释义 |
FCGR 基本例句 =Fatigue Crack Growth Rate 疲劳断裂生长率¹⁰⁰ We defined the transition ofFCGRas a fatigue ductile-brittle transition temperature .本文将疲劳裂纹扩展速率发生转折的温度定义为疲劳裂纹扩展的韧脆转化温度FDBTT。 Three mathematical description formulas ofFCGRwere obtained by data analysis and linear fit or nonlinear.通过数据分析和线性或非线性拟合得到了3种疲劳裂纹扩展速率的数学描述公式。 The increase inFCGRat a lower frequency at 500oC was thought to be caused by a time-dependent, oxidation-assisted cracking mechanism.此频率效应是由裂缝尖端氧化与循环负载的加乘作用所造成,频率越低,则氧化的加乘效果越明显。 |