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Ficat 基本例句 菲卡¹⁰⁰ FicatRP.Idiopathic bone necrosis of the femoral head:early diagnosis and treatment;.J Bone Joint Surg Br,1985,67:3-9.韩玉珍;王青;吕建萍.;术前护理干预对人工股骨头置换术后的影响; FicatRP. Idiopathic bone necrosis of the femoral head : Earlydiagnosis and treatment . J Bone Joint Surg ,1985 ,67 :3.马承宣;刘贵林;房论光;等.;儿童髋关节表面应力分布状态及与髋臼指数的关系 FicatRP .Idiopathic bone necrosis of the femoral head:early diagnosis and treatment. bone Joint SurgBr; 1995 42 1405-1411.王义生;毛克亚;李月白.;酒精性股骨头缺血性坏死发病机理的实验研究 1FicatRP. Idiopathic bone necrosi of the femoral head early diagonsis and treatment. J Bone Joint SuryBr 1985,67:3-11.中华显微外科杂志1999年第2期第0卷临床体会作者:牟善霄马荣生成得元李宜照刘玉祥单位:276800山东省日照市人民医院骨科;普外科… |