

单词 fidei
释义 fidei
An insurance contract is uberrimaefidei.保险合同是最坦率诚实的。
There are different opinions on the problem whether the possessio bonaefideiis indispensable in the system of title by prescription.内容提要: 时效取得制度是否以善意占有为要件,存在不同观点及立法例。
I will bring this part of my confessiofideito a conclusion by quoting three propositions from Wittgenstein, who is not generally regarded as a friend of theologians.大体说来,维根斯坦并不是神学家的朋友,他曾经提出三个命题,我愿意在结束这部分我对信仰作出剖白之时,引用他那三个命题。
By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it’s more reasonable not to take the possessio bonaefideias the constitutive element of the system of title by prescription.权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。
By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it is more reasonable not to take possessio bonaefideias the constitutive element of the system of prescription acquisition.权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。




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