film ring head
film ring head
He sat bashing away at his essay all day
He sat behind her
He sat behind me
He sat beside me
He sat bolt upright
He sat by himself
He sat by the fire
He sat by the fire,devouring beef and onions
He sat by the fireside drinking coffee
He sat by the window in raw sunlight
He sat,cursing himself,till his tea was stewed
He sat down amid deafening applause
He sat down and asked for a cup of cocoa
He sat down at the table and set about his work
He sat down beside Emma
He sat down hard on his tail
He sat down hard on the suggestion
He sat down heavily
He sat down in the sofa and lit a cigar
He sat down on his couch
He sat down on his couch,and Hana joined him
He sat down on the nearest available seat
He sat down to a great dish of macaroni
He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium
He sat facing the door
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更新时间:2024/11/5 6:09:52