

单词 festive occasion
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The mouse brain, clearly, does not deal in nuances— a sliver of moldy cheese forgotten on the floor might make for a festive occasion, but it’s no madeleine.
很显然,老鼠的大脑不能区分细微差别,忘记地板上一片发馊的干酪或许值得庆祝,但绝没有那么简单。 yeeyan

First in Tzu Chi news today, coinciding with another festive occasion, the end of December is when Tzu Chi collegiate youth from around the world gather together in Hualien.
首先来看慈济新闻,结合12月底的另一个佳节,来自全球的慈青群聚在台湾花莲; newdaai

The wedding feast, which was held in a room of the old deserted villa, was far from being a festive occasion for the invited guests.
对应邀而来的宾客而言,在久无人居的旧别墅里举行的婚筵全然不是一场喜庆。 yeeyan

This set of pictures is supposed to show the preparations of Russians to this magnificent festive occasion.
下面的图片显示了俄罗斯为这个重大的节日而作的准备工作。 yeeyan




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