释义 |
few words短语¹⁵⁹⁷⁵ 基本例句 沉默寡言 He muttered afew wordsof apology and with that he left.他一边低声地说抱歉一边就离开了。 Thesefew wordsfully revealed her noble quality.这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。 He spoke afew wordsof comfort to me before leaving.走之前,他向我说了几句安慰的话。 She prefaced her remarks with afew wordsof welcome to the guest.她先讲了几句对客人表示欢迎的话作为开场白。 He preceded his speech with afew wordsof welcome the special guests.他在演讲之前先说了几句对特邀来宾表示欢迎的话。 Afew wordsof introduction may not come amiss.说几句开场白会很合适的。 She scrawled afew wordson the postcard.她在明信片上草草地写了几个字。 The ship's captain was a man offew words, yet his intentions were always perfectly clear.这条船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,然而他的意图总是绝对清楚的。 |