

单词 faucets
释义 faucets 英'fɔːsɪts美'fɔːsɪts COCA³²³⁸⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
名词 faucet:
a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir Add low flow aerators to all the faucets in your home.
买一个流量较少的莲蓬头,在家居和五金店都可以买到。 yeeyan

The Chicago Faucet Company supplies the hospital with automatic and manual faucets.
芝加哥水龙头公司向这家医院提供自动和手动水龙头。 ebigear

The Chicago Faucet Company supplies the hospital with automatic and manual faucets. Patrick Kimener, the senior vice president of sales, said he had not seen the full study.
芝加哥水龙头公司为医院提供自动和手动的水龙头。帕里克凯姆资深销售副总裁表示他没有看到全面的研究结果。 hjenglish

Another reason is because of concerns about the spread of infection by people touching the handles on traditional faucets.
另外一个原因则是人们担心接触传统水龙头手柄会传播病菌。 ebigear

Automatic faucets use an electronic sensor to start and stop the flow of water when people wash their hands.
当人们洗手时,自动水龙头使用电子传感器开启和关闭水流。 tingvoa

Because we do not have to worry about paying for water, this gives us money to pay for things like diamonds, that do not fall out of our faucets.
正因为我们不需为饮水付钱,多出的钱可以用来购买钻石等非生活必需品。 yeeyan

But the results have persuaded Johns Hopkins Hospital to replace its automatic faucets with manual ones.
但研究结果却说服美国约翰霍普金斯医院用手动水龙头替换了自动水龙头。 tingvoa

But they found that29% of the automatic faucets were still contaminated with bacteria.
但是他们发现29%的感应水龙头上仍有细菌。 hjenglish

Check to see if any of your faucets are dripping.
检查是否有水龙头在滴水。 yeeyan

Doorknobs, bathroom faucets and toilet flush handles are key sources of germ transmission in the home.
门把手、洗手间水龙头和厕所冲水开关把手也是家中细菌传播的关键源头。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome.
柠檬还可以储蓄金属沉积,清洁镀铬的水龙头以及其它器具。 yeeyan

Hospitals started using automatic faucets about10 years ago.
医院在10年前就开始用这种自动水龙头了。 hjenglish

Hospitals started using automatic faucets about ten years ago.
大约十年前医院开始使用自动水龙头。 ebigear

Open all faucets while the system is being filled. Do not close the spigot until a definite smell of chlorine is evident.
当系统被灌满以后请打开所有的水龙头,直到嗅到很明显的氯气味道时再关掉。 yeeyan

Piping water from shower and sink drains to garden faucets reduces municipal water usage.
由浴缸和水槽收集的水经管道输送到花园水龙头,减少自来水的使用。 yeeyan

Plumbing doesn't produce value; sinks with water coming out of their faucets do.
水管并不产生价值,带有能放出水的水龙头的水池能带来价值。 ibm

She says the automatic faucets contain more parts, so there are more areas where bacteria could grow.
她表示,自动水龙头含有更多部件,因此也存在更多能滋生病菌的地方。 ebigear

Sink faucets and gender-coded “ WC” signs appear throughout the three-storey facility, one of12 in an island-wide chain of eateries with a toilet theme.
餐厅上下三层随处可见洗手水龙头和区分性别的“ WC”标记。整个台湾岛共有12家厕所主题连锁餐厅。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Six other studies have also found higher amounts of bacteria in automatic faucets.
其它6项研究也在自动水龙头中发现大量细菌。 ebigear

So the study should not concern most users of automatic faucets in public bathrooms.
因此这项研究并不担心公共洗手间自动水龙头的大部分用户。 ebigear

The faucet can be turned on or off, and you can have as many faucets as you want.
可以将水龙头拧开或关闭,并且您可以使用任意数量的水龙头。 ibm

They have floral carpets and golden faucets.
那里有印花的地毯和金光闪闪的水龙头。 ebigear

Use water-saving faucets, showerheads and toilet tanks.
使用节水的龙头、莲蓬头和厕所水箱。 yeeyan

We can blame faulty faucets leaks and inefficient toilets, or we can start taking small steps to decrease our consumption.
我们可以指责劣质的水龙头漏水和低效的马桶,或者我们可以开始做些小小的改变来减少我们的用水量。 yeeyan




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