释义 |
Fine brushwork 基本例句 工笔画 This kind of art with bothfine brushworkand freehand brushwork has been continuously transmitted for many years and is not stopped in modern times.这一项工致而又写意传神的艺术多年来传承不断,在现代尤其不绝如缕。 He inherited and developed the Tang, Five Dynasties, Song bird has a fine tradition offine brushwork.他继承并发扬了唐、五代、两宋以来工笔花鸟画的优秀传统。 Gongbi painting is characterized byfine brushwork, close attention to detail and bright colors.工笔画笔法细腻,注重细节和色彩绚丽。 He has worked hard to acquire thefine brushworkpainting skill and reveled in wash painting.青少年时代,在极其艰难的环境中度过,于工笔重彩研究上下过苦功。 Thefine brushworkin the non-dark color bird double hook heavy mainly in three areas to absorb the nutrition.于非的工笔双勾重彩花鸟画,主要吸收了三方面的营养。 Their technique preferences are both brush stroke mainly expressed in color, andfine brushworktogether with freehand brushwork.从表现技法看,大多偏爱工笔和兼工带写的方法。 |