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词汇 Fdr
释义 Fdr.
🌏罗斯福Franklin D.Roosevelt;飞行数据记录器Flight Data Recorder;频域反射计Frequency Domain Reflectometry
During the Great Depression, FDR changed the look of stamps to convey messages of optimism a stamp sketched and signed by the 32nd president.
大萧条时期,富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福改变了邮票的样子以传达乐观的信息。 图为一枚由美国第32任总统起草并设计的邮票。 yeeyan

It is no exaggeration to say that the last time the government expanded this much, this quickly, was under FDR's New Deal.
毫不夸张的说,上一次政府如此大规模的、如此迅猛的扩张权力还是在罗斯福的新政时期。 yeeyan

Noble, the world’s second-biggest offshore- drilling contractor, agreed to buy FDR Holdings, valuing its smaller rival at $2.16 billion.
世界第二大离岸钻井公司Noble同意以21.6亿美元收购其排名靠后的同行 FDR Holdings。 ecocn

Even in the Great Depression, monetary expansion, not FDR's public works, opened the way toward recovery beginning in the spring of1933.
即便是在大萧条时期,为美国经济在1933年春开始复苏打开通道的,也是货币扩张,而不是罗斯福的公共工程。 yeeyan

Hitler instituted a New Deal for Germany, different from FDR and Mussolini only in the details.
希特勒发起的新政与罗斯福和墨索里尼相比仅异于细节。 yeeyan

I then noted that we’d had some pretty good non- veteran Presidents, including FDR, Wilson, and Lincoln, who opposed the Mexican War.
我又说我们有过一些杰出的没有当过兵的总统,包括富兰克林.罗斯福、威尔逊和林肯,他们都反对墨西哥战争。 yeeyan

I view the administration’s approach as analogous to FDR’s actions to fight the Great Depression.
我认为奥巴马政府的该项法案类似于富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福 FDR应对“大萧条”时期的政策。 yeeyan

In return, FDR offered to stop interfering in Asian affairs altogether.
作为回报,罗斯福答应完全不再插手亚洲事务。 yeeyan

In1932, FDR denied US citizens the right to convert their dollars into gold by US citizens.
在1932,富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福否定了美国公民把美元兑换成黄金的权利。 yeeyan

In1945 he shepherded the battle- scarred old king and his entourage to an historic meeting with FDR on a ship in the Suez canal.
1945年,在他的引领和策划下促成了这位身经百战的老国王以及他的随从与罗斯福总统在苏伊士运河的一条船上的历史性会面。 ecocn

Mr Brands is masterly in describing the patience with which FDR brought the country to understand the danger of fascism.
布兰兹在书中娴熟精湛地描述了罗斯福为了让美国了解法西斯主义危害时的锲而不舍。 ecocn

Not long ago Barack Obama, for those who were spellbound by him, had the stylishness of JFK and the historic mission of FDR riding to the nation's rescue.
就还在不久以前,在众多拥护者的眼中,奥巴马还是是如肯尼迪般的有型,又如罗斯福般承载着拯救国家大业的历史使命。 yeeyan

Now I was the first Democratic President to be elected to a second term since FDR in 1936.
现在,我是自1936年富兰克林·罗斯福以来,第一个连续两次当选的民主党总统。 yeeyan

Our current and ongoing economic malaise arises from something we have not seen in America since the days of FDR's failed New Deal.
我们对现在和正在前进的经济不放心起源于罗斯福新政的失败使我们看不到美国的一些东西。 yeeyan

Readers will also enjoy Murphy's treatment of the banking industry during the Depression, since we're usually told that FDR's alleged cure for that distressed sector was just super.
读者还会非常喜欢墨菲对大萧条期间银行业的诊断,因为我们总是被告知罗斯福对这一奄奄一息的行业的治疗取得了完美的成功。 yeeyan

That’s why FDR, after being elected on a promise to balance the budget, abandoned deficit reduction in favor of big spending to put people back to work and stimulate the private economy.
这就是为什么富兰克林.罗斯福因承诺要实现预算平衡而当选,当选后却放弃削减赤字的政策,转而执行扩大支出的政策,帮助人们再就业,并刺激私营经济。 yeeyan

The version championed by FDR was rooted in the idea that the government has a responsibility to improve the lives of its citizens, especially those who are uniquely vulnerable.
罗斯福推广的自由主义的版本根植于这样一种理念,即政府有责任改善公民的生活,特别是那些弱势群体。 yeeyan

This month, President Obama embarks on as tough a term of office as possibly any president before him, save perhaps FDR and Abraham Lincoln.
这个月,奥巴马即将开始他的总统任期,这可能将是除富兰克林·罗斯福 FDR和亚伯拉罕·林肯之外的历届总统中最艰难的一届。 yeeyan

What we need, insisted Baker, is another FDR. Yet Obama was turning out to be another Hoover.
我们需要的是另一个罗斯福,但奥巴马却变成了另一个胡佛。 yeeyan

FDR in 1933, signing the Emergency Banking Act to deal with the impending collapse of U.S. banks.
图为1933年的富兰克林·罗斯福,正在签署《紧急银行法》应对即将崩溃的美国银行业。 yeeyan




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