

单词 finding
释义 find·ing 英ˈfaɪndɪŋ美ˈfaɪndɪŋAHDfīnʹdĭng ★★☆☆☆高四六研I4八COCA¹⁵⁷¹BNC¹⁹³²iWeb²⁴¹⁴Economist¹⁶⁹¹


sth good or valuable that is found


sth learnt as the result of an official inquiry


a decision made by a judge or jury

the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation;

the determination of molecular structures

the decision of a court on issues of fact or lawsomething that is found;

the findings in the gastrointestinal tract indicate that he died several hours after dinner

an area rich in archaeological findings

用作名词 n.
动词+~publish findings宣布调查的结果report findings报告调查的结果形容词+~archaeological findings考古学上的发现noteworthy findings值得注意的发现名词+~committee's findings委员会的调查结果court's findings法庭的判决research findings研究的成果
非常记忆find发现〖熟词〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒发现鹰偷走了调研结果钱博士find发现+ing现在分词形式,在此构成名词⇒发现蒋争熟词记忆find发现-ing名词后缀⇒发现;发现物find发现+ing现在分词形式,在此构成名词⇒发现。近义词 awarddecision
用作名词n.Such a finding as this exquisite antique is rare indeed.像这样一件精美古物的发现确实少有。
The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.委员会在彻底调查以后报告了调查结果。
The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.法院的判决将于星期三公布。Pfact-findingn.实情调查调解Pfaultfindingn.吹毛求疵的行为Ppathfindingn.领航寻找目标导航Pfault-finding找岔子吹毛求疵挑剔

用作名词Thefindingis based on such an inquiry.基于如上调查所得出的发现noun.judgment, verdict
同义词 conclusion,data,decision,discovery,recommendationaward,decree,pronouncement,sentence
adjudicationnoun judgment
analysesnoun statement of results from examination
analysisnoun statement of results from examination
ascertainmentnoun discovery
breakthroughnoun advance, progress
boost,development,discovery,find,finding,gain,hike,improvement,increase,invention,leap,progress,quantum leap,rise,step forward
choicenoun power to select;selection
alternative,appraisal,choosing,cull,cup of tea,decision,determination,discretion,discrimination,distinction,druthers,election,evaluation,extract,favorite,finding,free will,judgment,opportunity,option,pick,preference,rating,say,substitute,variety,verdict,volition,vote,weakness There are lodging houses in this locality, but he did not even enter one, finding nothing which suited him.
这一带原有一些供人租用的房舍,但是他甚至进都不进去,因为他没有找到合适的。 ebigear

After all, we come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
毕竟,相爱不是为了找到一个完美的人,而是学会以完美的眼光看待一个不完美的人。 ebigear

But equally pressing is finding those employees who, though perhaps not the best managers, have the ability to digest and interpret information for others.
然而,同样迫切的是,发现那些可能不是最好的经管人才,但有能力消化和理解他人的信息的雇员。 ecocn.org

By finding the courage to learn to read and write, Hanna had advance from dependence to independence, a step towards liberation.
汉娜通过找到勇气去学习读书和写字,她从依赖到独立有了提升,朝着解放迈进了一步。 yeeyan

Every day you should be finding opportunities to break out of your shell.
每天你都要寻找机会从你的保护壳里突破出来。 yeeyan

He set out to kill it by finding“the one best way” to do any job, and a system for telling managers how to find that way for every segment of their operations.
他开始通过寻找做任何工作的“唯一最佳方法”,以及告诉管理人员如何为他们操作的每一环节找到最佳方法的系统,来消除低效。 ibm

However, instead of finding the link from our past, we will predict it for our future.
然而,我们将预言未来,而不是从过去发现这失去的一环。 yeeyan

I despair of ever finding him again.

If you’re not finding much about it, it’s probably not worth that much.
如果你没有发现很多有关的信息,那它的价值也许不会很高。 yeeyan

If the parser already knows about the schema types in that namespace, or has some other means of finding them, it does not have to go to the location you gave it.
如果解析器已经知道命名空间中的模式类型,或者有其他寻找这些模式类型的方法,它就不需要定位到你所提供的位置。 ibm

In light of this finding, scientists have wondered whether single photons travel at the group velocity or the signal velocity.
在这些发现的基础上,科学家曾经怀疑,是否单个光子可以达到“群速度”和“信号传播速度”。 yeeyan

Israel argues that the water problem should be solved by finding new sources, through desalination and water treatment.
以色列主张,应该通过海水淡化和水处理的途径找到新水源来解决水问题。 yeeyan

Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.

The controversial finding comes from an observation that one of the constants of nature appears to be different in different parts of the cosmos.
这个备受争议的发现来自一项科学观察,大自然中有一个常量似乎在宇宙的不同地区有着不同的数值。 yeeyan

The finding appears in the journal Science.
这项发现发表在《科学》期刊上。 hjenglish

Then you go and try and replicate that finding in another population.
然后你试试在另一人群中复制那个发现。 yeeyan

These books all have a common theme to them: finding yourself, figuring out you have control over what you can do, and loving nature in the process.
这些书都有一个共同的主题:找到真正的自己、发现你自己能够做成功的事情、在成长的过程中热爱大自然。 yeeyan

They pitched a story about finding the jewels.

They wooed me back. They loved me back to fellowship with God, to finding Him as the answer to my pain rather than the alcohol.
他们恳请我回到教会,他们爱我,希望我能恢复与神的关系,向神寻找痛苦的解决办法而不是沉迷酒精。 yeeyan

Third, you and the organization have the responsibility under most state laws of finding avenues for an employee’s rehabilitation.
第三,按照大多数州立法,你和你的单位是有责任为雇员的康复寻找一个很好的途径。 yeeyan

This is why WHO is dedicating The world health report and World Health Day in 2006 to finding solutions to ensure that the right health workers are in all the right places.
这就是为什么世卫组织2006年世界卫生报告和世界卫生日致力于寻找解决办法以确保将适宜的卫生工作者布署在所有适宜的地方。 who

This model not only applies to reading texts, but also to finding these texts.
这种模式不只适用于阅读文本,甚至还可以用来找到这些文本。 yeeyan

We have known for decades that our survival depends on finding new sources of energy. Yet we import more oil today than ever before.
数十年来我们明白自己的生存依赖于新能源的发现,然而我们现在进口的石油比以前还多。 yeeyan

While I’m not an expert, I have some tips about finding patterns in my article on anticipating the future.
虽然我不是专家,但是我有一些关于发现规律的建议在我关于参与未来的文章中。 yeeyan

Finding an electron in a region of space.

Finding his own scheme met with no support, the Mayor faced round and supported the ideas of his Councillors.

Finding one of them will be the key to getting out.
找到其中一条河才是走出丛林的关键。 yeeyan




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