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fights off短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 na.打退;竭力摆脱 The human body is constantly bombarded with microbes, Dr. Zuk says, most of which the immune system fights off. 祖克博士说,人体时常会受到细菌侵扰,但人体自身的免疫系统会将大部分细菌击退。 ebigear “ We just don't know how long-lasting the therapeutic benefit will be, ” he says. “ If the immune system fights off the virus, then the tumor might just come back.” 加州大学,LA分校的基因疗法研究员 NoriKasahara还说:“我们无从知晓该疗法的有效性可持续多久,如果免疫系统将抗癌病毒消灭,那么肿瘤又会重新生长。” yeeyan But they missed one small step. They forgot to give him the vaccines that every patient who has his spleen removed requires, vaccines against three bacteria that the spleen usually fights off. 但可惜的是,这些天使们忽略了一个小小的细节:他们忘记给史密斯打疫苗了,对于每个接受脾脏移除手术的病人来说,疫苗是必须打的,因为疫苗会代替脾脏帮助对抗侵染人体的三种病菌。 yeeyan First, the immune system is that biological system in your body which fights off diseases. 首先,免疫系统是你体内与疾病抗争的生物系统。 http://dj.iciba.com New clues into how the body fights off the tropical disease dengue fever could help in the search for a vaccine. 人体如何抵御热带疾病登革热所带来的新线索将促进其疫苗的研究工作。 enread |