

单词 Almaden
释义 Almaden ˌɑ:lmɑ:ˈðein COCA⁶⁹⁰⁵⁹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
The new system also benefits from a file system known as GPFS that was developed at IBM Almaden to enable supercomputers faster data access.
新系统得益于一种称为 GPFS的文件系统,是 IBM阿尔马登研究实验室开发的能够让超级计算机数据存取更快。 yeeyan

“You can only do your quantum magic as long as you have coherence, ” said Sebastian Loth, a physicist at IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif.
“只有保证相干态,才能施展你的量子魔法”, Sebastian Loth说,他是来自加州圣何塞 IBM Almaden研究中心的物理学家。 blog.sina.com.cn

A data repository almost10 times bigger than any made before is being built by researchers at IBM's Almaden, California, research lab.
加利福尼亚 IBM阿尔马登研究实验室的研究人员正在建造一个数据仓库,他比现有的数据仓库几乎大十倍。 www.youfind.com.cn

Before joining Yahoo, Qi was a researcher at IBM's Almaden Research Center.
在加入雅虎,是一个研究员齐在 IBM的阿尔马登研究中心。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, I joined the Almaden Research Labs, which are looking a bit further out than just a product around the corner.
实际上,我加盟的是阿尔马登研究实验室 Almaden Research Labs,该实验室正在进行一些比起即将推出的产品来略具前瞻性的工作。 ibm

The research was a joint undertaking by scientists at IBM's Almaden Research Center and the California Institute of Technology.
这项研究由 IBM的阿尔马登研究中心与加利福尼亚技术研究所的科学家共同承担。 ebigear

This drill comes to us from our good friends at Almaden Swim& Racquet Club.
这给我们留下演练在阿尔马登游泳和网球俱乐部的好朋友。 xmuswim.com

We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of Almaden.
我们为孩子们的出生地而自豪—— Almaden的葡萄酒。21cnlunwen.com




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