

单词 allusions
释义 allusions 英ə'luːʒnz美ə'luːʒnz COCA²⁵⁵⁶²BNC²⁶¹⁵⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 allusion:
passing reference or indirect mentionHer poetry is full of obscure literaryallusions.他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
Theallusionslend the work a classical tone.这个典故使作品带古典味。noun.indirect reference;hint
同义词 quotationcharge,citation,connotation,denotation,implication,imputation,indication,inference,innuendo,insinuation,intimation,mention,remark,statement,suggestioncasual remark,figure of speech,incidental mention,play on words
反义词 silencereality It's the speeches of Comus far more than those of any other character that are filled with echoes and allusions to the great plays of Shakespeare.
和其他角色相比,是 Comus的讲话,有很多模仿和典故来自莎士比亚的伟大戏剧。163

Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.

This essay analyze its language style including characteristic language in the daily life, song words, human allusions in the society and rhetoric.
具体表现为大量运用日常化语言、惯用语、歌词和社会人文典故及多种修辞格等方面。 cnki

We should not use proverbs and allusions indiscriminately.

After a period of exclusively derisive and negative popular allusions to the stock market, references to stocks in non- financial settings will become all but non- existent.
经过一段时间的专门嘲笑和消极流行的典故,以股市,提到股市非金融的设置将成为所有,但不存在的。 macd

As for Christianity, it knows no love: it only knows forbearance or compassion, allusions to love rather than love itself.
对于基督教而言,它不知道爱情:它知道的唯有忍耐或同情,暗示爱情的存在,而不是爱情本身。 yeeyan

But these allusions are not endorsements.
但这些暗示不代表支持。 ecocn

By comparing the right and wrong translations, this paper introduces the methods and aesthetic features when translating English idioms, allusions or alien words into Chinese.
本文通过正误对比翻译,着重分析介绍英汉翻译中的难点——习语、典故和外来语的翻译注意事项、翻译方法与译词的美学特征。 cnki

For anyone who looks to Islam's foundational texts as the ultimate arbiter of truth, these are resonant allusions.
对那些将伊斯兰教的基本经文看作真理的最终裁决者的人而言,这些都是引发共鸣的隐喻。 ecocn

Further, the significance of Moses is hinted at through literary allusions in the narrative of his birth, his infancy.

He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations, laced with classical allusions.
他能使听众为其激动人心、点缀有经典典故的结束语等上甚至一天的时间。 ecocn

of the apartheid and civil rights allusions in his speech, which were hostages to fortune.
在演讲中高调畅谈种族主义和公民权利,使自己陷于不利,也是他自己的选择。 ecocn

One of the allusions was not exactly coarse, but somewhat vulgar.
其中有个典故,谈不上很粗鲁,但却有点庸俗。 yeeyan

Search engines that filter out combinations of provocative keywords still cannot detect metaphors, allegories, subtle allusions, satires, and even unusual turns of phrase.
搜索引擎可以过滤掉那些煽动性的关键词及其组合,但是它仍然无法察觉到隐喻,讽喻,微妙的影射,讥 讽,甚至是词组的非常规使用。 yeeyan

Shakespeare would not have filled his plays with legal allusions if he had not expected them to be understood.
如果不是知道观众能理解的话,莎士比亚不会让自己的戏剧充斥着法律的语言。 yeeyan

She kept out of Mabel's way, but wrote her poems and notes replete with allusions to destructive sexual obsession in Shakespeare's tragedies.
她一直躲着玛佩尔,但是她的诗歌和笔记处处提到莎士比亚悲剧中那种毁灭性的性爱迷恋。 ecocn




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