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词汇 fine
释义 fine 英faɪn美faɪnAHDfīn ★★★★☆常小中高四研IT牛4COCA⁷⁹⁵BNC⁶⁶²iWeb⁷⁰²Economist¹⁶⁵⁵


beautiful and of high quality; better than most of its kind


very thin


delicate and difficult to understand or notice


bright and sunny; not wet

P健康的; 舒适的

healthy and comfortable


too grand and perhaps not true




very well


so as to be very thin or in very small bits

vt. & vi. 转晴; 使变纯,使澄清

weather become bright; make or become pure and clear

vt. 使精细,使精炼

improve by making or becoming thinner, less wasteful, or more exact

vt. 处…以罚金

punish by a fine


good weather


an amount of money paid as a punishment

money extracted as a penalty
being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition;

an all-right movie

the passengers were shaken up but are all right

is everything all right?

everything's fine

things are okay

dinner and the movies had been fine

another minute I'd have been fine

minutely precise especially in differences in meaning;

a fine distinction

thin in thickness or diameter;

a fine film of oil

fine hairs

read the fine print

characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment;

fine wine

looking fine in her Easter suit

a fine gentleman

fine china and crystal

a fine violinist

the fine hand of a master

of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles;

wood with a fine grain

fine powdery snow

fine rain

batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave

covered with a fine film of dust

free from impurities; having a high or specified degree of purity;

gold 21 carats fine

an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentencein a delicate manner;

finely shaped features

her fine drawn body

issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty;

I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street

Move your car or else you will be ticketed!

fine, beautiful, nice, pretty, wonderful


beautiful形容人时,常指人的外貌、外表美。nice与wonderful意思相近,形容人时多指人的行为、性格美;如形容人的外表一般要用look nice或look wonderful,nice在口语中使用普遍。fine描述人时,指人的品质“优秀”,举止“文明”,具有内在的美; 描述物时,指制作“精细”“雅致”,具有艺术欣赏价值; 描述言辞、衣物时,指“漂亮的”“华丽的”; 描述天气时,指“晴朗”。pretty用于形容女性或小孩时,侧重指小巧玲珑之美。例如:

She is very beautiful.她漂亮极了。
He is a nice〔wonderful〕 man.他是一个好人。

She looks nice〔wonderful〕.她看上去很美。

He's very fine musician.他是一个优秀的音乐家。
It rained all morning, but turned fine later.一早上都下雨,但后来转晴了。
You are always a very pretty girl.你一向是位漂亮的姑娘。fine, choice, elegant

这三个词均可指“上等的,精美的,优美的”。其区别在于:fine是常用词; choice指品质上等的,通常经过精心选择,且选择者能判断其品质上的细微差别; elegant指“雅致的”“考究的”。例如:

He does fine work.他工作做得好。
He selected a choice piece of jade.他选中一块上等玉。
The designer was noted for his elegant styles.那位时装设计师以其风格高雅著称。fine, delicate, subtle

这三个词均可表示“微妙的,细微的”。delicate含有需要谨慎处理或对待的意思; fine带有“细微的,不易察觉的”意思; subtle有时带有原来“聪明的,机敏的”意思。

fine, good, nice, well

这组词都有“好”的意思。其区别在于:good意为“好”,常用词,含义很广,一般用作定语和表语; fine主要指质量、特点、能力方面的“好”,语气比good强,也可指健康状况,相当于well; nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官,使人感到喜悦,感到舒适; well主要指人的健康状况好,只用作表语,有时也可指情况状态正常,良好。例如:

He is a man of good family.他是一个家世很好的人。
He is living in a fine house.他住在一幢华丽的房子里。
We had a very nice trip to the Jiangnan Park yesterday.昨天我们去江南公园畅游了一番。
fine, finely

两者意思基本相同,其区别在于:在口语里, fine往往用finely代替; 但构成复合词时要用fine,表达人的品格时要用finely。例如:

a fine-toothed comb细齿梳子

Mr. Hansen cut it rather fine.汉森先生差一点错过机会。
I think he behaves finely.我认为他表现得不错。beautiful,fair,handsome,lovely,pretty,fine













词根词缀: -fin-结束,界限 + -e
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词fine feathers好羽毛,好的外表fine features美貌,温柔的线条fine flavour美味fine fur好皮子fine future美好的未来fine taste in art对艺术精确的鉴赏力fine things好东西副词+~exceptionally fine特别精美~+介词fine in texture质地细密用作副词 adv.动词+~cook fine烹饪技术很好cut fine切细do fine in school学习很好get along fine相处得很好suit fine很适合talk fine说得很好听work fine运转得好用作动词 v.~+副词fine gradually逐渐转晴fine heavily重罚fine away使更好,使渐渐消失fine down弄薄,使精细~+介词fine for因…而罚用作名词 n.动词+~assess a fine确定罚款金额impose fine处以罚金incur fine招致罚款pay a fine交付罚款slap a fine任意罚款形容词+~corrective fine惩治性罚款heavy fine大笔罚款light fine小额罚金mandatory fine强制性罚金maximum fine最高额罚金severe fine很重的罚金small fine小额罚金stiff fine大笔罚款介词+~in fine总之in rain or fine不管天晴下雨~+介词a fine for illegal parking违章停车罚金a fine of 50 dollars 50美元的罚款
用作形容词adj.fine and dandy

十全十美; 令人满意 satisfactory

fine distinction

细微的差别 a slight difference

fine for

适合…的 suitable for sb/sth

get down to a fine art

很精通… be very proficient at sth

not to put too fine a point on it

直截了当地说,说实话 be frank

one of these fine days

总有一天,日内 one day soon

用作副词adv.cut it fine

刚好赶上 complete just in time

fine away v.+adv.

使更好; (使)渐渐消失 (cause to make sth better; cause to vanish gradually)

fine awayHis coarse habits have gradually fined away .他的粗俗习惯渐渐变得文雅起来了。fine sth ⇔ awayHe endeavored to fine away the objections of his opponents.他力图逐渐消除对手的反对。
She fined away superfluous matter in the design.她删去了这图案中多余的东西。
fine down v.+adv.

使精细 refine

fine downShe has fined down a lot since last year.自去年以来,她苗条多了。fine sth ⇔ downThe worker fined the metal down.这位工人把这块金属弄薄了。
His face was fined down.他的脸消瘦下来了。fine sth ⇔ downShe fined down her choice of words.她使自己的措词更加精确。
He needs to fine down his theory a bit.他需要使他的理论更完善一些。
Now that the original plans have been fined down, they are much more practical.既然原来的计划经修订而更精确,其可行性就大大增加了。
fine for v.+prep.

因…而罚款( make sb pay money as a punishment for doing sth wrong)

fine sb for sth/v-ingHe was fined heavily for driving under the influence.他因酒后开车而受重罚。
He was fined for failing to complete the tax form.他因未填税单而被罚款。
The businessman was fined for dodging taxes.这个工商业者因为逃税受到罚款处分。
The motorist was fined for careless driving.驾驶员因开车不慎而受到罚款。fine sb sth for sth/v-ingThe judge fined her 25 dollars for her mistake.法官因她的错误而对她处以25美元罚款。
The three demonstrators were fined 50 dollars each for breach of the peace.那三个示威者因扰乱治安每人被罚50美元。用作名词 fine

总而言之 in a word

故事记忆天气非常 Fine好的松鼠爬上 Pine松树站成一条 Line直线把松果油 Refine提炼发动汽车 Engine发动机事迹搬上 Magazine杂志钱博士fin终点,终结+e→终点的,达到极致的;交钱了结⇒好的,精美的;罚款
方振宇词汇奥秘比较记忆finelyadv.精巧地;细微地;纤细地;优雅地finenessn.精致;细微;纤细;优雅小学英语速记音律记忆:太阳shine闪耀,排成line行,感觉fine好的fin终点,终结+e→终点的,达到极致的;交钱了结⇒好的,精美的;罚款。非常记忆five五⇒门n口的五只猪过着美好的生活词义记忆美好的身材是纤细的近义词 nicerareclearsunnychoicepunishpenaltysuitableall rightbeautifulexcellentattractivepunishmentadj. agreeablestingn. damagessuperiorv. penalize反义词 poorbroadsqualidadj. inferior
~+ n.There was no doubt that he was a fine scholar.毫无疑问,他是位杰出的学者。
What a fine view!多美的景色啊!
The fine view of my hometown is practically unchanged from former times.我家乡的美景和从前相比没有什么变化。
She likes to use pencils with fine points,I don't.她喜欢用笔头尖细的铅笔,我不喜欢。
People should not often eat bread made of fine flour.人们不应该经常食用精粉制的面包。
Her evening dress was made of a very fine material.她的晚礼服是用非常精致的料子做的。
It is going to be a fine day.今天将会是一个好天气。
The fine weather is favourable for outdoor sports.天气很好,有利于户外运动。
We had a fine time at the party last night.昨晚我们在晚会上玩得很开心。
Your shoes will be in a fine state if you walk in the mud.你要是在泥里走路,你的鞋就会弄得很脏。
It is but a piece of fine writing.这不过是一篇矫揉造作的文章。
A fine friend you have been!你可真够朋友!
That's fine excuse to make.那真是个好借口。
S+be+~Sand is finer than gravel.沙子比碎石细。
You are looking very fine today.你今天看起来真漂亮。
I hope it will turn fine in the afternoon.我希望下午天气会转晴。
Today it will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers.今天大部分是晴天有太阳,但有间断阵雨。
How are you?—I am fine, thank you.你好吗?——我很好,谢谢。
He is not feeling fine today.他今天不舒服。S+be+~+to- vThe print is too fine for me to read.这种印刷字太小,我看起来有困难。
S+V+O+~Cut up the vegetables very fine.把菜切细。用作副词adv.
Is your son doing fine in school?你儿子在学校学习好吗?
Yes, we are getting along fine.是的,我们相处得很好。
The shirt suits me fine.那衬衫很适合我。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe weather gradually fined.天气逐渐转晴。
The ale will fine.啤酒会变清的。
S+~+ n./pron.They fined him heavily.他们重罚了他。
Before the beer can be bottled it has to be fined.啤酒在装瓶之前要使其澄清。
If we smuggle this brandy we run the risk of being caught and fined.如果我们偷带这瓶白兰地酒,我们将冒被抓住并罚款的危险。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.They fined him ten dollars.他们判他10美元罚金。
He was fined £200.他被罚了200英镑。用作名词n.In rain or fine, you must reach here on time.不管天晴下雨,你们必须准时到达这里。
With no spittoons installed, fines seem unfair.不设痰盂,罚款似乎是不公平的。
A few were content to pay the fines.只有少数几个人愿意支付罚款。
The court required that he should pay the fine.法院下令他缴付罚款。
We should exact fines from people who drop litter on the streets.我们应该强令在街上乱抛废纸杂物的人缴出罚款。
There is a fine for driving too fast.车速过快要罚款。
He had to go to prison for a month, not to say the fine.他得蹲一个月的监狱,更不用说罚款了。
The judge offered the criminal the alternative of a fine or six months in prison.法官让罪犯选择是罚款还是监禁6个月。
People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.在草坪上行走要受罚。
He got off with a warning and a small fine.他只受到警告和少量罚款。
She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison.她没有坐牢而只是罚款了事。Pfine-tune微调Pfine-cuta.细切的Psuperfines超细粉Pfinecombvt.仔细搜查Pfine-lookinga.美貌的Pfine-tootha.齿细密的Pfineness扫描纯度成色Pcentrifiner立式离心除渣机Pfine-tooth-combv.仔细搜查Pfine-graineda.有细密纹理的Psuperfinea.过细的微细的极好的Pfinespuna.细纺的纤细的过分精密的Pfinelyad.雅致地仔细地敏锐地微细地Pfine-drawvt.精巧地缝合拉细细致推理Pfine-drawna.精缝的拉细的过于细致的Pfineryn.装饰服饰鲜艳服装幽雅精炼炉Pfinessen.策略手段飞牌v.用计谋处理出小牌Pfine-spuna.细纺的过分琐碎的微妙的脆弱的拉细的


fine是描绘形容词,基本意思是指经过加工、提炼而变得非常“精美”,引申可表示“美好的,优秀的,优良的,杰出的”“纤细的”“细微的”“晴朗的,无雨的”“健康的; 舒适的”“过分夸饰的,炫耀的”“可怕的,糟透的”等。





fine作“健康的; 舒适的”解时无比较级和最高级。










用作形容词She is afinesinger, as her mother used to.像她妈妈过去一样,她是个很好的歌手。
She has a remarkablyfinevoice.她嗓音非常好。
We're going to a famous restaurant famous for itsfinecuisine.我们要去一家有名的餐馆,它是以精致的菜肴闻名。
Yesterday's forecast reported it'd befine.不过,昨天的预报说是会放晴的。
Don't worry. She'll befine.不要担心,她会好的。
Sand isfinerthan gravel.沙子比碎石细.用作副词That suits mefine.这对我很合适。
If we only allow five minutes for catching our train, we'll be cutting it toofine.假如我们只留五分钟的时间赶火车,那麽我们卡的时间就太紧了。用作名词The judge imposed afineof ten pounds on him.这个法官让他缴纳10英镑的罚款。
The driver paid a fifty-dollarfinefor speeding.司机因超速行驶付了五十元的罚金。用作动词He wasfined200 dollars.他被罚款200美元。
The key tofiningthe structure of ingot casting lies in the formation of a number offineequiaxed crystal grains.金属铸态组织细化的关键是获得大量细小等轴晶。adj.excellent, masterly
同义词 accomplished,admirable,attractive,beautiful,cool,elegant,exceptional,expensive,exquisite,fashionable,first-rate,great,handsome,lovely,magnificent,neat,outstanding,pleasant,rare,refined,smart,solid,splendid,striking,subtle,superior,well-madeaces,capital,choice,crack,dandy,mean,select,topenjoyable,first-class,first-string,five-star,gilt-edged,gnarly,good-looking,not too shabby,ornate,showy,skillful,supreme,top-notch,unreal,wicked
反义词 bad,common,disagreeable,drab,homely,humble,inferior,insignificant,ordinary,poor,regular,shabby,ugly,unattractive,unexceptional,unrefined,second-ratecoarseadj.cloudless, sunny
同义词 bright,dry,pleasantclarion,clear,fairbalmy,clement,rainless,undarkened
反义词 cloudy,darkrainy,rough,stormyadj.dainty, delicate;sheer
同义词 exquisite,slender,small,thinflimsy,gossamer,light,lightweight,little,loose,minute,powdered,pulverized,qualitydiaphanous,ethereal,filmy,fine-drawn,fine-grained,fine-spun,fragile,gauzy,gossamery,granular,impalpable,porous,powdery,threadlike,transparent
反义词 heavy,substantial,thickcoarse,crude,rough,unrefinedadj.discriminating, exact
同义词 delicate,intelligent,obscure,pure,refined,sharp,subtleacute,clear,hairline,hairsplitting,keen,minute,nice,petty,quick,sensitive,sterling,triflingabstruse,critical,cryptic,distinct,enigmatic,esoteric,fastidious,fine-spun,precise,recondite,strict,tasteful,tenuous,unadulterated,unpolluted
反义词 forthright,indefinite,blunt,dull,imprecisecoarse,crude,undiscriminating,unrefinednoun.penalty in money
同义词 punishmentamends,amercement,assessment,damages,forfeit,mulct,reparation,rip
反义词 amends,award,compensation,reimbursement,rewardverb.penalize in monetary way
同义词 confiscate,levy,punishalienate,amerce,dock,exact,extort,mulct,sconce,seize,sequestrate,taxhit with,make pay,pay through the nose,slap with,throw book at
反义词 award,compensate,reimburse,reward
OKadverb yes
absolutely,affirmative,agreed,all right,amen,assuredly,aye,beyond a doubt,by all means,certainly,definitely,even so,exactly,gladly,good,good enough,granted,indubitably,just so,most assuredly,naturally,of course,okay,positively,precisely,roger,sure thing,surely,true,undoubtedly,unquestionably,very well,willingly,without fail,yea,yep
acuminateadjective pointed
admirableadjective held in great respect
A-1,A-OK,ace,attractive,best ever,cat's pajamas,choice,commendable,cool,copacetic,crackerjack,deserving,dream,estimable,excellent,exquisite,fine,good,great,greatest,hunky-dory,keen,laudable,meritable,meritorious,neat,out of sight,out of this world,peachy,praiseworthy,rare,solid,super,super-duper,superior,unreal,valuable,wicked,wonderful,worthy,zero cool
agreeableadjective pleasing
acceptable,dandy,delicious,delightful,enjoyable,fair,fine,gratifying,hunky-dory,mild,nice,peach,peachy,pleasant,pleasurable,pleasureful,ready,satisfying,spiffy,swell,to one's liking,to one's taste,welcome
amerceverb penalize
aristocraticadjective privileged, elegant
aloof,blue-blooded,courtly,dignified,elegant,elite,fine,haughty,noble,patrician,polished,refined,silk-stocking,snobbish,stylish,upper-class,well-born,well-bred That night, as on every night in Argentina, we dined in a fine restaurant and ate an entire herd of cattle.
像在阿根廷的每个夜晚一样,当天夜里我们在一家精美的餐馆用餐,差不多吃掉了一群牛。 yeeyan

“ Fine, ” I told him.
“很好,”我告诉他。 yeeyan

“ Fine,” I lied, my voice weak.
“很好。”我撒谎道,声音虚弱。 putclub

Britain and France pursue and fine the consumers of pirated content.
英国和法国对盗版内容的消费者追捕并罚款。 ecocn

Generally, that is fine, but you should be aware of one potential weakness.
一般来说,这是可以的,但您应该注意一个潜在的弱点。 ibm

He has a fine collection of stamps.




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