

单词 fell in love with
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“I fell in love with the people of Haiti on my first trip,” Kramer shares.
“第一趟来海地我就爱上了这里的人民,”克雷默分享了她的感受。 yeeyan

But I was happy to be outside, happy to have a chance at competing again, and I fell in love with the sport.
但能够置身户外,有机会再次投入到比赛中,这些都让我感动我感到开心,我爱上了这项运动。 yeeyan

But we persisted, and it was worth it, because the children fell in love with books and with reading.
但是我们还是坚持下来了,而它也值得我们坚持,因为孩子们爱上了书本和阅读。 yeeyan

During this period, William met and fell in love with a young actress, Marion Davies.
在这个时期,威廉遇见了年轻的女演员马里恩戴维斯并爱上了她。 ebigear

I started when I was studying at NIDA in Sydney and totally fell in love with the sport.
我在悉尼的国家戏剧艺术学院NIDA学习的时候开始冲浪,后来彻底爱上了这项运动。 yeeyan

I told you the story of how an ordinary guy fell in love with a girl who likes poetry and Chinese classics.
我告诉你这个故事,一个平凡的男人如何爱上一个喜欢诗歌和古典艺术的女孩。 yeeyan

It had a profound effect on me and seriously changed my life. I fell in love with Nepal, the people and the amazing scenery.
这次旅程对我的影响深远,并改变了我的生活,我深深的爱上了尼泊尔,以及这里的人和风景。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Majia says he fell in love with hacking in college, afterfriends showed him how to break into computer systems during hisfreshman year.
马甲说,他大一时有朋友给他展示了如何攻破电脑系统,所以在大学里他就爱上了作黑客。 yeeyan

On this trip I fell in love with China; the sights, the culture, the language, and of course, the people.
此行让我彻底爱上了中国,爱上了这里的风景,文化,语言,还有这里的人们。 blog.sina.com.cn

She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, they become fast friends and she fell in love with him.
她遇到了一个叛逆的男孩,他认为自己很不错。他们成为了好朋友,而她则爱上了他。 kekenet

That is as it should be in Fallujah, but it makes life difficult in Wilmington, Delaware, when you are trying to become once more the person your wife fell in love with.
这像是还身处法鲁加,但当你试图再次成为你的妻子当初爱上的那个人时,这一切都让特拉华州威明顿的生活变得艰难。 ecocn

Wang then worked as a DJ, and sound and lighting engineer in bars, where he fell in love with a dancer, Zhang Yue.
之后,小王就在酒吧里做起了 DJ,同时也担任录音和灯光调控师。就是在那里,他爱上了一名叫张悦的舞女。 yeeyan

When Venus was young, she fell in love with David— the most handsome man in ancient Rome.
当维纳斯还很年轻的时候,她爱上了大卫——这个古罗马传说中最美的男子。 kekenet

You used to laugh when I said I fell in love with you the moment we met but I did.
当我说我在见到你那一刻就爱上你时你曾笑话我,但那是真的。 yeeyan




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