

单词 firefights
释义 firefights ˈfaiəfaits COCA⁶¹¹²⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.交火;火战;炮战firefight的名词复数原型firefight的复数 The companies of marines stationed here are being confronted with near- daily firefights and IED strikes.
驻扎在此的数个陆战队连几乎每天都交火并遭遇 IED袭击。 ecocn

The effort caused73 deaths in firefights between the security forces and his supporters, but found no trace of him.
政府军同支持者之间的枪战造成73人死亡,但并没有发现他的踪迹。 ecocn

There were firefights and clashes with heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft guns, as rebels tried to flush out snipers and pockets of resistance.
当反动派试着驱赶狙击手和抵抗势力时,发生了炮战、重型武器冲突,包括了高射炮。 u.2u4u.com.cn

And“ walking the path” isn’t easy online— apart from the oodles of firefights, there is also a fee the player must play to jack into this world.
并且抄近道在网络中很难,除了许多正面交火进入这个世界还必须交一些费用。 yeeyan

But on the ground, his officials say, the share of firefights involving close air support has already fallen from35% to 17% in the past month.
而在地面上,他的军官说,包括低空的支持在内交火的比例在上个月已经从35%下降到了17%。 ecocn

But there were fierce firefights, and its advance was slowed by a vast network of bombs and booby- traps.
但是发生了猛烈地交火,大量密布的炸弹和陷阱大大减缓了战局的进程。 ecocn

Immediate business needs and firefights often slow the progress of longer-term process and toolset standardization efforts.
短期的商业需要和冲突经常延缓长期的开发过程和工具集的标准化工作的进程; ibm

In the chaotic firefights that rattled this coastal region late last week, some of the men were captured, others were killed and some are missing.
上周末,在使得这片沿海区域声响不止的混乱战火中,一些人被捕,一些人被杀,还有一部分被证实失踪。 yeeyan

That suggests the Taliban forces are eschewing firefights in favour of terrorist- style attacks.
这表明塔利班武装力量正偏向采用恐怖袭击方式以避免交火。 ecocn

The coalition said early stages had gone well. But there were fierce firefights, and its advance was slowed by a vast network of bombs and booby-traps.
联军声称战役初期进展顺利,但随着交火日趋激烈和大量路边炸弹爆炸及自杀性袭击,推进速度缓慢。 ecocn

This isn't a movie about Italian airplanes and firefights, but about people and relationships.
这不是一部关于意大利飞机空战的电影,而是讲述各种各样的人以及他们的关系的电影。 totoroclub




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