释义 |
fingerlings 基本例句 苗种 It is surprising that manyfingerlingsare living in the small rainwater pool.雨水积成的小水塘里居然生活着不少鱼秧。 At this facility,fingerlingsfrom onshore hatcheries are raised to adulthood in clean, deep ocean waters.岸上孵化的鱼苗被送进这座设施,并在清洁的深水中生长成熟。Lipase activity of intestine showed a significant difference between mud eelfingerlingsor juvenile mud eels and adult mud eels(p 稚鳝的肝脏淀粉酶活力与幼鳝、成鳝相比差异显著 (p0Eggs collected for the hatchery this fall will be raised over the winter and a half millionfingerlingswill be released back into Lake Ontario next spring.秋天为孵卵所而采集的鱼卵将会在冬天得到孵化,第二年春天五十万左右的鱼苗将会被释放回到安大略湖。 Article 8 The parents used for crossbreeding commercialfingerlingsshall be pure line colonies. No reproductive hybrid may be used for parent propagation.第八条用于杂交生产商品苗种的亲本必须是纯系群体。对可育的杂交种不得用作亲本繁育。 |