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词汇 feels
释义 feel·s 英fiːl美fiːl COCA²⁰¹⁰BNC²⁵⁹⁸Economist²⁷²⁸
vt. 触,摸

touch sb/sth

vt. & vi. 由触摸而得知〔感觉到〕

get knowledge by touching with the fingers; explore or perceive sth by touching

vt. & vi. 觉得,认为

be capable of sensation; be of the opinion


the sensation caused by feeling sth

an intuitive awareness;

he has a feel for animals

it's easy when you get the feel of it

the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people;

the feel of the city excited him

a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting

it had the smell of treason

a property perceived by touchmanual stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure;

the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel

undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind;

She felt resentful

He felt regret

come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds;

I feel that he doesn't like me

I find him to be obnoxious

I found the movie rather entertaining

perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles;

He felt the wind

She felt an object brushing her arm

He felt his flesh crawl

She felt the heat when she got out of the car

be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state;

My cold is gone--I feel fine today

She felt tired after the long hike

She felt sad after her loss

have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude;

She felt small and insignificant

You make me feel naked

I made the students feel different about themselves

undergo passive experience of:

We felt the effects of inflation

her fingers felt their way through the string quartet

she felt his contempt of her

be felt or perceived in a certain way;

The ground feels shaky

The sheets feel soft

grope or feel in search of something;

He felt for his wallet

examine by touch;

Feel this soft cloth!

The customer fingered the sweater

examine a body part by palpation;

The nurse palpated the patient's stomach

The runner felt her pulse

find by testing or cautious exploration;

He felt his way around the dark room

produce a certain impression;

It feels nice to be home again

pass one's hands over the sexual organs of;

He felt the girl in the movie theater


❌ He could feel a great weight taking off his mind.

✔️ He could feel a great weight taken off his mind.

feel后可接现在分词或过去分词作宾补,其区别在于:若宾语是该动作的受动者就用过去分词; 若宾语是该动词的施动者则用现在分词。


❌ I felt myself uncomfortable.

✔️ I felt uncomfortable.



❌ I often feel like to change my job.

✔️ I often feel like changing my job.

feel like作“想要”解,其中的like是介词,后面可跟名词或动名词,而不能跟动词不定式。


❌ Romeo felt in love with Juliet.

✔️ Romeo fell in love with Juliet.

feelfelt, felt的意思是“感觉”, fallfell, fallen的意思是“掉”。

feel, sense


feel是常用词,含义广泛,可表示感官、情感、想法等; sense是正式用词,指“隐约感到”,不可跟表示“冷,热,饿”等的名词或形容词。试比较:

I felt cold.我感到冷。
I sensed danger.我感到有危险。下面两句话意思相同,但第一句比第二句常见:

He did not feel like eating anything.

He did not feel like anything to eat.他不想吃东西。下面两句话意思相同:

They began to feel their pockets to find out whether the coin was there.BrE

They began to feel of their pockets to find out whether the coin was there.AmE


下面两个句子意思不同:I felt my heart beat violently.我感到了心脏的狂跳。
I felt my heart beating violently.我感到了心脏在狂跳。
feel, feeling


I have a feel〔feeling〕 of cold.我感觉到冷。
He doesn't care about the feelings of others.别人的心情他不管。直接源自古英语的felan,意为触摸,接触;最初源自古日耳曼语的folijanan,意为摸索
用作动词 v.
~+名词feel a draft感到受冷落feel a fear感到害怕,感到恐惧feel a friend's death痛惜友人去世feel anger感到生气feel earthquake感到地震feel fatigue感到疲劳feel gratitude感激feel guilt感到有罪feel hesitation感到犹豫feel horror感到恐惧feel importance感到重要feel inconvenience感到不便feel indignation感到义愤feel infidelity感到不忠feel insult感到受凌辱feel interest感兴趣feel jealousy感到嫉妒feel joy感到快乐feel loss感受损失feel music体验到音乐的感染力feel necessity认识到必要性feel no pain感觉不痛feel one's age觉得老了,觉得累了feel one's ears burning觉得有人议论feel one's feet能独立行走feel one's legs能独立行走feel one's oats感到精神饱满feel one's way摸索前进,谨慎行事feel pleasure感到快乐feel poetry为诗歌而感动feel pulse摸某人的脉搏feel regret感到后悔feel resentment感到不满feel sorrow感到悲哀feel sympathy感到同情feel the pinch感到经济拮据feel threat认识到威胁~+形容词feel afraid感到害怕feel better感到好些feel blue感到沮丧,情绪低落feel cheap感到惭愧,觉得丢脸〔难为情〕feel cold觉得发冷feel contempt感到受辱feel faint感到头晕feel good感到满意feel happy感到幸福feel helpless感到无能为力feel hot觉得发热feel hungry感到饿feel ill感到难受极了feel lonely感到孤独feel nervous感到紧张feel small感到卑微〔丢脸、惭愧〕feel tired觉得疲劳feel touched受感动feel warm感到温暖feel weak感到浑身乏力feel worse感到更难受~+副词feel acutely敏锐地感觉到feel affectionately深情地感受到feel amiably和蔼地抚摸feel carefully小心地摸索feel compassionately同情地感受到feel congenially心心相印地感到feel deeply深深地感觉到feel exquisitely强烈地感觉到feel genuinely真正觉察到feel graciously亲切地感受到feel intensely强烈地感受到feel intuitively凭直觉感到feel keenly强烈地感觉到feel kindly亲切地感觉到feel morbidly恐怖地觉察到feel mutually相互抚摸feel philanthropically慈祥地爱抚feel poetically诗情画意般地感到feel profoundly深深地感觉到feel severely强烈地感觉到feel softly微微地感觉到feel spiritually从心灵上感受到feel strongly强烈地感觉到feel sweetly亲切地爱抚feel triumphantly高兴地感到feel turbulently强烈地感到feel tyrannically暴虐性地触摸feel vehemently热切地感到feel vindictively报复性地触摸feel about摸索feel out探出,摸清feel out the situation摸清情况~+介词feel bad about对…感到过意不去feel after摸索,探寻feel after the handle摸索把手feel at用手摸…feel at a loss感到心慌,感到不知所措feel at home感到习惯〔舒服、自在〕feel at home in精通…feel for同情,怜悯,找寻,摸索feel for the enemy搜索敌人feel in one's bones预感,直觉feel in the pocket for在口袋里摸…feel like觉得,像要…似的,摸起来像…似的feel like a million dollars精力充沛feel like death脸色不好,感到很疲倦feel like two cents感到惭愧feel of摸着检查,摸着检验feel certain of对…确信无疑feel sure of肯定feel of sb's hands摸某人的手feel out of place觉得拘束,感到不自在feel under the weather感到不舒服feel up to能担任,有能力做feel up to the work能胜任这项工作feel with同情,与…有共同感情feel with sb in对某人的…表示同情用作名词 n.动词+~develop a feel for养成…的直觉get the feel of习惯于…,对…熟悉起来have a feel摸摸,摸一摸like the feel of喜欢摸…,喜欢…的手感形容词+~cold feel寒冷的感觉festive feel节日气氛greasy feel摸上去油腻的感觉rough feel摸上去粗糙的感觉smooth feel摸上去光滑的感觉soft feel摸上去柔软的感觉sticky feel摸上去黏滋滋的感觉warm feel摸上去暖呼呼的感觉woolly feel摸上去像羊毛似的感觉介词+~by the feel用摸的方式,靠触摸to the feel摸上去~+介词a feel for music乐感the feel of winter冬天的感觉
feel about¹ v.+adv.

摸索; 揣摩 search or examine (sth without being able to see what one is doing)

feel aboutHe felt about in the dark for the door handle.他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。
He was feeling about for the light switch.他在摸索着找电灯开关。
He felt about to find the cord.他摸索着找绳索。
When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun, so I had to feel about in the dark to find my seat.我到电影院时,影片已经开映了,因此我只好摸黑去找我的座位。
I'm feeling about for an answer to our difficulties.我在寻求解决困难的方法。
feel about² v.+prep.

对…有某种感觉〔看法〕 have an opinion about

feel after v.+prep.

摸索着寻找; 揣摩 grope for; search for

feel after sthThe woman is always feeling after vanity.这女人一贯追求虚荣。
It was dark and he felt after a box of matches.天黑了,他伸手去摸盒火柴。
feel at v.+prep.

用手摸摸看 learn about by touching

feel at sthLet's first feel at it.让我们先摸摸看。
feel for v.+prep.

由于…而产生某种感情; 对某人产生某种感情 have a feeling (anger, love, etc. because of sth; have a feeling towards sb)

feel for sthI felt for my purse and found it gone.我摸索着寻找钱包,发现它不在了。
I felt in my pocket for the key.我伸手在衣袋里找钥匙。
He felt for the electric light switch in the wall and turned it on.他摸着找到了墙上的开关,把电灯打开了。
He felt under the pillow for his watch.他在枕头下面摸他的手表。feel for sbI really felt for her when her husband died.她丈夫死了,我非常同情她。
I feel for her in her sorrow.我对她的悲伤感到同情。
We all feel for the family of the murdered.我们都同情受害者的家属。feel sth for sb/sthI don't feel any anger for the way I've been treated.无论对我怎样,我都不会生气。
How is it possible to feel love for two men at the same time?怎么可能同时爱上两个男子呢?
feel like v.+prep.

想要… want (sth/doing sth)

feel oneself

感觉正常,感到身体舒适 feel cheerful, well, and in one's usual state of mind

feel out v.+adv.

试探,摸清某人的想法( try to discover the opinion of sb)

feel sb ⇔ outLet's feel out our parents and see if they'll let us go.我们试探一下父母,看他们是否让我们去。
He felt out his parents on that matter.他摸清了他父母对那个问题的看法。
Could you feel the director out on the question of the view appointments?你能试探出主任对这次任命的意见吗?
feel towards v.+prep.

对…有某种感情( have a feeling with regard to sb)

feel towards sbHow do you feel towards the new teacher?你对这位新来的老师印象如何?feel sth towards sbI don't feel any hatred towards the man who robbed me.我并不憎恨抢劫我的那个人。
feel upv.+adv.

对妇女动手动脚 touch (usually a girl or woman as if making sexual advances)

feel sb ⇔ upThe girl complained to the police that the man had been feeling her up on the train.这个姑娘向警方投诉说,那个男人在火车上对她有不轨行为。
feel up to v.+adv.+prep.

〈非正〉感到自己有能力〔有力气〕或适于做某事(; )感到能胜任某事( feel able or fit for sth or doing sth)

feel up to sth/v-ingHe doesn't feel up to the job.他不适合做这项工作。
I don't feel up to any more work today.我觉得我今天不能再干更多的工作了。
Do you feel up to this job?你觉得能胜任这项工作吗?
“Do you feel up to a short walk?”“I'd like to go, but I just don't feel up to it.”“你是否想去散步?”“我愿意去,可是我就是没有力气去。”
I don't feel up to going out tonight.今晚我没精神出去。
He didn't feel up to going such a long way after his recent illness.大病初愈,他觉得自己没有这个能力走这么长的路。
He is so tired that he doesn't feel up to going shopping today.他今天很累,因此他觉得再去商店购物他吃不消。
Sometimes I feel up to finishing this book.有时我感到能写完这本书。
feel with v.+prep.

同情某人( sympathize with sb)

feel sth with sthI can feel the crack in my tooth with my tongue.我用舌头可以舔到我牙齿中的缝。
The gardener felt something hard with his spade.这园林工感到铁锹碰到一个硬物。feel with sbThe whole nation feels with the families of those who were drowned in the great floods.全国人民都对特大洪水中受难者的家属深表同情。用作名词n.get the feel of

开始熟悉做某事 become familiar with (doing sth)

have a feel for

对某事物有敏锐的鉴赏力或很强的理解力 have a sensitive appreciation or an easy understanding of sth

近义词 v.stroken. feeling
S+~+AThe dead cannot feel.死人没有感觉。
How do you feel today?今天你感觉怎样?
She doesn't say much but she feels.她说话不多,但她诉诸感情。
He is a man who feels but seldom thinks.他凡事多诉诸感情,但很少使用理智。
How does it feel to be home again after fifteen years abroad?出国15年后重回家乡是一种什么感觉?
S+~+ n.He stood in the middle of the strange room and he felt a stranger.他站在这个陌生房子的中间,感到自己完全是一个陌生人。
I don't feel the same at all as I did two weeks ago.我感觉我根本不像两周前那样了。S+~+ adj.Cotton feels soft.棉花摸上去很柔软。
Silk feels smooth.丝织品摸起来很光滑。
My coat feels wet because it is raining outside.我的上衣摸起来是湿的,因为外面在下雨。
It feels cold outside.外面很冷。
Facer felt very happy.费塞感到非常高兴。
The very sight of food makes me feel sick.一见到吃的东西我就恶心。
He always felt guilty when he asked these sacrifices of her.要她作出这些牺牲时他总是感到内疚。
People who get up early feel virtuous all morning and sleepy all afternoon.起床早的人上午精神抖擞,而整个下午却无精打采。
He is not feeling well this morning.今天上午他觉得不太舒服。
Can we open the window?I feel hot.我们可以打开窗户吗?我感到热。
I felt very bad just now.刚才我感到很难受。
He feels very bad about the error he has committed.他对自己犯的错误感到很难过。
I'm sorry I kept you waiting two hours,I feel very bad about it.很抱歉,叫你等了两个钟头,真过意不去。
Gara felt blue when he reread Mary's letters.加拉重读玛丽的那些信时,心情很不好。
There's often no reason for feeling blue, so we sometimes blame it on the weather.我们常常无缘无故地感到忧郁,于是时而就抱怨起天气来。
I would feel cheap if I wore my dresses as short as that!如果我穿那么短的衣服就会感到害羞。
I feel so free without those tight clothes.脱去这些紧身衣服我感到浑身轻松。
Who feels free to choose his own life?谁能自由选择自己的生活呢?
Treat this house as your own, feel free.把这所房子当作你自己的好了,随便一些。
Feel free to go where you like.你愿意上哪儿就上哪儿。
I felt small when I learned how badly I had misjudged him.知道错怪了他时,我感到很惭愧。
The teacher made the girl feel small by making her stand in front of the class.老师让那个女孩站在班级前面使她的自尊心受到伤害。S+~+ v -edThey all felt rather worried.他们都感到相当担心。
I felt rather puzzled at the words.听了这话我感到有些迷惑不解。
He was beginning to feel very disheartened.他开始觉得非常灰心丧气。
She could not help feeling depressed.她禁不住感到非常忧郁。
They all felt excited at the news that they had all passed the exam.听到他们都通过了考试的消息,他们自己感到非常激动。
So I feel entitled to ask you not to rule out the possibility.所以我觉得我有权利要求你不要排除这种可能性。
I felt bound to tell him what I was going to do.我觉得必须告诉他我准备做些什么。
He did not feel inclined to get anything to drink.他觉得什么都不想喝。S+~+ prep. -phraseHe didn't feel at liberty to mention it.他觉得不便提起这件事。
She no longer felt in fighting mood.她觉得再也没有什么斗志了。
S+~+ n./pron.He feels the table.他抚摸着那张桌子。
He felt his jacket.It was all wet.他摸摸自己的上衣,全湿透了。
Feel the car seat.It's wet.摸摸汽车座位看看,湿着呢。
The doctor felt my pulse.医生为我把脉。
The boy felt a little stone in his shoes.那个男孩在他的鞋子里摸到了一块小石头。
Did you feel the earthquake?你感到地震了吗?
Do you feel any pain when I press here?我压这儿你感到疼吗?
She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on her face.她闭上眼睛,脸上感到阳光一般的暖意。
Even the town council is now feeling the pitch.现在就连镇委员会都感到财政上有困难。
I do feel deeply the strength of the collective.我确实深深感到了集体的力量。
I'm more than sixty.But I certainly don't feel my age.我已经60多岁了,但确实没有感到我是这个年纪。
Not a word was spoken, but she could feel the hostility in the room.房间里虽然没有人说话,但她可以感知到不友好的气氛。
He seemed to feel the necessity of some slight explanation.他似乎觉得有必要做一点解释。
The slaughter is feeling the edge of the knife to see whether it is sharp.那个屠夫在摸刀刃,看看快不快。
It was so foggy that we had to feel our way home.雾这么大,我们只好摸索着走回家。
They felt their way out when the light went out.灯灭时他们摸索着走了出来。
I won't ask him directly.I'll feel my way first.我不会直截了当地问他,我要先探探他的口气。
He said he didn't have much experience and was still feeling his way.他说他经验不多,还在摸索。
They feel the same way about the war.他们对这场战争也有同样的看法。
It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.大家都感到,她完全可以自理了。
The scarcity of public libraries in this city is keenly felt.人们强烈地感到这个城市的公共图书馆不足。
The storm was felt severely on the coast.沿海地区受到暴风雨的严重影响。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI felt the water to see whether it was too hot.我摸了摸水,看是否太热。S+~+that-clauseWe felt that we should succeed.我们觉得我们会成功。
I felt strongly that we should take some action.我强烈地感到我们应当采取某种行动。
She felt that she had little energy left.她觉得一点儿劲都没有了。
I felt that the plan was all right.我认为这个计划是行得通的。
They felt that their own argument was as sound as that of their opponents.他们认为自己的论据同他们的对手一样站得住脚。
I feel that he will come.我想他会来的。
I feel that he has done his best.在我看来他已尽了最大努力。
I don't feel that I completely understand it.我感到我对此并不完全理解。S+~+wh-clauseI can't feel where the handle is.我摸不着把手在哪里。
Feel whether the bone is broken.摸摸看,骨头断了没有。S+~+as if/though-clauseI feel as if it was going to rain.我觉得好像要下雨了。
She felt as if her head were splitting.她觉得头仿佛要裂开了。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n./adj.We all felt that to be the highest praise.我们都感到这是最大的赞扬。
He felt himself a person of importance.他觉得自己是个重要人物。
He now feels himself truly one of the fighters.现在他真的感觉到自己是一名战士了。
He felt them to be right.他觉得他们是对的。
He felt the plan to be unwise.他认为这计划是不明智的。
She felt herself unworthy of the praise.她感到自己不配受到这种表扬。
He felt himself very foolish to do that.他感到自己那么做是很傻的。
I felt myself unable to leave the students.我感到自己舍不得离开那些学生。
Under the circumstances I feel it right that you should know.在目前情况下,我觉得让你们知道是对的。
I feel it right that you should tell him the truth.我觉得你告诉他事实真相是对的。S+~+it+Compl.+to- vHe felt it his duty to save state property.他认为抢救国家财产是自己的责任。
I feel it my duty to do so.我认为这样做是我的责任。
He felt it his duty to help others when they are in trouble.他认为在别人有困难的时候予以帮助是自己的责任。
He felt it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.他感到研究俄国的形势很重要,因此他便开始学习俄语。
I felt it necessary to speak about our shortcomings.我觉得有必要谈谈我们的缺点。S+~+ n./pron. +to/- vWe felt the house shake just now.我们刚才感觉房子晃了一下。
I felt someone touch me on the arm.我感到有人触摸我的臂。
He felt his health improve.他感到他自己的健康状况在好转。
Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense.我们突然觉得气氛紧张起来。
Mr. Owen has been felt to give up the chance.有人觉察到欧文先生放弃了这个机会。S+~+ n./pron. + v -ingHe felt himself getting younger and younger.他感到自己越活越年轻了。
I felt my heart beating.我觉得我的心在跳。
I feel my health improving.我感到自己的健康状况正在好转。
I felt somebody patting me on the shoulder.我感到有人在拍我的肩膀。
Didn't you feel the ground trembling?你没有觉得地在颤动吗?
I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我可以感觉到风迎面吹来。
Suddenly I felt some one picking my pocket.我突然感觉到有人在摸我的口袋。
I can feel something sticking into my hand.我能感觉到有东西刺进了我的手。
I felt Tom watching me uncomfortably.我感觉到汤姆很不自在地看着我。
During the process she could feel their friendly eyes watching her.在这过程中,她感觉到他们友善的眼睛在注视着她。
I'm surprised you didn't feel your ears burning last night because we were talking about you.我奇怪的是昨晚当我们在谈论你的时候,你居然感觉不到。S+~+ n./pron. + v -edI felt myself lifted up.我觉得自己好像被举起来了。
She felt herself called upon to do something to help.她感到自己有责任帮助做一些事情。
Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the idea.他从没有像现在这样热衷于这个想法。
He felt a great weight taken off his mind.他感到如释重负。S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phraseI felt myself at home.我感觉就像在家一样。
I felt everything in order.我觉得一切都井井有条。用作名词n.Wet soap has a greasy feel.湿肥皂摸上去油腻腻的。
Let us have a feel inside the bag.让我们在袋子里边摸一摸。
This is a kind of cloth rough to the feel.这是一种摸上去很粗糙的布料。
Your neck looks swollen—let me have a feel.你的脖子似乎肿了起来,让我摸摸看。
I can tell she is quite ill by the feel of her forehead.我一摸她的前额,就知道她病得不轻。
I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel.我喜欢这块布的手感,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。
The room had an eerie feel.这个房间有阴森可怕的感觉。
You must develop a feel for words.你们必须培养自己的语感。


feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。当表示宾语的动作已完成时通常接动词不定式; 表示宾语的动作正在进行时接现在分词,表示被动或完成意义时接过去分词。







用作动词Can youfeelthe tension in this room?你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗?
Take a deep breath, and you willfeelrelaxed.深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。
Shefeltthe child's forehead to see if he was feverish.她摸孩子的前额去看他是不是发烧了。
The sheetsfeelssmooth.被单摸上去很光滑。
Ifeltit advisable to do nothing.我认为最好什么也别做。
With the light off, we had tofeelour way.灯灭了,我们就只好摸索前进。用作名词The room has a nice cosyfeel.这房间给人非常温暖舒适的感觉。
She loved thefeelof the sun on her skin.她喜欢太阳照射在皮肤上的那种感觉。
You can tell it's silk by thefeel.你摸摸就知道是绸缎。noun.texture;air
同义词 ambience,atmosphere,aura,feeling,impression,mood,quality,sense,touchfinish,palpation,semblance,sensation,surface,tactility,vibestactionverb.touch, stroke
同义词 try,perceive,sensecaress,twiddle,manipulate,fondle,poke,paw,wield,tickle,grapple,finger,frisk,test,fumble,grip,handle,ply,palpate,explore,press,squeeze,clasp,pinch,clutch,grasp,grope,maul,palm,thumb,apperceiverun hands oververb.experience
同义词 enjoy,taste,accept,see,have,sense,seem,suffer,appear,acknowledge,suggest,go through,notice,get,welcome,perceive,understand,know,receive,appreciate,endure,meetexhibit,remark,resemble,savor,comprehend,note,observe,undergo,encounter,discernbe affected,be aware of,be excited,be impressed,be sensible of,be sensitive,be turned on to,get in touch,get vibes,have a hunch,have funny feeling,have vibes,take to heartverb.believe
同义词 consider,assume,know,sense,hold,thinkguess,suspect,conclude,gather,conjecture,intuit,credit,deduce,deem,suppose,esteem,presume,judge,repute,infer,surmisebe convinced,be of the opinion,have a hunch,have the impression All he gets from her, he feels, are demands and criticism.
他觉得,从她那里获得的只有要求和责难。 yeeyan

There are some bad things in there, but I use cream only if my skin feels tight or dry.
这些霜里的确含有有害物质,但是我只在我觉得皮肤又紧崩又干的时候才用。 yeeyan

And that feels great.
那感觉非常的好。 yeeyan

Back to her hometown, she feels she still inhabits her old days.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
设计并非只是它看上去怎么样和感觉怎么样。 fortunechina

Focus your attention by noticing everything you can about how your body feels.
通过注意任何你关于你身体如何感觉的来集中你的注意力。 yeeyan

He makes the films he does because he feels he has to.
他之所以拍这些电影是因为他觉得不得不这么做。 yeeyan

I guess so. But she feels younger than me.
我想是吧。但是她感觉比我年轻。 ebigear

I went with what feels most natural.
我只是跟着最自然的感觉走。 ibm

If, after all this, the college feels right, you know you have found that home.
如果做过所有这些之后,你对这所学校感觉不错,你知道你找到家了。 yeeyan

In his mind, this is just part of his sexual journey, and separate from how he feels about you, but I understand your discomfort.
在他的想法里,这不过是他性旅程的一部分,而且这和他对你的感觉是两码事,但我理解你的苦恼。 yeeyan

It feels like he hates me or something.
我觉得他应该不喜欢我之类。 tingvoa

It feels no threat.
它感觉不到威胁。 yeeyan

It's her own fault if she feels missed out at the party; she makes no effort to be friendly to people.

Know what you have and then ask yourself how it feels.
知道你都有些什么然后问问你自己你对这种感觉怎么样。 kekenet

She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.

The old man feels washed out after work every day.

The only rule that matters: Do what feels right to you.
唯一重要的规则就是:选择你觉得合适的方式去做。 yeeyan

There are moments when he feels great frustration and it bursts out of him.
会有这样的时刻:当他感觉很好挫折和它爆发出来了。 yeeyan

They believe this because it really feels that way to them.

This one feels heavier.

This must be what a bird feels like.
他们肯定感觉在像鸟儿飞翔一样。 yeeyan

This feels like the perfect place for me right now.
这种感觉就像那个完美的地方对我一样。 yeeyan

We do this because it feels better when we do.
我们这么做,是因为这么做的时候会感觉好些。 yeeyan

You know she feels the same way about you as you do about her.
当然了你知道她也对你有感觉正如你对她一样。 yeeyan




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