

单词 feuded
释义 feud·ed 英fjuːd美fjuːd COCA⁸⁵⁰¹⁰BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a bitter quarrel between two parties
carry out a feud;

The two professors have been feuding for years

blood feud族仇,氏族间的仇杀…deadly feud深仇大恨,不共戴天之…sink a feud抛弃旧怨,言归于好…
近义词 row排fight战斗argue说服clash冲突battle战斗bicker斗嘴grudge怨恨strife争吵dispute争论quarrel吵架argument辩论vendetta仇杀animosity憎恶bad blood恶感hostility敌意bitterness苦味disagree不同意controversy争议disagreement不合squabble为琐事争论…

用作名词The two tribes were long atfeudwith each other.这两个部族长期不和。
Insults only served to inflame thefeud.侮辱只是起了加剧长期不和的作用。
The timing of the transaction raises questions about the status of Mr.Murdoch'sfeudwith John C.交易的时机使人对默多克与自由媒体主席马龙的争执状态产生疑问。
The barriers between Europe and Asia set up by the religiousfeudof Christianity and Islam were lowered.欧亚之间因基督教和伊斯兰教这种宗教争执而树立的障碍逐步消除。用作动词The two families have been atfeudwith each other.两个家族之间有世仇。
The children of the two families are trying to smooth over a lengthyfeud.这两家的晚辈在试图缓解长久的世仇。 But North Korea stopped disabling the plant a month later as it feuded with the U. S. over its nuclear program.
但是朝鲜在一个月后停止拆除其他相关设施,这招致了美国在核发展进程上的不满。 yeeyan

He's criticized referees, kicked shoes at players and feuded with other managers. Most of all, though, he's sustained success.
他曾指责裁判,怒踢自己的球员,还与其他主教练起过争执,但最重要的是,他一直在延续着自己的成功与辉煌。 news.mso.com.cn

It has feuded internally over reforms enacted by the grand coalition and its predecessor, an SPD- Green government.
它与联合政府和它的前身“社会民主党-绿党”政府制定的改革政策进行长期的内部争斗。 ecocn




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