

单词 femtosecond
释义 femtosecond 英fem'təʊsiːkənd美fem'təʊsiːkənd 高COCA⁸⁰³²¹BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁴⁴⁵⁰⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

one quadrillionth 10^-15 of a second; one thousandth of a picosecond
Finally, the prospects offemtosecondlaser fabrication are also discussed.本文最后还展望了飞秒激光加工未来的发展方向。
The ionization and dissociation of polyatomic molecules infemtosecondlaserfield were studied in the article.本论文的主要内容是利用飞行时间质谱仪来探测飞秒激光强场下气体小分子的电离解离。 The influence of optical source chirp on femtosecond soliton interaction is studied numerically, and the unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction.
数值研究了源啁啾飞秒孤子间相互作用,提出了抑制该作用的可能方案; cnki

The results can be importantly referenced by design and application of this kind of filter for femtosecond pulse.
对于飞秒脉冲干涉滤波器的设计和应用具有重要的参考价值。 cnki

The compact ultrafast fiber lasers are described as the second generation of femtosecond lasers for microscopy.
集成超快光纤激光器被认为是显微技术中的第二代飞秒激光器。 cnki

The possible influence of nonuniform gaseous medium on high order harmonics generated by femtosecond laser is discussed.
讨论了气体介质的非均匀性对飞秒激光高次谐波产生过程的可能影响。 dictall

The solution of the nonlinear wave equation describing propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse with duration of several optical oscillation periods in a nonlinear fiber is presented.
给出了描述具有几个光振荡周期的飞秒激光脉冲在非线性光纤中传输方程的解。 cnki

The temporal dispersion effect and compensation approach of femtosecond laser scanning by an acoustooptical deflector AOD was studied.
研究了声光偏转器 AOD扫描飞秒激光的时间色散效应及补偿方案。 cnki

“ One may argue that now we have femtosecond lasers which generate pulses with a length of a few femtoseconds, ” he noted.
也许有人会说,我们现在已经拥有了飞秒激光器,可以产生仅几毫秒长的脉冲。 yeeyan

At each time step very small, on the order of1 femtosecond, there are in principle hundreds of millions of forces to be calculated.
在每个时间步骤中非常短,差不多1飞秒,需要计算的作用力的数量基本上可以达到数亿。 ibm

By using femtosecond laser, the off-resonant third-order optical nonlinearity of the compound was measured with degenerate four- wave mixing technique.
采用飞秒激光,运用简并四波混频法,研究了化合物在非共振状态下的三阶非线性光学性能。 dictall

From the microscopic view point of energy transfer, energy transfer mechanism of femtosecond pulse laser radiation on metal film and the resulted molecules desorption from substrate is discussed.
从微观能量传输角度,对飞秒脉冲激光的辐射传热及其产生的金属薄膜吸附层分子脱附过程的能量输运机理进行了研究。 dictall

In this thesis, the CGH was recorded directly inside silica glass step by step controlled by PC using a tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses with the mechanism of micro- explosion.
本文将计算全息图通过紧聚焦飞秒激光脉冲诱导的微爆机制直接记录在玻璃内部,从而得到永久性的计算全息图。 cnki

In this paper, numerical simulation for temperature field of femtosecond- picosecond pulse laser ablation on metal surface is performed by finite- difference method FDM.
用有限差分法对飞秒、皮秒脉冲激光在金属表面烧蚀过程的温度场进行了一维数值模拟。 dictall

Owing to its high efficiency, it is especially suitable for the experiments of ultrashort femtosecond pulse laser produced plasmas.
由于其高效率,该谱仪尤其适用于超短飞秒脉冲激光产生等离子体的实验研究。 cnki

SC light has a short coherence length and a bandwidth broader than any femtosecond laser, making it ideal for high-resolution OCT imaging.
SC光比起飞秒雷射的同调长度更短、频谱更宽,很适合用在 OCT影像。

The present thesis is devoted to studying the propagation of femtosecond pulsed beams in free space, linear dispersive media, and through lenses.
本论文对飞秒脉冲光束通过自由空间、线性色散介质和单透镜的传输特性作了深入研究。 cnki

The results also show unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction between femtosecond soliton in the presence of optical source chirp in a certain degree.
研究结果还表明,不等幅传输法在一定程度上可有效地抑制源啁啾飞秒孤子间的相互作用。 cnki

The results indicate that this method not only can match completely group velocities among three waves, but also can achieve maximal parametric bandwidth for continuous tunable femtosecond BBO OPA.
结果表明,利用该方法不仅能够完全补偿飞秒 BBO光参量放大在连续调谐时三波的群速失配,而且能够实现最大的参量带宽。 cnki

The system can steadily achieve the relative phase difference dynamic control of the femtosecond laser pulse pair almost without limitation of range.
该系统能够在实验范围中几乎无行程限制地实现飞秒激光脉冲对的相对相位动态稳定控制。 cnki

This approach is demonstrated to be effective on compensation of temporal dispersion for AOD scanning femtosecond laser.
这表明该方案用于 AOD扫描飞秒激光时进行时间色散补偿是非常有效的。 cnki

This paper is mainly on theoretical research of femtosecond laser pulse Fourier space-time transform shaping.
本论文主要是关于飞秒激光脉冲傅里叶时空变换整形的理论研究。 dictall




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