型鱼类,我们也就减少了碳在这些物种群的储存量。 yeeyan

He began dragging the dead fish towards him with a stick.
他开始用一个棍子朝着他的方向拖拉那条死鱼。 yeeyan

I like meat, but I prefer fish.
我喜欢吃肉食,但更喜欢吃鱼。 hxen

I like fish. I never ate trout before in Russia.
我喜欢鱼,以前我在俄罗斯从未吃过鳟鱼。 yeeyan

I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me.
我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。 kekenet

I prepare only the soup or meat or fish and some salad.
我只准备汤或者肉或者鱼和一些沙拉。 yeeyan

I thanked him, and then inquired where he and his family went to eat the freshest fish in town.
我向他表示感谢,然后咨询他和家人常去的镇上能吃到最新鲜的鱼的地方。 joyen

My coach says I swim like a fish.
我的教练说我游泳的时候像条鱼。 ebigear

On this island paradise, you can even see tropical fish swimming about in their ocean home.

Our bodies need some meat, chicken and fish.
我们的身体需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。 hjenglish

So whale come out fish, because they are fish obviously.

The doctor dislodged the fish bone from his throat.

They tied into some fish yesterday.

They have to be careful not to suck up young fish or other small creatures.
他们必须非常小心,保证不要吸入幼小的鱼类和其他小生物。 kekenet

This is an extinct species of fish.
这是一种已经灭绝的鱼。 ebigear

This pan smells of fish.

Turn the fish over every other day.
每隔一天,就翻转一次鱼。 hjenglish

We ate the fish.
我们吃下这条鱼。 yeeyan

We need some meat, chicken and fish.
我们需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。 hjenglish

What do fish eat, and when?
鱼吃什么,何时进食? cri

When we go camping, my dad catches fish from the stream.
当我们去野营的时候,我的爸爸从小溪里抓鱼。 hjenglish

Why do you freeze the fish?
你们为什么冷冻鱼? hjenglish




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