

单词 felts
释义 felt·s 英felt美felt COCA¹⁵⁰²⁹³BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers
mat together and make felt-like;

felt the wool

cover with felt;

felt a cap

change texture so as to become matted and felt-like;

The fabric felted up after several washes

felt tip毡笔尖hair felt毛毡felt roll毡辊,毛毯辊…felt wiper毛毡擦试器,毡刷…felt pad毛毡坐垫dry felt干毛毯pitched felt柏油毡felt whipper净毡器rag felt油毡felt paper毛毡纸,绝缘纸…felt gasket毡垫密片tarred felt柏油毡,油毛毡,柏油…asphalt felt沥青油毡,油毛毡,沥…tar felt防水油毡,防水毡,焦…deadening felt隔音毡felt washer毡垫圈,油封…asbestos felt石棉毡,石棉毛毯,石…felt seal毛毡封felt cloth缩绒织物felt area地震波及区…
近义词 mat垫子matte表面无光泽的…

用作名词The outside is covered with thick water-prooffelt.外面蒙着一层厚厚的防水毛毡。
We've lagged the hot water tank withfelt.我们已用毛毡把热水箱包了起来。
The man wears an oddfelthat.那人戴着一顶古怪的毡帽。
We are scarce offeltafter the earthquake.震后,我们急需毡制品。用作及物动词We canfeltthe wool and make it into fabric.我们可以把这些羊毛制成毡,然后用它制成织物。
The room was so hot that shefeltdizzy.房间里如此之热,以至于她觉得头晕目眩。
Ifeltsomeone twitch at my coat.我感到有人猛地拉我的上衣。
Ifelthumiliation at her remarks.听到她的话我感到受辱。
Ifeltcomfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。as in.table linen
同义词 felt,napery,napkins,place mat,table mat,table napkin,table pad,table runner,tableclothas in.coat
同义词 fur,leather,skin,woolcrust,ectoderm,epidermis,felt,fleece,hide,husk,integument,membrane,pelage,pellicle,pelt,rind,scale,shellpeltry,protective covering,scarfskinas in.mat
同义词 dishevelbraid,entangle,entwine,felt,snarl,tangle,twine,twist,weave The qualities include the most elegant double felts, fluid silky fabrics, more sports wool qualities as well as acetate jacquards.
包括优雅的双毡,运动型羊毛衫以及醋酸纤维素提花面料。 www.zit.zj.cn

Further other helpful materials that I would like your child to have includes a glue stick, coloured pencilspencil crayons, coloured felts, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and ruler.
此外,我还希望您给孩子准备一个胶棒、彩笔、水彩笔、剪刀、削笔器和尺。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn

He felts continual impulse and craving and greed, something like a serpent gnawing into his heart.
他感觉到内心有一种永不休止的冲动、欲求和贪婪,就像毒蛇噬咬着他的心。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn

It includes the mullite fiber, high aluminum fiber and pure aluminum fiber, which can be ade into the bulk fibers, fiber felts and fiber paper.
分为莫来石纤维、高氧化铝纤维和纯氧化铝纤维,可制成纤维块、纤维毡、纤维板和纤维纸等制品。 smxnhxw

Microwave absorbing properties of single-layer circuit analog absorbing materials utilizing activated carbon fiberACF felts as the conducting material are studied.
研究了以粘胶基活性碳纤维为导电材料制备单层电路模拟吸波材料的微波吸收特性。 cnki

Objective To observe the differences of histological compatibility among the polyester felts which were embedded in muscle, fat and tissue under the skin.
目的观察涤纶毡片植入肌肉、脂肪、皮下组织后的组织相容性差异。 cnki

Some may need replacement parts such as hammers or felts.
有些部件可能需要更换,比如说榔头和呢毡。 wlpiano

Felts are in class of nonwovens as no thread enters into the composition of this fabric.
毛毡是在非织造布的类中没有线程进入这种织物的组成。 docin




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