

单词 all-too
释义 all-tooCOCA¹¹³⁵⁷¹BNC⁷⁰⁷³⁶
Her stomach knots, with that all-too- familiar feeling: dread, and excitement.
她的腹部疼得在打结,是她相当熟悉的那种感觉:既恐怖又令人兴奋。 yeeyan

I want to give an all-too real example of how a sufferer can reach the point where they feel life will never change.
我想来举一个真切的例子说明受折磨的人们是如何会走到感觉生活永远也不会改变的一个地步。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Ten thousand years ago, people in southern China began to cultivate rice and quickly made an all-too- tempting discovery— the cereal could be fermented into alcoholic liquors.
一万年前,中国南方的人们已经开始种植水稻,不久他们便掌握了一项有趣的发明——谷物经过发酵能变成美酒。 yeeyan

This demanding, artificial code is what gives engaged, passionate and all-too- fallible human beings the collective power to produce results that are dispassionate, objective and reliable.
这要求人造的规范给这些忙碌的,热情而容易犯错的人类以集体的力量,而使的最后的结果是冷静客观及值得信赖的。 yeeyan

This is an all-too- common experience.
这是一段稀松平常的经历。 yeeyan




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