

单词 federal reserve
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the central bank of the United States; incorporates 12 Federal Reserve branch banks and all national banks and state-chartered commercial banks and some trust companies;

the Fed seeks to control the United States economy by raising and lowering short-term interest rates and the money supply

近义词 fed联邦政府官员…FRS英国皇家学会会员 …Federal Reserve System(美国联邦储备银行制度…
用作名词They were triggered by the Federal Reserve's unusually tight control of money and credit.这两起衰退是由于联邦储备系统特别加紧控制货币和信贷引起的。
In return, the Federal Reserve may increase the Treasury's checking account at a Federal Reserve Bank.这样,联邦储备系统就要增加美国财政部在联邦储备银行的支票帐户上的存款数。 The question is, what bearing should all of this have on policy at the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank?
问题是,所有这一切对美联储及欧洲中央银行的政策具有什么样的意义? yeeyan

Why should US banks go to the bother of loaning out all of their increased reserves to gain interest if the Federal Reserve is already paying them interest on their reserves?
如果联储对银行的准备金支付利息那么银行还会自讨其烦将全部本可用于增加准备金的资金用于放贷而获益么? yeeyan

In this hypothetical world, individuals can save by stashing their cash directly with the Treasury or Federal Reserve.
在这个假设的世界,每个人都可以将其现金直接置于财政部或联储局储存。 yeeyan

The only way to find out is through a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.
找到这些答案的唯一方法就是通过一场对美联储的彻底审计。 yeeyan

The Federal Reserve manages all union monetary policy via a single bond market, with the policy on borrowing being the responsibility of federal institutions.
美联储通过统一的债券市场管理全联盟的货币政策,而借贷政策则由联邦机构负责制定。 yeeyan

The Federal Reserve will get powers to police almost all big firms, ending some regulatory turf wars.
美联储将有权监督几乎所有的大公司,结束以往一些管理的地盘战。 ecocn




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