

单词 FCF
释义 FCFBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Among all kinds of data and information offered by financial statement, FCF free cash flowis gradually being a regular and important index in the system of statement analysis.
在财务报表提供的诸多信息数据中,自由现金流逐渐成为报表分析体系中一个常用而重要的指标。 dictall

It can be seen as a FC switches and support all the functions of FC switches, therefore, FCF switches and FC switches can compose a SAN network.
它首先可以看成一台 FC交换机,支持 FC交换机所具备的所有功能,因此 FCF交换机可以与 FC交换机一起组成 SAN网络。 fabiao

Part 1 included Chapter2 and Chapter3. Chapter2 was the theoretical background, emphasized on the introduction of hypothesis of FCF and the debt monitoring;
第一部分理论与背景分析包括第2章、第3章,其中第2章是理论回顾,重点介绍自由现金流量假说及其推论——负债控制假设; cnki




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