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词汇 alone
释义 a·lone 英əˈləʊn美əˈlonAHDə-lōnʹ ★★★★☆常小初中高四研IT牛4COCA¹²⁹⁵BNC¹⁴⁸⁹iWeb¹⁶⁷³Economist⁷³⁰

P单独的; 独一无二的

apart from other persons or things; solitary; without anyone else; without anything more; unique


only; just


without or separated from others


only; exclusively

isolated from others;

could be alone in a crowded room

was alone with her thoughts

I want to be alone

lacking companions or companionship;

he was alone when we met him

she is alone much of the time

the lone skier on the mountain

a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel

a lonely soul

a solitary traveler

exclusive of anyone or anything else;

she alone believed him

cannot live by bread alone

I'll have this car and this car only

radically distinctive and without equal;

he is alone in the field of microbiology

this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem

Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint

craftsmen whose skill is unequaled

unparalleled athletic ability

a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history

without any others being included or involved;

was entirely to blame

a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children

he works for Mr. Smith exclusively

did it solely for money

the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone

a privilege granted only to him

without anybody else or anything else;

the child stayed home alone

the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing

he flew solo


❌ The university is taking effective measures to improve the students' ability to work alone.

✔️ The university is taking effective measures to improve the students' ability to work independently.

work alone是“单独工作”, work independently才表示“独立工作”。


❌ She has not alone knowledge, but also experience.

✔️ She has not only knowledge, but also experience.

alone不用于not alone…but also结构。

let alone, not to mention

这两者都可用如连词,其区别仅在于:not to mention后只接名词短语,而let alone后可接任何词。另外, let alone只用于非正式语体中,且多用于否定句。例如:

I had never seen him, let alone spoken to him.我从未见过他,更不用说与他交谈了。leave alone, let alone


Leave〔let〕 that bag alone.It's not yours!别动那个包,那不是你的!


1.作“不理〔管〕而听其自然”“不烦扰”解时,多用leave alone; 作“不干涉”解时,多用let alone; 作“更不用说”解时, let alone比leave alone更正式。

2.leave alone可用于被动结构; 而let alone不常用于被动结构。

let alone, let well alone

这两个短语虽然只差一个well,但含义和用法已大相径庭。前者意为“更不用说”,后者意为“适可而止”; 前者用作及物动词,后者用作不及物动词。

alone, lonely


1.alone可用作形容词,也可用作副词; lonely只能用作形容词。

2.alone是陈述一个“独自”的客观现实,而lonely则是描述一种“寂寞的”情绪体验; alone说的是“没有伴侣”,而lonely却含有“渴望伴侣”的意味; alone基本没有感情色彩,而lonely的感情色彩却很浓。例如:

She felt lonely when she was left alone.剩下她一人时,她感到很寂寞。


Though I am alone,I am not lonely.虽然只有我一个人,但并不寂寞。
Though I am not alone,I am lonely.虽然不只我一个人,却感到寂寞。

再如:The few people on the street were alone and seemed lonely.街上那几个人孤零零的,显得很寂寞。


Now I am alone and can do more or less whatever I like.现在我单独一个人,可以做我喜爱的事。
There was a joy in closing the door behind the last departing guest and knowing that at last one was blessedly alone.当最后一位客人离去后,你关上门并感到终于留下自己一个人怡然自得时,该是多么高兴啊。

4.lonely可用于地点表示偏僻,人迹罕至; 而alone不能这样用。


There's a lonely house in a lonely wood.在人迹罕至的树林里有一座孤零零的房子。
Riches alone cannot bring happiness.仅仅有财富不会使人幸福。
alone, by oneself


1.从造成“独自地”原因上说, alone可以是主动的,也可以是被动的; 而by oneself则是主动的,是主观上愿意把自己与他人隔绝开来而造成的。例如:


He always has his lunch alone.


He always has his lunch by himself.


2.从“独自地”性质上说, alone可以是正常的,也可以是不正常的; 而by oneself则多是反常的,或者是出乎意料的。例如:


He lives alone.


He lives by himself.


alone, only


He knew it was impossible to accomplish it by individual effort only〔alone〕.他知道只靠个人努力是不能完成那件工作的。




He alone can do it.

Only he can do it.

2.含义上也有区别:alone表示只此一个,别无其他,相当于exclusively; 而only则暗示所指的事物有所限制,相当于solely。例如:

Our farm alone sold 80,000 kilograms of wheat.单是我们农场就出售了八万公斤小麦。
Only our farm sold 80,000 kilograms of wheat.只有我们农场出售了八万公斤小麦。

第一句暗指其他农场也出售了这么多甚至更多; 而第二句则暗指其他农场没有我们多。再如:

They alone sell cotton clothing.他们独家出售棉布服装。

They only sell cotton clothing.



She alone went there.


She went there alone.她独自去那儿了。


下面的句子有两种含义:He can do the work alone.他能做的只是这项工作。
















来自短语 all one .
用作形容词 adj.
名词+~man alone只有人类meat alone光有肉money alone光有钱time alone光有时间动词+~be alone是孤独的feel alone感到孤独leave alone听其自然,不干涉let alone更不用说,还不算,听其自然,不干涉look alone显得孤独seem alone似乎是孤独的stand alone in在…方面是独一无二的副词+~much alone非常孤独terribly alone可怕地孤独very much alone非常孤独~+介词alone in a place独自在一个地方alone in that opinion只有一个人持那种意见alone in holding that opinion唯独一个人持有这种想法alone with单独与…在一起alone with the moon独自陪伴着月亮用作副词 adv.动词+~go alone单独走leave alone独自离开walk alone独自散步
用作形容词adj.leave〔let〕 alone

更不用说,还不算 not to mention or say nothing of, certainly not

leave〔let〕 sb/sth aloneLet me alone!别管我!
Let the boy alone.He's hurting nobody.别管那个孩子,他不会伤人的。
Leave them alone to their discussion.别干扰他们,叫他们自己讨论吧。
Let him alone to do that!任他自己去做吧。
Let my things alone!别动我的东西。
How can you let it alone?你怎么能不管呢?
Some people can never let things alone.有些人凡事都想插手。
She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone.她要安静地考虑一下,最好别打扰她。
I'm anxious about leaving him alone in the temple.让他一个人呆在庙里,我很担心。
The principal is busy at his desk; you'd better leave him alone.校长正在伏案疾书,你最好别打扰他。
Leave the cat alone!别惹那只猫!
Leave that bottle alone; there is oil in it.别碰那个瓶子,里面有油。leave〔let〕 alone sthWe can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。
She can't find money for necessities, let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco.她连买必需品的钱都没有,哪里谈得上买烟酒之类的奢侈品呢。
It is not all of us who are born with the gift of handling normal children, let alone those of subnormal intelligence.并不是我们所有的人都生来就有管理正常儿童的才能,更不用说管理那些智力低于平常的儿童了。
He doesn't even speak his own language well, let alone French.本国语他都说不好,更不必提法语了。leave〔let〕 alone to/-vHe can't add two and two, let alone do fractions.他连二加二都不会,更不用说做分数题了。
I couldn't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy it.像那样的房子过去我连租都租不起,更谈不上买了。
I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you.我今天病得连厨房那么远都走不动,更不用说陪你逛动物园了。
He did not speak to me, leave alone help me.他连话都没跟我说,更谈不上帮助我了。
He won't even thank you, leave alone pay you.他连谢都不谢,甭说付钱给你了。let alone prep\\u002e-phraseHis cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.他的小屋连夏天都不好住,更不用说在冬天住了。let〔leave〕 well〔enough〕 alone

安于现状就已经行了,再搞反而会弄巧成拙了 be satisfied with conditions and not change them; do nothing else for fear of spoiling sth

stand alone

突出,杰出 be better, higher or bigger

非常记忆al阿狸〖拼音〗+one一个〖熟词〗⇒阿狸一个人独自站在路边钱博士al=all,完全+one一个→完全一个人⇒独自al=all,完全+one一个→完全一个人⇒独自。近义词 onlysolesolosinglesolelylonesomeseparatesingularsolitarilyunaccompaniedadj. isolateduniqueadv. exclusively反义词 helpedequaledassistedadj. aidedsurpassedadv. together
n. +~Cage alone knows the truth.只有凯奇知道真相。
I alone remained.只有我留下来。
You alone can do it.只有你能做这事。
He alone foresaw the Second World War.他是唯一预见到要发生第二次世界大战的人。
He alone is not responsible for it.这件事只有他一个人毫无责任。
One boy alone can do this work.只需一个男孩就能做这件工作。
The President alone has the power to appoint a member of the US cabinet.只有总统才能有权任命美国内阁成员。
The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。
Man alone has the gift of speech.只有人类才有说话的天赋。
Meat alone is not adequate food for most people.光有肉对大多数人来说还不足够。
Iron alone rusts.只有铁生锈。
That job alone will take up all your time.单是那件工作就会占去你的全部时间。
Pride alone prevented her from giving up.只是自信心才使她没能放弃。
Hard work alone isn't enough, we must use our brains, too.光苦干还不行,我们还得动脑筋。
Money alone can not make you happy.光有钱不能使你幸福。
Time alone will show who was right.只有时间能证明到底谁对。
The grant was awarded on merit alone.补助金只发给有功绩者。
Man shall not live by bread alone.人活着不是单靠食物。
He would be respected for that one thing alone.仅凭那一件事他就会受到尊重。
She did the work for money alone.她做这工作仅仅为了钱。
In Paris,35 arrests were made on January 4 alone.在巴黎,仅1月4日一天就逮捕了35人。
S+be+~I am alone.我独居。
He was all alone.他单独一个人。
I wanted to be alone.我想单独一个人呆一会儿。
Often she would weep when she was alone .她一人独处时常常哭泣。
Better to be alone than in bad company.一人独处也比和坏朋友在一起好。
After her husband's death she felt terribly alone.丈夫死后,她感到可怕地孤独。
Let's talk the matter over as soon as we are conveniently alone.让我们单独在一起的时候再讨论这件事情吧。
After his mother's death the boy remained quite alone.母亲去世后,留下小男孩无人照顾。
She was not alone at the moment.当时不止她一个人。
I am all alone here at present.目前我独自一个人在这儿。
She's always frightened when she's alone in the house.当一个人在屋里时,她总是害怕。
She has been alone in the world since husband died.自丈夫死后,她一直是独自生活。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseI am not alone in this opinion.持这种意见的不只是我一个人。
She is alone in believing that he is innocent.只有她一个人相信他是无辜的。
We are not alone in thinking that it is right.并非只有我们认为它是对的。
He was almost alone in thinking so.这样想的,差不多就是他一个人。
Haas is alone in dreaming that he shall be a specialist one day.只有哈斯一个仍在梦想,总有一天他会当上专家。
We were not alone in thinking that our education cause will continue to forge ahead with vigour.并非只有我们认为我们的教育事业将要继续蓬勃发展。
I am alone with the attendant.我单独和侍者在一起。
S+V+O+~It was dreadful to find oneself alone in such a place.在这样的地方孤独一人真让人毛骨悚然。
Finding himself alone in the room he knew he had overslept.他发现屋里只有他一个人时,就知道自己睡过了头。用作副词adv.
My father was sitting alone when I came in.我进去时,我父亲一个人坐着。
I can't carry on alone any longer; I'll have to get help.我一个人再也提不动了,得有人帮助我。
Can you lift the rock alone?你一个人能搬起那块石头吗?
Every morning I walk alone in the woods.每天早晨,我一个人在林子里散步。
This is something I can't decide alone.I'll consult with my wife about it.这不是我自己能决定的事,我得和我妻子商量商量。
She is now eighty, and becoming too frail to live alone.她今年80岁了,并且身体日益如此虚弱,以致不能一人单独生活。
Cage spent most of her time alone in the flat.凯奇独自一人在这所大公寓里度过了她大半生的时间。
She went on holiday alone, she's very independent.她独自去度假,她喜欢单独行动。
It was a definite mistake for him to have gone alone.他独自前去是一个明显的错误。
It was risky to walk in the filthy streets alone , murder was frequent and familiar.单独在污秽的街上走是很冒险的,因为谋杀经常发生,对人们来说并不陌生。
It is dangerous for a girl to go out alone at night.一个女孩夜里单独外出是危险的。
I felt uneasy at thought of her going home alone at that late hour.我为她那么晚独自回家感到不安。
It's too big a job for one man to do alone.这工作太难,一个人干不了。
The house stood alone on the hill.那座房子孤零零地坐落在山顶上。
He lived all alone.他独自一个人生活。
He did it all alone.这事全是他一个人干的。
I have to work all alone.我不得不一个人干活。
Mary was going to London all alone.玛丽独自一人去伦敦。
That fellow places himself among us all alone .那个家伙在我们中间处于孤立地位。
She sat all alone on the hillside.她孤单地坐在山坡上。
That pagoda stood on the hill allalone.那座宝塔孤零零地立在山坡上。
Alone, he would have been terrified.如果是孤身一人,他会吓坏的。Pstand-alonen.独立


alone的基本含义在于陈述独自一个人而没有同伴或助手的客观事实,引申可用于物。在与leave或let连用构成的习语中, alone的意思是“任其自然”。


不可说very alone,而应说much alone或very much alone,用very much比用much更为普遍。


let alone可用作连词,其后可接任何词性的词项,用于非正式语体,且多用于否定句。




alone,lone,lonely和lonesome的比较:alone是表语形容词,因此能说The man is alone,不能说an alone man。也不能说very alone,只能说much alone或very much alone,且后者比前者普遍。lone是定语形容词,因此能说a lone man,不能说The man is lone。alone指“独自的”,lonely指“寂寞的”,一个人也许alone但并不lonely虽自己一人,但不寂寞,或是虽不alone而感觉lonely虽不是自己一个人,却还是寂寞。有时lonely还指“不大有人到的”,如a lonely house。lonesome同lonely意思相近,指“孤单的”。Mary is very lonesome with her husband and children so much away.

She alone went指“只有她去”,She went alone指“她独自去”。而leave him alone有时指“听任他独自一个人”,有时指“不干涉他”,let him alone指“不干涉他”;

let alone等于to say nothing of,指“更不用说,莫说”。

The house is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.这房子夏天都不能住人,更不用说冬天了。
用作形容词Tom is notalonein finding Rick hard to work with.并不只是汤姆一人认为和里克难以共事。
I wasalonein the classroom.我独自在教室里。
To tell you the truth, I don't feel like beingalonetonight.说实话,我今晚不想孤单一人。用作副词After tea I wanderedaloneabout the town.吃过下午茶,我独自在城里漫步。
You can't live on breadalone.你不能仅靠面包维生。adj.separate;apart
同义词 only,unattendedsolo,unaccompaniedabandoned,batching it,by itself/oneself,companionless,deserted,desolate,detached,forlorn,forsaken,friendless,hermit,in solitary,individual,isolated,lone,lonely,lonesome,me and my shadow,me myself and I,on one's own,onliest,shag,single,sole,solitary,stag,traveling light,unaided,unassisted,unattached,unescorted,unmarried,widowed
反义词 the exclusion of;unique
同义词 solelyincomparable,matchless,peerless,singly,singular,unequalled,unique,unmatched,unparalleled,unrivaled,unsurpassed
反义词 together
abandonedadjective left alone, deserted
cast aside,cast away,deserted,discarded,dissipated,dropped,dumped,eighty-sixed,eliminated,empty,forgotten,forsaken,given up,godforsaken,jilted,left,left in the cold,left in the lurch,neglected,outcast,passed up,pigeon-holed,rejected,relinquished,shunned,side-tracked,sidelined,unoccupied,vacant,vacated
alienatedadjective estranged
alladverb exclusively
alone,nothing but,only,solely
apartadverb separate
afar,alone,aloof,aside,away,by itself,cut off,disassociated,disconnected,distant,distinct,divorced,excluded,exclusively,freely,independent,independently,individually,isolated,lone wolf,separated,separately,singly,special,to itself,to one side
asideadverb away from;to the side
abreast,afar,alone,alongside,apart,away,beside,by oneself,in isolation,in reserve,near,nearby,neck and neck,out,out of the way,privately,separately
detachedadjective disconnected
alone,apart,discrete,disjoined,divided,emancipated,free,isolate,isolated,loose,loosened,removed,separate,severed,unaccompanied,unconnected The two girls dropped back so as to be alone.

A painting should be looked at alone, or with one or two others.
一幅画作是要独自欣赏的,最多和一两个人一起观看。 yeeyan

Another benefit is that your muscles are working together as they do in the real world, rather than alone.
另一个好处是你的肌肉就像在现实生活中那样一起进行了运动,而不是单独运动。 yeeyan

But he escaped alone.
但他独自逃走了。 ebigear

But I do write best when I have a lot of time alone.
但是我写的最好的时候是我有大量单独时间的时候。 yeeyan

But one can be happy alone and this might even be the key to being happy with others.
但是一个人可以孤独的快乐并且这可能是和他人一同快乐的关键所在。 yeeyan

Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?
您愿意独自工作还是选择集体合作? ecocn

Do you want to not be alone for the rest of your life?
你不想孤独的度过你人生剩下的日子,是吗? yeeyan

Each one of us is all alone at some point in our lives.
我们的每一个人,在人生的某些时候,都是非常孤单的。 ebigear

For we know that America cannot meet the threats of this century alone, but the world cannot meet them without America.
因为我们知道,美国不能独自面对本世纪的威胁,没有美国,世界也对付不了这些威胁。 yeeyan

He seemed so alone standing there; even his wife and daughter knew little of his life on the bridge.
他站在那儿,显得那么孤单;甚至他的妻子和女儿都对他在桥上的生活知之甚少。 yeeyan

He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.

If so, you’re not alone.

I'm not alone in this.
在这个过程中我并不孤单。 yeeyan

It is not alone, though.
但是,它并不孤单。 ecocn

Justin suggested that I go with him to a private place where we could be alone.
贾斯汀要我和他去一个隐蔽的地方,这样我们就能单独在一起了。 hjenglish

OK, Jake, you can do it alone this time, but next time do it with Susan.
好了,杰克.这次你可以单独做.但是下一次你要同苏珊一起做. kekenet

Some of these exercises can be done alone, but others you have to do with a partner.
其中的一些练习你独自一人就可以完成,而其它的你需要有一个搭档才能完成。 yeeyan

There we experience that we belong not to people, not even to those who love us and care for us, but to God and God alone.
在孤独中我们会体会到我们不属于他人,甚至不属于那些爱我们和关心我们的人,我们属于主,而且只属于主。 yeeyan

They leave their daughter alone in the house on weekdays.

They can go to the local bar every night alone.
他们可以每天晚上独自到当地的酒吧去。 ebigear

They do not let me go out alone.

They feel they have to struggle alone.
他们觉得应该独自奋斗。 ecocn

We are not alone.
我们不是孤独的。 yeeyan




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