

单词 finger bone
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Along with the finger bone, archaeologists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, who excavated the site, discovered a single tooth that belonged to a Denisovan adult.
除了这块指骨化石,来自俄罗斯科学院的考古学家们在遗址中挖掘出来一颗牙齿,它属于一个丹尼索万成年人的。 yeeyan

Now DNA analysis of a tooth and finger bone found in caves in southern Siberia shows that we also shared the planet with another distinct kind of human that lived in Asia called the Denisovans.
但是,对在南西伯利亚几处洞穴中所发现的牙齿和指骨进行的 DNA分析表明我们也与另一个完全不同的人种一起分享着这个星球。 这个住在亚洲的人种叫做“丹尼索瓦人”。 hjenglish

Scientists were able to analyse DNA from a tooth and from a finger bone excavated in the Denisova cave in southern Siberia.
科学家能够分析西伯利亚南部名为 Denisova的洞穴中出土的牙齿和指骨的 DNA。 yeeyan

The mystery will be soon solved when the finger bone is examined at the Molecular Science Laboratories at Oklahoma University in Norman, Okla.
等到这块指骨拿到俄克拉荷马州的 Norman的俄克拉荷马大学的分子科学实验室进行检查后,这个谜底将很快揭晓。 yeeyan

Their latest object of study is a finger bone found in a cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberiapictured above.
他们的最新研究目标是在南西伯利亚阿尔泰山脉洞穴中发现的指骨。 ecocn




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