

单词 Finchley
释义 Finchley 'fintʃli 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Thomas Hood, English poet and humorist, died at Finchley Road in London after a long illness.
英国诗人与幽默作家托马斯·胡德久病后逝世于伦敦芬奇利路。 eeffee

“ I was completely enamoured, ” he recalls, and adds that he would be “ proud to return the seat” of Finchley and Golders Green, the most marginal in the country, to the Conservatives.
并说,当时完全被政治的美丽而迷住了。 同时,为保守党赢得英国最小的地区,芬奇利和高特格林,感到自豪。 ecocn

Every day, the activists ride the Underground from East Finchley to Hyde Park Corner to demonstrate outside the Libyan Embassy.
每天,这些利比亚斗士从东 Finchley驾车穿过地下隧道到海德公园角利比亚大使馆外进行抗议活动。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the meantime Sondra Finchley, who disliked Gilbert, began to invite Clyde to parties she and her friends often gave.
在此期间,桑德拉·芬奇利因为讨厌基尔伯特便邀请克莱德参加她和她的朋友们经常举行的聚会。 ebigear

New Oxford Street had just been cut, and the Finchley Road, the Caledonian and Camden roads, and Charles Barry was designing Trafalgar Square.
新牛津街,芬奇利路、苏格兰和卡姆登路便被切断了,而查尔斯·巴里正在设计特法拉加广场。 yeeyan




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