

单词 all-weather
释义 all-weather 英'ɔ:l'weðə美'ɔ:l'weðə ○○○○○高COCA⁵⁰¹²³BNC²⁶⁴²⁰iWeb²¹⁶⁰³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

usable or operative or practiced in all kinds of weather;

a good all-weather road

all-weather flying

all-weather surface全天候道面weather-all coat晴雨大衣all-weather aircraft全天候飞机all-weather interceptor全天候截击机…all-weather navigation全天候导航all-weather port不冻港all weather flight全天候飞行all-weather equipment全天候设备all-weather fighter全天候战斗机…all weather不论晴雨的全天候的…all-weather track全天候跑道
蒋争熟词记忆all(全weather气候⇒全天气候的;适应各种气候的all全weather气候⇒全天气候的;适应各种气候的近义词 year-round整年的all-season四季用all-purpose通用的
It says the all-weather material could also revolutionise diagnostic medicine.
据称,这种全天候的夜光材料还能够促进诊断医学的革新。 huanqiu

The two methods are finally collaborated to obtain the water vapor distribution under all-weather condition in the HUBEX area.
最后,将两种方法进行融合,得到淮河流域全天候的水汽场分布。 cnki

The vehicle location can be tracked quickly and accurately by the GPS positioning, which is precise, all-weather and real time.
利用 GPS定位的高精度、全天候、实时性好的特点,实时准确地跟踪车辆位置。 fabiao

The vibration response of the bell tower under ground traffic loads were obtained through all-weather field monitoring.
根据现场全天候监测,得到了钟楼在地面交通载荷作用下的振动响应; lxsj.cstam.org.cn

As a result of thermal based imaging, infrared imaging system, with its visual capacity in darkness and frog, can almost work in any environment and all-weather conditions.
由于红外图像是热成像,红外成像系统在黑暗和烟雾等环境中仍具有较强的视觉能力,几乎可以在任何环境下全天候工作。 fabiao

At least looking for love, friends or close friend to be your all-weather supporters to quit smoking.
至少要寻觅爱人、朋友或至交做你全天候的戒烟支持者。 chinaw3

Bandits usually in the evening the crime, the doctor all-weather Robbers;
强盗寻常只在夜晚做案,医生却全天候抢钱; lostonline

Because has used the automatic navigation electricity system which all-weather, the day and nights concurrently use.
由于采用了全天候、昼夜兼用的自动航电系统。 qdcs5

Columbia Sportswear's premier product line, Titanium, offers advanced fabrics and technologies for all-weather performance and protection during demanding outdoor action.

Has, the day and nights operational capacity all-weather.
具有全天候、昼夜作战能力。 qdcs5

High- quality working liquid, ensure all-weather adaptability under different temperature conditions.
高品质工作液,确保高低温环境下全天候产品适应性。 dictall

I school classrooms for all-weather open from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, staff and students can be used within a specified time.

It is very suitable for families, hotels, offices, etc. for all-weather monitoring.
非常适合家庭、宾馆、办公室等作全天候监听。 szdzhafkj.com

Synthetic aperture radarSAR is all-weather, all- time modern high resolution microwave remote sensing image-producing radar.
合成孔径雷达是一个全天候、全天时的现代高分辩率微波遥感成像雷达。 cnki

This is one of the last sub- regions where you don't have all-weather, paved roads going from one part of Africa to another.
这是非洲最后一个地区间没有全天候的、没有铺设路面的道路的次级地区之一。 worldbank

Yang said China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners. The bilateral ties have withstood the tests of time and the fluctuations of international situation.
杨洁篪说,中国同巴基斯坦是全天候战略合作伙伴,两国关系经受住了时间和国际风云变幻考验,有着坚实的基础和旺盛的生命力。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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