

单词 fireballs
释义 fireballs ˈfaiəbɔ:lz COCA⁵²⁹³⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
n.火球fireball的名词复数;大流星;旧式燃烧弹;美口工作起来劲头十足的人原型fireball的复数 Enormous plumes of smoke trailed behind fireballs roaring directly toward him from the western end of the broad valley.
从山谷西侧而来的火球咆哮着冲向他这边,火球后面拖着浓浓的烟雾。 zhitian

Further south in Chiba prefecture, firefighters battled an out- of- control oil refinery blaze that spewed fireballs into the sky.
千叶县的远南地区,消防员正在与已经无法控制的炼油厂火焰战斗,许多喷射出的火球直往天上乱蹿。 yeeyan

The phenomena and development process of fireballs of nuclear burst are reviewed.
本文介绍了核爆炸火球的发展过程和主要现象。 cnki

The story began in2006, when DrJerby and Dr Dikhtyar managed to create ball- lightning- like fireballs in their laboratory.
故事始于2006年,此时 Jerby博士和 Dikhtyar博士正设法在实验室中创造出像火球一样的球状闪电。 ecocn

A good many happen outside the Forge restaurant in Bonnybridge, where fireballs sail over the trees and “ wingless planes” are seen in the fields.
其中很多都发生在波尼不里奇城的 Forge旅馆外,包括目睹火球越过树丛,“无翼飞机”等。 ecocn

As ye ascend… make sure you duck the fireballs.
至于扬升嘛,你得确信要迅速躲避火球啊。 blog.sina.com.cn

Can you legitimately learn something from WoW besides efficient techniques for slinging fireballs at foes?
在魔兽世界中,除了熟练的向对手投掷火球之外,你还能学会其他一些东西吗? yeeyan

It seems at least three individual fireballs were seen on the night of16 May2006.
据说2006年5月16日晚人们看到了至少三个不同的火球。 yeeyan

Think of the fireballs that have been screaming into view lately in Canada, Scandinavia, the Midwest, and New Zealand.
想想最近在加拿大,斯堪的纳维亚,中西部和新西兰呼啸着进入人们视线的火球吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

This aspect of the cover-up was seen when fireballs were first screaming across the skies in early2004, debris from the tail of Planet X.
在2004早期,行星 X尾部散落的碎片形成的火球第一次划过天空的时候就见识过这方面的真想掩盖了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Use a variety of weapons, from lasers to fireballs, homing missiles and bombs.
使用各种武器,从激光器火球,寻的导弹和炸弹。 bbs.wap3.cn




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