

单词 finished
释义 fin·ished 英ˈfɪnɪʃt美ˈfɪnɪʃtAHDfĭnʹĭsht ★★☆☆☆高牛COCA³²⁸⁰BNC²⁰²⁷iWeb⁵⁰⁶⁰Economist³⁶⁶³
of materials or goods brought to the desired final state;

a finished product

ended or brought to an end;

are you finished?

gave me the finished manuscript

of skills or the products of skills brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected;

a dazzling and finished piece of writing

a finished violinist

having a surface coating or finish applied;

the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones

brought to ruin;

after the revolution the aristocracy was finished

the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically

finish完成finished ingot成品锭finished nut精制螺母finished edge加工的坡口,加工坡口…finished hose胶管成品finished grade已修整坡度finished bolt精制螺栓finished cement水泥成品finished goods制成品bright finished磨光的finished ore精矿finished stock成品finished cable成品电缆cold finished冷精轧整的…finished weight成品重量finished steel精制钢,成品钢…finished jobs经 已完工作…finished size加工后尺寸,成品尺寸…finished product成品before one has finished迟早
finish-ed如|被…的⇒adj.完成的⁷⁶;精湛的动词finish的过去式和过去分词.adj.完成了的;精致完美的;精巧的;结束了的;完结了的;不再与…打交道的;完蛋了的;垮台的;失败的;死了的;完工的_null.动词finish的过去式和过去分词词根记忆finish完成+ed…的→完成的近义词 out出gone过去的lost迷路的choice选择classic杰作prime最好的through通过ruined毁坏的clever聪明的gilded镀金的perfect完美的refined精炼的settled固定的elegant优雅的polished擦亮的complete完整的achieved获得的damned被诅咒的flawless完美的deft敏捷熟练的masterly巧妙的fulfilled满足的faultless完美的classical古典的over在 … 的上方…doomed命中注定的donedo的过去分词…condemned被责难的exceptional异常的epicurean好享乐的fashionable流行的varnished浸渍过的destroyed遭破坏的accomplished完成的resolved下定决心的professional职业的aristocratic贵族的first-rate第一流的washed-up不再成功的impeccable无懈可击的wrecked交通工具失事的…topflight第一流的高级的…planed动词plane的过去式,…ended动词end的过去式,动词…realized动词realize的过去…consummated动词consummate…finalized动词finalize的过…concluded动词conclude的过…over and done with已经结束buffed动词buff的过去式,动…broken up打碎, 分解, 驱散, …terminated终止,终结动词term…反义词 unfinished未完成的

用作形容词His poetry displays afinishedstyle.他的诗集展现完美的风格。
They gave afinishedperformance.他们进行了一次完美的演出。adj.(cultivated, refined
同义词 flawless,polishedaccomplished,consummate,cultured,perfected,smoothall-around,classic,elegant,expert,exquisite,impeccable,many-sided,masterly,professional,proficient,skilled,suave,urbane,versatile
反义词 crude,incomplete,uncultivated,unfinished,unrefined,unsophisticatedadj.complete, done
同义词 closed,concluded,decided,ended,full,realized,resolved,satisfied,settled,stoppedaccomplished,achieved,ceased,compassed,consummated,discharged,dispatched,effected,effectuated,elaborated,executed,finalized,fulfilled,lapsed,made,perfected,performed,shut,terminatedbrought about,come to an end,disposed of,done for,done with,entire,final,in the past,over,over and done,put into effect,sewn-up,through,tied-up,worked out,wound-up,wrapped-up
反义词 incompleteunfinishedadj.consumed, used up
同义词 empty,lost,spentbankrupt,devastated,done,drained,exhausted,gone,liquidated,ruined,undone,wreckeddone for,done in,played-out,through,washed up,wiped-out
反义词 savedheld,kept,stored,unfinished
archadjective principal, superior
builtadjective erected
assembled,completed,constructed,created,fabricated,finished,made,manufactured,produced,put together
completedadjective achieved
consummateadjective ultimate, best
deceasedadjective dead
asleep,bit the dust,cold,defunct,departed,exanimate,expired,extinct,finished,former,gave up the ghost,gone,inanimate,kicked the bucket,late,lifeless,lost,passed on,pushing up daisies
done foradjective ruined or defeated
ausgespielt,beaten,broken,conquered,cooked,dashed,dead,defeated,destroyed,done in,doomed,dying,eighty-sixed,exhausted,finished,foiled,had it,kaput,lost,packed up,ruined,shot,sunk,through,tired,undone,vanquished,washed-up,wrecked And then, while the pretty brunette girl finished singing her verse, he buzzed me through like I was someone who mattered.
那个黑发女孩唱完之后,他按了一下按钮就让我过去了,好像我是什么重要人物似的。 yeeyan

Have you finished?
你吃完了吗? ebigear

It is important that this matter is finished now as we need to focus on our next game.
重要的是现在这件事情已经结束了,我们要把注意力集中到下场比赛上。 yeeyan

To be sure, we have a long way to go until the stimulus is finished.
有一点是肯定的,我们离经济刺激计划结束还有很长的时间。 yeeyan

Also do not plan to win your first time unless you have FINISHED your robot a month before the competition.
也不要指望你第一次就能获胜,除非在比赛开始的前一个月你已完成机器人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even so, I assumed that because she was in another country and because he said how difficult it was, that it must be finished.
即便如此,我仍然认为那是因为她在另外一个国家,因为他说过那是很难的,肯定会结束的。 yeeyan

Give me one more minute. I have all but finished.
再给我一分钟,我差不多要做完了。 zikaoonline

He finished his speech with the same slogan.
他以同样的口号结束了他的演讲。 yeeyan

I could have finished the task if I had had more time.
如果当时我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项任务。 examw

I told him as we finished lunch.
在我们结束午餐时,我告诉他。 yeeyan

I finished the essay through her help.

I'm glad that you have finished the task.

If everyone piles in, we'll soon have the job finished.

In an iterative approach, the same challenge of“ When are we finished?” arises with documentation as with software and other tasks.
在迭代的方法中,相同的“何时结束的”的挑战也会出现在软件的文档和其他任务中。 ibm

Instead, the diagram should represent any kind of thing that passes from one activity to another: whether it be orders, parts, finished goods, designs, services, hardware, software-- or data.
相反,图应该表示从一个活动传递到另一个活动的任何类型事物:不论它是报表、零部件、已完货物、设计、服务、硬件、软件——或数据。 infoq

Instead we finished sixth so that shows the strategy was the right one.
但是最后我们以第六名完赛,这说明这一策略是正确的。 yeeyan

It will motivate you to work faster since your day will be over once you have finished the final simple task.
这将会激励你更快更有效地工作,因为你一天的工作将会以完成最简单的工作而结束。 yeeyan

Not tomorrow can be finished this semester, but by the end of this year for sure.

Once you have finished working on an activity, you can deliver your changes to the default integration stream parent stream, or to any other stream that you choose.
一旦在一个活动上结束工作,你可以提交你的变更到默认的集成流(父流,或者提交到任何其它的你选择的流。 ibm

Otherwise, QA cannot test it and you will have no way of knowing whether the finished product meets these specifications or not.
否则, QA不能测试它们,你将没有办法知道完成的产品是否已经实现了这些非功能性需求。 yeeyan

She was finished at an exclusive school.

Therefore, if the browser session has two connections already, any further connection requests have to wait until one of the two connections is finished.
因此,如果浏览器会话已经有两个连接,任何其他的连接请求必须等待,直到两个连接中的一个完成。 ibm

This has obvious, immediate benefits: When you are finished with a given task, for example, you can check in all your work at one time simply by checking in the activity.
这很明显,马上可以得到的好处是:例如,当你结束一个给定的任务时,你能在同一时间通过简单地检入活动而检入你的所有工作。 ibm

Unlike in a conversation, there was no interrupting— one person could“ speak” until she was finished, then the other responded.
不像在一段对话里,邮件没有打断这回事-一个人能「说」到她说完,接著另一方做出反应。 yeeyan

We are on a good path, but we are not finished yet.
这是一个很好的途径,但我们还没有完成。 goalhi

What if you already have finished school and you majored in Business and now you decide you want to teach?
如果你已经完成学业同时你主修的又是商业而你现在决定你要教书了,怎么办呢? yeeyan

While in England I began another poem, which I went on with during my journey home, and finished after my return.
在英格兰的时候,我开始写另一首诗,在归国途中继续写,一直到回家以后才把它写完。 yeeyan




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