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1640BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 例句 After the Qing Dynasty exalting virtue five years in 1640 repaired, chose a name for the immeasurable temple, continues to use until now. 清代崇德五年1640年重修后,定名为无量寺,沿用至今。 aiyouzou Carl is le·Cullen is the founder of Cullen family, Around1640, his father was pursuing the course of vampires and vampire bites found, always maintain the23-year-old youth. 卡莱尔·卡伦,是卡伦家族的创始人,1640年左右,在父亲追捕吸血鬼的过程中被吸血鬼发现并且咬伤,永保23岁的青春。 blog.sina.com.cn The minimal bactericidal concentrationMBC and minimal inhibitory concentration MIC of iodine- chitosan solution were determined with RPMI/span>1640 culture media dilution method. 采用 RP MI1640培养基稀释法测定壳聚糖碘液的最小杀菌与抑菌浓度。 chemyq The period from March1629 to April1640 later became known as the Personal Rule because Charles I did not summon Parliament during this time. 1629年3月到1640年4月时期后来称为一夫专政因为查理一世在此期间从未召开国会. yeeyan Then, bloody killings of large scale occurred, from the Catholic's uprising against Protestants in1640 to crackdown led by Cranwell, known as Lord Protector, on slaughters. 年开始的天主教徒屠杀新教徒的天主教起义, 于1649年以英国“护国公”克伦威尔的反屠杀镇压而宣告结束。 renren A town of central Connecticut southwest of Hartford. Settled in1640, it is chiefly residential. Population, 20,608. 美国康涅狄格州中部的哈特福德西南一个城镇,建于1640年,主要是住宅区。人口20,608。 odict.net Although adopting a small amount of intellectuals in1640 when they attacked and occupied Henna area, they still hadn't formulated a series of right policies about the intellectuals. 崇祯十三年底攻入河南后,虽然开始吸收少量知识分子参加,但仍缺乏一个正确的知识分子政策。而李自成用为参谋顾问的,又都是些下层的知识分子。 rwskold.buu.edu.cn Another bill HF1640 would require the companies to fund state- employed pharmaceutical experts to provide clinicians with the latest evidence-based prescribing information. 另一项议案 HF1640规定制药公司给受雇于国家的医药专家提供经费,为临床医师提供最新确证的处方信息。 yeeyan By1640, New Amsterdam was spiraling into chaos and corruption. 到了1640年,新阿姆斯特丹的社会混乱和腐败程度节节攀升。 yeeyan Founded in1550 by Gustavus I of Sweden, it was moved to its present site in 1640. 由瑞典国王古斯塔夫斯一世于1550年创建,1640年迁到现在的地址。79cha Human umbilical vein endothelial cells HUVEC were grown for more than23 passages in medium RPMI-1640 supplemented with20% calf serum and bovine retinal extract prepared by authors lab. 本实验用新生小牛视网膜提取物作血管内皮细胞生长促进剂,成功地使人脐静脉内皮细胞在体外连续培养23代以上。 cnki In the eleventh century China was producing two and a half times as much iron as did England and Wales together in1640. 在十一世纪中国正在产生两个半倍,铁一样在1640年英格兰和威尔士在一起。 dumanhua It's dated 1640, and it's signed by two great Indians. 它标记的年代是1640年,是由两名伟大的印第安人签署的。 en211 |