

单词 fells
释义 fell·s 英fel美fel COCA⁶⁵²²⁹BNC²⁵⁶⁷⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the dressed skin of an animal especially a large animalseam made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edgesthe act of felling something as a tree
of persons or their actions able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering;

a barbarous crime

brutal beatings

cruel tortures

Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks

a savage slap

vicious kicks

cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow;

strike down a tree

Lightning struck down the hikers

pass away rapidly;

Time flies like an arrow

Time fleeing beneath him

sew a seam by folding the edgesfell over backwards拚命竭力抵销…fell out of step with不同步于market fell行情下跌fell cutting猫共济失调症…fall落下in one fell swoop一下子at one fell swoop一下子(一举…a fell of hair发绺flesh and fell全身the lot fell on me我中签了,我抽中了…fell like a fighting cock觉得精力充沛…Little strokes fell great oaks.水滴石穿。one's face fell脸耷拉下来
近义词 cut切fly飞chop劈hide藏deck甲板drop落下floor地面vanish消失cruel残酷的cut down削减demolish拆毁take out取出savage野性的brutal野蛮的chop down砍倒knock out敲出vicious恶毒的knock down击倒strike down击倒barbarous野蛮的clear-cut轮廓鲜明的felled seam双折边叠缝roughshod铁蹄上装有防滑钉的…

用作及物动词The lumberman willfellthese great trees.这位伐木工将砍伐掉这些大树。
Hefelledhis enemy with a single blow.他一拳将他的敌人打倒了。用作名词The wind and rain beat down on me, and Ifelldown several times, but finally I arrived at a long, low house, standing rather isolated in the middle of the moor.风裹着雨打在我的身上,我跌倒了好几次,但终于还是走到了一幢孤零零立在沼泽地中间的长长的矮房子前。用作形容词He was struck by afellblow to the head.他的头部受到了重击。
The girl lost her balance andfelloff the balance beam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。
No sooner had he arrived than hefellsick.他刚抵达就病倒了。
The knifefellfrom her nerveless fingers.刀子从她那无力的手中落下。
I managed to grab hold of the jug before itfell.我设法抓住了那个罐子才未跌落。 A puma will not attack a human being unless it fells itself to be in a trap.
美洲狮不会攻击人类除非它感到它被设计了。 zhuoyuebbs.com

I begin running today. Fells so good. Running let me feel relaxes. I will stick running.
今天开始跑步。感觉很好。跑步让我感觉很放松。我会坚持下去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once upon a time there comes along the woodman, and with his sharp axe he fells the oak.

Sawdust flies as a logger illegally fells a hardwood on a private ranch. “The Amazon is too big for police to shut down all illegal operations, ” says Enrico Bernard of Conservation International.
照片中私人农场中的工人正在非法砍树,巴西有关部门的工作人员表示,由于亚马逊地区面积很大,因此警察无法及时制止每一起非法砍树活动。 cri

Suddenly, a naughty snow flower is coming to my tongue, and it fells cool.
伸出舌头,一朵调皮的雪花飘逸地落入舌尖,冰冰凉凉的。 dict

Allen was sick last week, but now he fells better.
艾伦上周病了,但是现在他好多了。 tianya

As night fells, the children could not wait to wear colorful clothes, wearing strange masks, and hold a“ Jack Light” ran out to play.
夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的服装,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上一盏“杰克灯”跑出去玩。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the circs is getting worse and worse. He fells he was in baffle for having logic.
但是情况变得相当糟糕,因为他有逻辑,所以困惑如泥潭。 mtime

Buttermere, which is surrounded by fells, notably the High Stile range, and Haystacks, topped the poll, with18 per cent of the vote.
巴特米尔湖,它是由荒原包围,特别是 High Stile山脉,干草堆,位居投票榜首,占百分之十八的选票。 yeeyan

Deer’s fells are widely used here.
鹿皮在这里被广泛使用。 yeeyan

Faith is the bird that fells the light when the dawn still dark.
信仰如小鸟在黑暗的黎明仍然深信不疑。 why3s

It fells like it is cotton.
它的质感像是棉的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jerry had a headache yesterday, but now he fells much better.
杰瑞昨天头痛,但现在他感觉好多了。 tianya

John fells upset.
约翰感到不安。 ebigear

Next, cherishes the flowers and plants, the protect trees, fells not randomly, and in after school many kinds of trees.
其次,爱护花草,保护树木,不乱砍伐,并在课余时间多种些树木。 blog.sina.com.cn

Peru and Bolivia are the tarns and fells of the Alto Plano, snowy peaks and the fifth day of a miners' picket that had closed the highway.
秘鲁和哥伦比亚有很多高地上的湖泊和瀑布,还有白雪皑皑的山峰。矿工们的罢工已经是第五天了,他们的纠察封闭了公路。 yeeyan

Sky, Provencal blue; frost layered on the belly of the fells, shapely patterns of snow on the heights, one or two of the tops teasingly masked in cloud, no wind.
天空,像普罗旺斯的天空一样蓝;霜层结在树的中部,各式各样的雪花落在树的顶部,其中一两颗最高的遮住了天空,让人烦恼,没有风。 ecocn

This tragedy graphically demonstrates the dangers of walking on the fells after dark.
这一不幸事件生动地表明天黑后在丘陵地区行走是多么危险。 iciba

Under such an environment, the luxury which has cultural connotation fells to an awkward situation inevitably, especially our local luxury industry.
在这样的土壤环境中,有着文化内涵的奢侈品必然会遭遇尴尬,尤其是本土的奢侈品行业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Vibration- What the customer fells and sees.




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