

单词 featured
释义 fea·tured 英ˈfiːtʃəd美ˈfitʃədAHDfēʹchərd 高COCA⁹⁵⁴⁹BNC¹⁰¹²¹iWeb⁷¹⁸²Economist⁶¹¹⁸
made a feature or highlight; given prominence;

a featured actor

a featured item at the sale

having facial features as specified; usually used in combination;

a grim-featured man

feature特征hard-featured面貌凶恶的fully featured exchange全功能交换机…
She was a finelyfeaturedwoman with a dark complexion who sported the latest fashions.她是一个有着深色皮肤的美貌女子,喜欢炫耀最新的时尚。
The latest popular actor isfeaturedin this new film.那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。
The playfeaturedtwo well-known actors.这出戏有两位著名的演员
The trialfeatureda gallery of famous and flamboyant witnesses.这次审判的特色是有一批声名显赫的证人。adj.promoted
同义词 advertised,displayedhighlighted,recommended In his four years in the job he had controversially transformed the publication from a dry academic journal to a readable management magazine that featured cartoons.
在职的四年中,他非常有争议地将一本干燥乏味的学术期刊转变为一本易读的管理方面的杂志,以卡通为特色。 ecocn

The news takes many forms in today’s media; one of the most beneficial ways to increase awareness of your site is to get it featured on a popular news website.
新闻在今天的媒体中采用了很多的形式;你的网站的认识的最有益的方法之一就是以一个受欢迎的新闻网站为特色。 yeeyan

The research, featured in New Scientist magazine, also found sharing a bed can impact on dreams.
刊载于《新科学家》杂志的这一研究还发现,同床共枕会对梦发生影响。 iciba

There’re thousands of events categorized into‘ Local Event’, ‘ Prized Event’ and‘ Online Event’, with a few grand events featured on the top of the page.
成千上万项活动分类成“本地活动”、“有奖活动”和“线上活动”,有一些盛大的活动则在页面顶端加以特写。 yeeyan

A transparent holographic shopping display that could be used in department stores to point consumers to featured items.
一种透明的手写购物显示屏,它可以被百货公司用于指引客户找到特定的商品。 yeeyan

Besides the latest hot models, the show featured astounding feats of braking and acceleration, and a special ramp was built to demonstrate the hill- climbing prowess of the different cars.
除了最新最热门的车型,这次展览以使人震惊的刹车与加速技艺为特色,并专门建造一个斜坡来展示各种汽车的爬山实力。 yeeyan

Early campaign posters featured etched portraits of the candidates looking statesmanly and were printed using wood or metal plates, sometimes inked in color.
早期竞选海报特色是印制在木板或金属板上,有时还会用颜料上色的政客模样候选人的锈蚀的肖像。 yeeyan

For that price, a vendor’s coupon becomes the featured deal of the day in a certain city.
按这个价格,一个供应商的优惠券在某个特定城市就能变成特色卖点。 yeeyan

Hundreds of Been there readers sent in images this month, which featured every colour in the spectrum.
成百上千的“在那里”的读者十月发来了图片,展示了每一种光谱中的颜色。 yeeyan

I'm not going to describe them all here, but I do want to mention four as typical examples to give you an idea of full- featured commercial options and readily- available open source tools.
我不打算在这里全部描述它们,但是我想作为典型示例提及其中四个工具,以使您大致了解全功能的商业化选项和随时可用的开放源代码工具。 ibm

It is a full- featured tool that makes it easy to build and test regular expressions.
它是一种很有特色的工具,能够使生成和测试正则表达式变得很容易。 cnblogs

Only one museum featured among the seven; the rest were all private collectors.
七位竞标者中只有一家是博物馆,其余的都是私人收藏家。 ecocn

Shame then, as the C111 was not only cool, but it also featured gull-wing doors, which, as you know, are the greatest invention by man.
使他们蒙羞的原因是 C111不仅酷毙了,而且它还有着标志性的鸥翼门,你知道的,那是人类最伟大的发明了。 yeeyan

She has been featured in several of my articles and I am always excited to work with her.
她已经出现在我的好几篇文章里面,我和她一起工作的时候总是感觉很兴奋。 yeeyan

Some of the devices feel more like toys or overgrown phones than full- featured computers.
有些上网本似乎更像玩具或者大号的电话,而不是功能齐全的电脑。 yeeyan

The famous red-light district featured perfectly legal prostitutes sitting on display in their windows.
在那个著名的红灯区橱窗里的展厅,展示有完全合法的妓女们。 yeeyan

These past events may not be featured or mentioned in the screenplay, but they will help you with your character development and depth.
这些事件也许并不会出现在剧本中,但它们将帮助你把角色发展的更有深度。 yeeyan

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week?
想在一周工作区的评选中拥有你的工作区专栏吗? yeeyan

We have a fully featured interface to our database, with only twenty lines of code.
我们只用了二十行代码就拥有了一个到我们数据库的功能完全的界面。 ibm

We started a customer blog and featured a few customers each week.
我们开了一个顾客博客,每个星期特访一些顾客。 yeeyan

When you see Mr Bush featured in a political television ad, you can be pretty confident that a Democrat put him there.
当你看到布什总统在政治电视广告上的表现时,你明显可以感到是民主党把他晾到了那里。 ecocn

While the integration test client does not yet have full- featured test case support, it does allow you to save and rerun tests.
虽然集成测试客户端尚不具有功能齐全的测试用例支持,但它确实可以让您保存并重新运行测试。 ibm

Featured in cartoons and movies, and everything in between, children and adults alike are very familiar with this piece.
被漫画,电影,和这两者之间的一切引为特色的这首曲子儿童和成年人一样都非常熟悉它。 yeeyan

Featured below phones are result of hard work of designers of luxury car brands and well-known mobile companies.
下面这些特色手机是豪华汽车品牌和著名移动公司设计师辛勤工作的结果。 yeeyan




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