

单词 filters
释义 fil·ter·s 英'fɪltəʳ美'fɪltər COCA¹²¹⁸⁵BNC¹²⁰⁷⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

a thing used for holding back the solid parts in a liquid or gas

vt. & vi. 透过,过滤

send sth through a filter

vi. 消息等走漏

become known gradually

device that removes something from whatever passes through itan electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it
remove by passing through a filter;

filter out the impurities

pass through;

Water permeates sand easily

run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream;

water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose

reports began to dribble in

用作名词 n.
形容词+~acoustic filter消声器domestic filter家用过滤器yellow filter黄色滤光镜名词+~cloth filter用布过滤的滤器sand filter用沙过滤的滤水器~+名词filter tip过滤嘴香烟介词+~pass sth through a filter过滤某东西用作动词 v.~+名词filter light露出亮光filter water过滤水~+副词filter off滤掉某物filter out滤出,泄露filter out the facts泄露出去事实真相filter through逐渐被理解~+介词filter into渗入,传入filter into the country渗入国内filter into Japan渗入日本filter into people's minds渗入人心filter through渗透,滤过,透露filter through clouds透过云层filter through the sand渗透沙层
filter from v.+prep.

从…过滤出来 pass through a filter

filter sth from sthThe solid particles were filtered from the solution.固体微粒是从溶液中过滤出来的。
filter in v.+adv.

透过,滤过 pass or flow slowly

filter sth ⇔ inSounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.欢呼声透过关闭的窗户传了进来。
filter into v.+prep.

渗透,滤过 pass or flow slowly

filter into sthWater filters into the well.水渗透入井里。
Light filtered into the room.光线透进了房间。
The enemy agents managed to filter into the embattled country.敌人间谍设法钻进那个严阵以待的国家。
Foreign influence began to filter into the country.外国势力开始渗透进这个国家。
filter out v.+adv.

泄漏消息等( become knownnews, etc.)

filter sth ⇔ outThis metal net filters out the dirt.这个金属网滤掉污物。
You have to filter out the dirt before using the water.在使用这种水之前,必须先过滤,以除去污物。
The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the container.固体物质被过滤出来,只有液体流进容器。filter outThe news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised.他被任命的消息在还没正式公布前就被透漏出去。
filter through¹ v.+adv.

走漏 become known gradually

filter throughThe news slowly filtered through to everyone in the office.这消息慢慢走漏出去,结果办公室的人全知道了。
filter through² v.+prep.

透过,滤过 pass through gradually

filter through sthA liquid filters through a strainer, into the receptacle beneath.液体经过过滤器流入下面的容器。
Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well.水透过沙土,渗透到井里。
The sunlight filtered through the curtains.阳光透过窗帘映了进来。
The sunlight filtered through the thick leaves.阳光透过茂密的树叶照射下来。filter sth through sthYou filter the coffee through this special paper and it takes out the bitterness.如果你用这种特制的纸过滤咖啡,就没有苦味了。
The water was filtered through charcoal.这水用木炭过滤过的。近义词n. strainer
用作名词n.The lake water passes through a filter before it is piped to our homes.湖水过滤后用管道输送到各家各户。
They purified water by a filter.他们用过滤器净化水。用作动词v.
S+~+AShe went on separating, boiling, evaporating, filtering and mixing.她不断地进行分离、熬煮、蒸发、滤清、调制。
S+~+ n./pron.Charcoal is used to filter water.木炭是用来过滤水的。
The sunglasses is used to filter the light.太阳镜用于滤光。
Water and soil would have to be filtered many times to remove any radioactive matter.水和土壤须经过多次过滤以消除放射性物质。



filter接into,表示“渗入”; 接out表示“滤出”“泄露出去”; 接through,可表示“滤过”“透过”。

用作名词We usually clear the water with afilter.我们通常用过滤器使水净化。
You can alsofilterto focus on specific areas.你也可以设置过滤器来只关注一些特定的区域。
A yellowfilteris placed in front of the camera lens to assure that no blue light will be imaged.为了不使蓝光进入相机而成像,可在相机的透镜前加一黄滤色镜。
Afilterfor a display apparatus, a method of manufacturing the same, and a plasma display apparatus are disclosed.本发明公开了一种用于显示设备的滤光器及其制造方法,和等离子体显示设备。
Thefilterfunnels the signals received from many directions into separate photodetectors and improves reception by combining the energies of the beams.滤光器把来自许多方向的讯号导入个别的感光器,并将光束能量合并以改善接收品质。用作动词It won't take long tofilterthe coffee.用不了多少时间就可以把咖啡过滤好。
We mustfilterout the dirt.我们必须滤除尘垢。
The sunlightfilteredthrough the curtains.阳光透过窗帘映了进来。
The news of the defeat started tofilterthrough.战败的消息开始传出来。 Often you have a join between two tables on one or more columns, with filters on one or more different columns in those tables.
通常您在两个表之间一个或多个列上有一个联接,在这些表中,在一个或多个不同列上使用过滤器。 ibm

These events in themselves provide good flexibility as to when to generate each of the dumps, but that flexibility is also greatly increased by the addition of dump filters.
这些事件本身为指定何时生成每种转储提供了很大的灵活性,但是如果结合使用转储过滤器的话,灵活性还会大大提高。 ibm




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