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词汇 Festuca rubra
释义 Festuca rubra
Study on Prevention and Control of Puccinia spp. InFestuca rubraL.羊茅锈病发生与防治的研究。And their sequence of drought tolerance during seedling was Lolium perenne>Festuca arundinacea>Bromus inermis>Festuca rubra>Agrostis stolonifera. 综合分析可知,5种冷季型草坪草的苗期抗旱性能由强多弱依次为:多年生黑麦草>高羊茅>无芒雀麦>紫羊茅>匍匐翦股颖。Festuca rubraon the first axis of DCA ordination for samples. Four groups had their distributing center and area, and the distribution of species decided the meadow types.4个生态种组在DCA排序图中都有自己的分布中心和分布区域,植物种的分布格局在很大程度上决定着草甸类型的分布格局。
The result of the trial indicated that Bromus inermis,Festuca rubra,Lolium prenne,Onobrychis viciaefolia and Coronilla varia performed good in establishment on side slopes,and …对高等级公路边坡绿化草种的引种试验工作,国内各地的研究甚少,陕西省更无报道。
Effects of drought stress on the changes of physiological characteristics were carried out on Cool Season Turfgrasses by using Fylking, Targetand Cindy.研究了Fylking草地早熟禾、Target多年生黑麦草、Cindy紫羊茅的幼茎和幼根在不同的干旱条件下超氧化物酶、过氧化物酶的酶活性生理指标变化。
A Study on the Dwarfing Effect on Festuca Rubra with PP_ and CCCPP_和CCC对紫羊茅矮化效应的影响




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