

单词 find its way
释义 find its way短语⁵²⁵³¹
No matter what happens next month or next year, sooner or later the economy will probably find its way back onto its long-term path anyway.
无论下个月或是明年发生什么事,经济或许早晚都会重新回到长期的发展道路上去。 ebigear

It may take5 or more years for the technology to find its way from the laboratory into hospitals.
要将这项技术从实验室应用到医院,还要花费5年或更长的时间。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

One way to test the disaster process is to wall off the disaster center by not letting any outbound traffic find its way out of the data center.
测试灾难流程的一种方法是将灾难数据中心隔离,首先不允许任何出站通信流量传出数据中心。 ibm

Perhaps someday your new feature will find its way into the GIMP source for the millions of users worldwide to enjoy.
也许某一天,您的新特性将进入 GIMP源代码,供全世界数以百万计的用户使用。 ibm

Routine legal work is the latest activity to find its way from America and Europe to Bangalore.
日常法律服务是最近开始从欧美向班加尔罗转移的一类工作。 ecocn

Some of that money is expected to find its way to emerging markets, which offer higher yields and prospects for asset- price growth.
这部分资金预计会流入新兴市场,因为新兴市场的投资收益率更高,资产价格增长的前景良好。 yeeyan

This made it the first Chinese folk song to find its way overseas.
这也使得“茉莉花”成为名扬海外的第一首中国民歌。 hjenglish

We hope that this momentum of cooperation will find its way into the present Session.
我们希望这种合作势头能在本届人权会上得到反映。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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