

单词 fiendish
释义 fiend·ish 英ˈfiːndɪʃ美ˈfindɪʃAHDfēnʹdĭsh ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA⁵⁷⁵⁶⁰BNC⁴⁰⁰⁶⁶iWeb³²⁶⁸³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell;

something demonic in him--something that could be cruel

fires lit up a diabolic scene

diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils

a fiendish despot

hellish torture

infernal instruments of war

satanic cruelty

unholy grimaces

GRE难词记忆fiendish→finished a.完蛋了的→恶魔似的家伙这下完蛋了GRE难词记忆fiendish→fiend n.魔鬼+ish→恶魔似的finisheda.完蛋了的⇒恶魔似的家伙这下完蛋了词根记忆fiend魔鬼近义词 hard硬的black黑的evil邪恶的cruel残酷的brutal野蛮的clever聪明的crafty狡猾的trying难受的tricky棘手的cunning狡猾的satanic恶魔的hellish地狱的demonic疯狂的cursed被诅咒的accursed可憎的unholy不神圣的infernal地狱的monstrous怪异的ingenious机灵的brilliant卓越的difficult困难的villainous邪恶的devilish魔鬼似的diabolical恶魔的diabolic魔鬼似的impossible不可能的barbaric极其粗野、残忍或残暴的…

用作形容词Heathcliff chuckled afiendishlaugh at the idea.希斯克厉夫想到这里格格地发出一种魔鬼似的笑声。
I was answered through the stillness of night by a loud andfiendishlaugh.回答我的是穿过这静寂夜空的一阵尖厉而恶魔似的狂笑。
Don't be sofiendish, afiendishperson is never welcomed.你不要那么凶,凶横的人一向不受欢迎。
Business competition can befiendishat times.有时商业竞争是残酷的。adj.diabolical
同义词 brutish,nefariousatrocious,beastly,cruel,demonic,demonical,devilish,diabolic,evil,hellish,inhuman,malicious,sadistic,satanic,savage,vicious,wicked
atrociousadjective outrageous;widely condemned
blackadjective evil or wicked
cursedadjective detestable, hateful
demonicadjective evil
devilishadjective wicked
diabolicaladjective devilish
cruel,demoniac,evil,fiendish,heinous,hellish,infernal,satanic,serpentine,vicious,vile,wicked A long scar across his cheek makes him look fiendish but he is very good- natured.
他面颊上的长疤令他看起来很凶恶,但是他却很善良。 blog.sina.com.cn

Of, resembling, or suggestive of a devil; fiendish.
恶魔一般,象恶魔一般的;魔鬼似的。 poptool

The fiendish sprites were often described tearing apart fighter craft in flight in the folklore that spread during the war years.
战时,民间普遍流传,这种恶魔般的精灵经常在空中撕毁战斗机。 starwarschina

Demon princes often breed powerful fiendish versions of rage drakes to use in their Abyssal armies.
恶魔王子们通常会饲养一些强有力的炼狱种狂暴龙兽,并用于他们的深渊军队中。 anetcity

Don't be so fiendish. A fiendish person is never welcomed.
你不要那么凶,凶横的人一向不受欢迎。 nciku

Getting194 nations to agree on anything, let alone a re-tooling of the global energy system that drives economies, is fiendish.
让194个国家对所有事情达成一致意见是残酷的,更不用说重整驱动经济发展的全球能源体系。 yeeyan

In my long, painful experience of trying to answer this fiendish question, I have yet to work out the correct response.
虽然有着漫长而痛苦的回答这个恶魔问题的经历,我至今还未发现正确的回答。 yeeyan

It was said that if a demon or such were to encounter something as fiendish looking as themselves that they'd run away in terror, thus sparing the houses dwellers from the ravages of dark entities.
有人说,如果一个人遇到这样或恶魔那般魔王为自己找他们去那里跑开恐惧,从而腾出房子居住者从黑暗肆虐实体。 jeremiahproject.com

Later, in his30s, he lived life“through an artificial self” in “a state of dissociation”, which drove him into the clutches of a fiendish psychoanalyst.
后来,在他30多岁期间,他过着“分裂状态”下“自我十足虚假”的生活,这种生活驱使他成为刁钻心理分析学家的掌中物。 ecocn

Others play up the sense of skill and mastery that comes from overcoming a particularly fiendish challenge, or even provide their players with the need for hard, rewarding work.
另一些游戏,通过让玩家通过杀死某些特殊的怪物,甚至是给玩家委派具有一定困难的有偿任务,来强调技能提升和对游戏全局的掌控感。 ecocn

So he concocted a fiendish scheme to trick her into paying.
于是他编造了一个残忍的计划,以诱骗她支付。 yeeyan




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