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词汇 fidesz
释义 fideszCOCA¹⁶⁷⁷⁹⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
Arguably, the emergence of Jobbik has benefited Fidesz by forcing the party to end its on-off flirtation with the radical right and to reposition itself as a mainstream centre- right party.
尤比克党的出现帮助青民盟终结与激进右派政党之间的暧昧关系。青民盟重新定位为一个主流的右派政党。 ecocn

The leader of Fidesz, Hungary’s centre-right party, won a stunning two-thirds majority in parliament on April25th, taking263 of the386 seats.
4月25号的国会选举中,该党占据了386个席位中的263个,赢得三分之二以上的绝对多数席位。 ecocn

The latest buzz- word about Hungary is that the country, under the right-wing Fidesz government elected in April, is undergoing a kind of“ Putinisation”.
最近关于匈牙利的时髦话是,在4月选举出的右翼青民盟政府领导下,匈牙利正在经历一种“普京主义“。 ecocn

The market is very excited about owning forints ahead of municipal elections where the Fidesz party is expecting a sweeping victory after standing up to the International Monetary Fund.
市场目前非常关注匈牙利的市政选举,并且期待青年民主党在经受国际货币基金之后以压倒性胜利。 blancgroup

The spectacle of former prime ministers in the dock would play well to loyalists of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party but would do little for the country’s already- tarnished international image.
三位处于被动局面的前总理出尽洋相,这对匈牙利执政党青年民主党的忠诚分子相当有利,但对业已受损的匈牙利国际形象毫无好处。 ecocn

With nearly all the votes counted from the parliamentary elections in Hungary, the centre-right party Fidesz has won a landslide victory.
匈牙利议会选举几乎所有的选票已经统计完毕,中右翼政党青年民主党 Fidesz获得了压倒性的胜利。 renren

Zoltan Kovacs, Fidesz’s communications minister, says that foreign- currency debt is now a strategic issue.
青民盟交通部长佐尔坦•考瓦克斯表示,外币负债眼下是个策略性问题。 ecocn

Fidesz, Mr Orban's party, can justly claim to have inherited a mess from its Socialist predecessor.
欧尔班先生的政党青民盟,可以理直气壮地说继承了社会主义的前任一个烂摊子。 renren

Fidesz won an unprecedented two-thirds majority in April’s general election.
在四月份的大选中,青年民主联盟以前所未有的三分之二的优势获胜。 ecocn

But there is growing alarm about the increasing centralisation of power under the right-wing Fidesz government led by Viktor Orban, Hungary’s pugnacious prime minister.
但是,由匈牙利好斗的首相 Viktor Orban领导的右翼青年民主联盟政府,权力集中不断加强的问题,逐步引起人们的注意。 ecocn

But Hungary's main center-right opposition party, Fidesz, has criticized the government for accepting the financial rescue package, saying it could compromise the country's sovereignty.
但是匈牙利中间偏右的主要反对党青年民主联盟-匈牙利公民联盟对政府接受金融援助计划提出批评,说此举可能使匈牙利的主权受到损害。 ebigear

Ever since Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party won two-thirds of the parliamentary seats in April’s general election, the signals have been ominous.
从维克托•奥班的青民盟在四月的大选中赢得议会三分之二的席位开始,气氛就已经有些不对了。 ecocn

Hungary's parliament, dominated by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's centre-right Fidesz party, adopted the new citizenship law last May.
去年五月由首相 Viktor Orban统治的极右 Fidesz党统治的匈牙利国会通过了新国籍法案。 yeeyan

In 2008 Fidesz helped stop Apollo, an Indian company, from building a tyre factory in the town of Gyongyos.
2008年,在该党的介入下,印度 Apollo公司在珍珠市 Gyongyos的小镇上的轮胎工厂没能建成。 ecocn

In its first serious piece of legislation, Hungary’s new Fidesz centre-right government is giving the 2.5m- odd ethnic Magyars abroad the right to Hungarian passports.
在首批立法之中,中右派政府决定给予境外250万余名马札尔人发放匈牙利护照。 ecocn

Opposition politicians and civil- society activists hoping that the forthcoming EU presidency would bring outside pressure to bear on Fidesz have been disappointed.
希望未来的欧盟主席能向青年民主联盟施加外部压力的反对派政治家和民间社会活动家已令人失望。 ecocn

Viktor Orban, leader of the opposition Fidesz party, laments that more than 80% of the financial system is“ in foreigners' hands”.
反对党青年民主联盟的领袖欧尔班·维克多对于金融系统80%以上都在“外国人的手上”很是忧虑。 ecocn

Fidesz also backed a referendum to block private investment in the failing national health service.
此外,该党派还支持一份公投书,阻止私人投资日益落没的国家医疗系统。 ecocn

Fidesz also sometimes co-operates with the far right in local government.
有时 Fidesz也在地方政府中和极右派合作。 ecocn

Fidesz promises to reduce taxes and the burdensome bureaucracy, and thus create a million new jobs over the next decade.
反对党青民盟承诺降低税收,消除繁杂的官僚主义,在未来十年里新增一百万个新岗位。 ecocn




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