

单词 first nations
释义 first nations ˌfɜːstˈneɪʃnz 短语⁷²⁸⁵¹
You have won! Thank you also to the supportive public authorities, the Four Host First Nations, and the cities of Vancouver, Whistler and Richmond.
同样感谢加拿大所有工作机构的支持,感谢四大东道主原住民族以及温哥华、惠斯勒和列治文三座城市。 putclub

A more prosaic reason is that First Nations receive federal money for social services only for officially registered natives.
更平实的驱逐理由是,只有获得官方登记的本地原住民才能接受联邦社会福利资助。 ecocn

Although my claim bordered a First Nations indigenous people plot, it was identified as mine and marked on the official map.
虽然我的领地与一块土著人的地块相邻,但已经在官方地图上做了标示。 yeeyan

But the leaders of many First Nations have been fighting assimilation for centuries.
而许多原住民的领导人已经为免于被同化奋斗了几百年。 ecocn

Despite centuries of coexistence, the First Nations, as Canada’s indigenous people call themselves, and other Canadians still live in mutual incomprehension.
尽管彼此共存已达几个世纪,自称原住民的加拿大土著人与其他加拿大人仍然生活在互不理解中。 ecocn




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