

单词 allure
释义 al·lure 英əˈlʊə美əˈlʊrAHDə-l‹rʹ ★☆☆☆☆高GIST八COCA¹⁷⁸²⁸BNC³⁵⁹⁴⁹iWeb¹³²⁶⁷Economist¹²⁸⁴⁹

vt. 引诱,诱惑

attract or charm by the offer of sth pleasant; tempt

U诱惑力; 引诱力; 吸引力

the quality of being attractive and exciting; attraction; charm

the power to entice or attract through personal charm
dispose or incline or entice to;

We were tempted by the delicious-looking food

allure, attract, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate


1.从词义上说:attract和captivate是“吸引”; allure是“引诱”; charm、enchant和fascinate是“迷惑,使着魔”。

2.从“吸引源”上说:attract和captivate用的是吸引者所具有的性质或特性; allure用的是美丽的、有魅力的东西或有效的手段、美好的前途等; charm、enchant和fascinate用的是符咒或魔法,更多的是用魔法般的事物。例如:

Her beauty captivated many.她的美貌吸引了许多人。
The swindler allured her by hopes.这骗子用希望引诱她。
This is a very charming village.这是一座非常迷人的村庄。
The witch enchanted the princess.女巫迷惑了公主。
The boy was fascinated by all the toys in the big department store.这孩子为大百货店里所有的玩具所迷惑。

3.从结果上说:attract指被吸引者有感应; captivate指控制住兴趣或感情; allure指被引诱而堕落或克服某人的抵触情绪或冷漠态度; charm指迷住其感官或心灵; enchant指激起羡慕或使其销魂; fascinate则指无法抵抗或不能逃脱。例如:

He was captivated by Mary.他被玛丽所迷。
Don't be allured into bars by the pretty waitresses.不要被美丽的女招待引诱至酒吧间。
Young children should rather be allured to learning by gentleness and love, than compelled to learning by beating and fear.对小孩子应该通过温柔和爱来诱导他们学习,而不能用打和恐吓强迫他们学习。
I was charmed with her fine singing.她那优美的演唱使我陶醉。
She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her.你送给她的花,她很喜欢。
Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.据说蛇能蛊惑小动物和小鸟。

4.从程度上说:captivate意义最弱,只是暂时地吸引而不是长期地控制; enchant意义最强,已近乎疯狂。

allure, decoy, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce, tempt



鹰猎 falconry在英国和欧洲大陆一度极为盛行。所谓鹰猎乃是放鹰狩猎,即使用鹰、隼等来狩猎的一种活动。这种鹰,即猎鹰falcon,须先经过耐心而得法的驯化和训练,方能用于鹰猎。狩猎人往往用伴有肉食并系着长绳的一束鲜艳羽毛作引诱物召回猎鹰。这种引诱物英语就称lure。lure来自终极词源为日耳曼语之古法语词loirre‘bait’诱饵。在现代英语中它通常用于贬义,泛指任何“引诱物”或”诱饵”,并引申为“诱惑力”或“吸引力”,也常作动词用,表示“诱惑”或“引诱”。作为lure之同义词的allure产生于同一背景。它源自古法语alurer,由a‘to’加lure‘falcon's lure’狩猎人之诱饵构成。虽然allure和lure基本同义,也表示“诱惑”、“引诱”和“诱惑力”,但一般不含贬义。
用作名词 n.
形容词+~sexual allure性诱惑~+介词the allure of fame成名的诱惑the allure of gambling赌博的诱惑the allure of the big city大城市的吸引力
非常记忆all所有的〖熟词〗+u桶〖编码〗+re热〖拼音〗⇒他引诱所有人做冰桶挑战解热GRE难词记忆lure→rule n.规则→设立规则,抵制诱惑GRE难词记忆allure→laurel n.桂冠→桂冠的诱惑力GRE难词记忆allure→al=ad+lure v.诱惑→引诱词根记忆al向+lur吸引+e→诱惑al向+lur吸引+e⇒诱惑近义词 呼吁bed床draw拖pull拉sex性别charm魅力tempt诱惑bring带来appeal恳求entrap诱捕beauty美人glamor魅力attract吸引pervert误用glamour魔力captivate迷住enchant施魔法magnetism磁性endear使受喜爱attraction吸引allurement引诱fascination魅力fascinate使 … 入迷charisma非凡的领导力…infatuate 使 … 冲昏头脑…temptingnesstempting的名词形…
S+~+ n./pron.Hawaii allures many tourists.夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者。
The swindler allured her by hopes.那骗子用希望引诱她。
Many workmen were allured from the country.许多工人从这个国家被吸引过来。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vThe window displays allure customers to buy goods.橱窗陈列品引诱顾客购买商品。S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phraseThe dresses displayed in the shop window allured lots of customers into the store.橱窗里摆设的服装吸引了许多顾客进入商店。用作名词n.The cottage's allure was its isolation.这间小屋的魅力就在于它远离尘嚣。
The allure of the moonlit swimming pool proved too much for them, and they all jumped in for a swim.洒满月光的游泳池对他们的吸引力太大了,他们全都跳了进去游起泳来。
The town lost much of its allure when it became a seaside resort.这个城镇成为海边胜地后,失去了对我的吸引力。
Most newspaper journalists find it hard to resist the allure of working in television.大多数报纸新闻记者都发现很难抗拒在电视台工作的吸引力。
Higher interest rates tend to increase a currency's allure to international investors.提高汇率会增强一种货币对国际投资者的吸引力。
He's an excellent actor, but he doesn't have the sexual allure that the role requires.他是一名出色的演员,但他不具备这个角色所要求的性感魅力。Pallurementn.引诱诱惑






用作动词I wanted toalluremy opponent to my place and attack him.我想要把我的诱惑抛给对手然后把他吸引到我的地盘上然后攻击他。
Rewardsalluremen to brave danger.重赏之下,必有勇夫。
In order toalluremore customers,we've stocked all types of cream.为了吸引更多的顾客,我们进了各种面霜。用作名词He can't resist theallureof the pretty waitress.他无法抵抗漂亮的女招待的引诱。
Do you feel theallureof the sea?你是否感受到海洋的魅力?
He was struck by Madeline's almost blatantallure.梅德琳那股风骚劲儿叫他吃一惊。noun.appeal
同义词 attraction,charisma,charm,enticement,glamor,magnetism,temptationcome-on,enchantment,lurebedroom eyes,come-hither look,inveiglement,seductiveness,the jazz
反义词 repulsionverb.entice
同义词 beguile,bewitch,captivate,enchantattract,bait,cajole,charm,coax,decoy,draw,entrap,fascinate,hook,inveigle,lure,magnetize,persuade,pull,seduce,tempt,wilecome on,lead on,suck in,sweep off feet,turn on,win over
反义词 disenchant,disgust,repel,repulse,discourage,dissuade,push,release,turn offdeter,prevent,threaten,warn
allurementnoun attraction
appealnoun power to attract, interest
appealverb attract, interest
allure,beguile,captivate,catch the eye,charm,enchant,engage,entice,fascinate,intrigue,invite,please,tantalize,tempt
appealsnoun power to attract, interest
appealsverb attract, interest
addresses,adjures,advances,applies,asks,begs,beseeches,bids,calls,calls upon,claims,contests,craves,demands,entreats,hits on,implores,importunes,petitions,pleads,prays,proposes,propositions,questions,refers,requires,resorts to,solicits,strikes,submits,sues,supplicates,urges
attractverb draw attention
allure,appeal to,bait,beckon,beguile,bewitch,bring,captivate,charm,come on,court,drag,draw,enchant,endear,engage,enthrall,entice,entrance,exert influence,fascinate,freak out,give the come-on,go over big,grab,hook,induce,interest,intrigue,inveigle,invite,kill,knock dead,knock out,lure,magnetize,make a hit with,mousetrap,pull,rope in,score,seduce,send,slay,solicit,spellbind,steer,suck in,sweep off one's feet,tempt,turn on,vamp,wile,wow A large part of that house’s allure was presumed to be the bed he shared with Connie.
大家推测,那所房子最能够吸引乔伊的地方莫过于和康妮共享的那张床。 yeeyan

China’s leadership clearly believes its young workers would lose their allure if the future costs of old age were added to their costs today.
中国的领导人显然认为如果老年人的未来成本增加到他们的成本中,那么今天年轻的工人将失去吸引力,。 yeeyan

One part of the allure is anonymity; the other is exclusivity.
匿名性是这类网络的一大诱人之处;另外就是排外性。 hjenglish

The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.
巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人。 kekenet

The allure of emerging markets is not just based on superior growth rates.
新兴市场的强大诱惑不仅仅基于其高速的经济增长率。 ecocn

As any personal productivity specialist will tell you, it is easy to trick yourself into thinking that you are being productive; activity has a misleading allure.
正如个体生产力专家告诉你的,欺骗你自己认为你是在生产是很容易的;活动有错误的诱惑力。 ibm

Because land auctions are a major source of fiscal income in China, part of the plan’s allure was the prospect of elevating the value of property in an undeveloped area.
因为土地拍卖是中国财政的一个主要来源,该计划的相当部分诱惑力就来自那个未开发地区的地产升值前景。 yeeyan

Despite a ballooning interest in basketball, there is no doubt that Yao was the centerpiece of the NBA’s allure in China.
尽管公众对篮球的兴趣在飞涨,但毫无疑问的是姚明是 NBA吸引中国人的核心所在。 yeeyan

Girls can find it hard to ignore this allure and the field is opening up to normal girls, not only style or fashion design majors.
女孩们感到自己无法抗拒这一诱惑,这一领域不仅仅局限于造型和时尚设计专业,同时也向一些普通女孩们敞开了大门。 iciba

In fact, the cliffs' isolation may have been an important part of their allure.
事实上,峭壁的隔绝状态可能是它们诱惑力的重要组成部分。 yeeyan

It seemed the treat associated with their hard work had more allure, even in the new environment.
即使来到一个新的环境中,似乎那些意味着更多辛苦的食物更有诱惑力,。 yeeyan

Milton surveys the wealth of literary tradition before him, and he resists its allure without the help of any human guide.

Obama’s choice of Steven Chu, the Nobel laureate physicist, as secretary of energy only heightened the allure.
奥巴马选择诺贝尔物理学奖得住朱棣文做能源部长更加增加了其诱惑力。 yeeyan

Perhaps Paris’ allure lies in the taste and style of the Parisians.
或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格中吧。 edu.sina.com.cn

So while reality has its special allure, the imaginative techniques of books, plays, movies, and television have their own power.
所以虽然现实有它的特别吸引力,书籍,戏剧,电影,电视的想象特质也有他们的力量。 yeeyan

The deal also shows the allure of coal, despite concerns over carbon emissions and the environment.
这笔交易还显示出煤炭对力拓的吸引力,尽管也会担心碳排放和环境问题。 ecocn

This occurs through official language policies or through the allure that the high prestige of speaking an imperial language can bring.
出现这一情形,或是官方语言政策使然,或是讲帝国语言所带来崇高声望的吸引。 yeeyan

With its many advantages, no one needs to resist the allure of one of the world's most popular foods.
因为有许多好处,任何人都不必抗拒这种全世界最受欢迎食物之一的诱惑。 iciba

Allure and Oasis are identical in many ways.
“诱惑号”和“绿洲号”很多方面是相同的。 yeeyan




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