

单词 filled
释义 filled 英fɪld美fɪld 高COCA²²²¹BNC³⁰⁹¹iWeb¹⁴⁷⁷⁸Economist²⁴³⁸
usually followed by `with' or used as a combining form generously supplied with;

theirs was a house filled with laughter

a large hall filled with rows of desks

fog-filled air

of purchase orders that have been filledof time taken up;

well-filled hours

filled gold镀金金属filled ellipse实心椭圆filled adhesive填充的粘合剂…filled column填料柱,填料塔…filled milk添加配料的脱脂乳…filled plastics填充塑料filled polygon实心多边形filled rectangle填充矩形filled bitumen填充沥青,加填料沥青…filled capacity满装量filled shell满壳层filled level满带能级,满充能级…filled composite充填材料filled cavity填充穴filled arc实心圆弧compound filled电 填剂的filled band满充能带,满带…filled valley淤积谷filled tower填料塔filled with spleen充满怨气
近义词 full满的thick厚的packed塞满的lined具线纹的crammed塞满的crowded拥挤的teeming充满的jammed被卡住的bursting充满的complete完整的stuffed塞满了的covered被覆盖的jam-packed塞紧的overflowing溢出物chock-full塞满了的chock-a-block常与with连用挤满…反义词 unfilled空的

用作形容词But at the same time, her heart wasfilledwith compassion.但她心里充满的却是同情。adj.suffused
同义词 brimming,full,repletepermeated
反义词 empty,needy
aboundingadjective plentiful
abundantadjective plentiful, large in number
abounding,ample,bounteous,bountiful,copious,crawling with,cup runs over with,eco-rich,exuberant,filled,full,generous,heavy,lavish,liberal,lousy with,luxuriant,mucho,no end of,overflowing,plate is full of,plenteous,plenty,profuse,rich,rolling in,stinking with,sufficient,teeming
brimmingadjective overflowing
awash,brimful,chock-full,crammed,crowded,filled,flush,full,jammed,level with,loaded,overfull,packed,running over,stuffed,topfull
brimming/brimfuladjective overflowing;up to the top
awash,chock-full,crammed,crowded,filled,flush,full,full to the top,jammed,level with,loaded,overfull,packed,running over,stuffed,topfull
burstingadjective as full as possible
chargedadjective loaded
emotional,filled,fraught,full,imbued,intense,laden,permeatedpervadedsaturated,suffused An ice- filled glass precipitates moisture from the air.

The eagerness and belief that filled me then and exacted a pledge from life that life could never fulfill?
那时我的身心充满了渴望和信念,向生活索求一种生活绝不会满足的保证吗? yeeyan

The listing first specifies the name and database type of the column, and then states for what event types the column is filled.
清单中首先指定了该列的名称和数据库类型,然后声明了该列中应该填充什么样的事件类型。 ibm

Yet he filled their houses with good things: but the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
那知,神以美物充满他们的房屋。但恶人所谋定的离我好远。 ebigear

After stumbling to the end of a smoke- filled corridor, you have to choose whether to turn left or right.
在跌跌撞撞地爬到充满烟雾的走廊尽头时,你不得不面临选择向左转还是向右转。 yeeyan

All the rest of Hell is filled with murky flame, and against this background Satan stands out in awful majesty.
地狱的其他空间都充满了黑暗的火焰,在这样的背景下,撒旦可怕而威严地站在那里。 yeeyan

Allow yourself to connect with Unconditional Love and to expand into that Love until you are filled with Compassion and Grace.
允许你自己连接到【无条件的爱】并且扩展进入那份爱的觉知,直到你充满慈悲与恩典。 blog.sina.com.cn

As the smell of petrol filled his nose in the pitch- blackness of the vehicle, he began to cry like a baby.
随着汽油的味道填满了他的鼻腔,他开始在伸手不见五指的黑暗中像婴儿一样哭了起来。 yeeyan

Ask not what gaps should be filled in evolutionary theory, but what gaps evolutionary theory should fill.
不要问在进化论中有什么空白应该填补,而是要问进化论应该填补什么空白。 yeeyan

Being in Istanbul convinces me that we could be on our way to losing it if all these vacuums get filled in the wrong ways.
身处伊斯坦布尔时,是我确信只有这些真空状态被用错误的方法填满时,我们才会失去土耳其这种平衡角色。 yeeyan

But the bond market and loans between companies filled some of the gap.
但是债券市场和公司之间的贷款填补了一些空缺。 yeeyan

By understanding the cycles of energy we can stay filled with energy and avoid burnout.
通过了解精力的周期,我们可以保持充满了能量从而避免疲惫。 yeeyan

He filled his pocket with food.

He filled the bottle with wine.

I took the other one, filled it, and followed her through the entryway.
我提起另一个,装满了水,跟在她后面,穿过入口通道。 yeeyan

I wish this world filled with love and happiness.
嗯,我希望这个世界充满了爱和幸福。 tingvoa

If you will commit to this, you will experience love as God means it to be, filled hope, energy, and joy.
如果你能为此承诺,你将体验到上帝给你的爱,那分充满希望,能量和欢乐的爱。 yeeyan

Soon our yard was filled with the remains of these other women.
很快我们的院子里满是这些其他女人的遗骸。 yeeyan

Then one February afternoon, alone in her bedroom, she reached for the textbook and her heart banged and her mouth filled with peanut butter- flavored bile.
接着在二月里一个下午,她单独呆在卧室里,够到那本教科书,她的心蹦蹦跳起来,嘴里冲满花生奶油味道的胆汁。 yeeyan

We asked Mr Charlton if he had yet filled up the forms.

We need to understand that space is to be enjoyed, not filled.
我们必须明白空间是用来享受的,而不是一味地填塞。 yeeyan

We were filled with hope, with passion, with dreams for the future.
我们浑身上下都是希望和激情,对未来充满了梦想。 yeeyan

When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lover.
当他可以大胆行动的时候,他发现自己除了一个情人所具有的那种普通的害怕之外,心里还充满怀疑、顾虑和踌躇。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

When you think you have filled out every required form and received every possible approval, there will be one more form or step to complete.
当你自认为已经填好了所有需要的表格、得到所有可能的批准时,总会还差一张表格或一个步骤等你完成。 yeeyan

You could have a life filled with all the things you love doing, but it could still be almost all work.
你可以过这样一种生活里面排满了你喜欢做的各种事情,当然也可能全是工作。 yeeyan




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